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Afirmaciones Positivas: 10 en 1: Afirmaciones Diarias de Éxito, Autoestima, Pérdida de Peso, Adicció
¿Eres quién disfruta de las citas motivacionales y las afirmaciones?¿Crees que una dosis diaria es suficiente para entusiasmarte y prepararte para enfrentar cualquier desafío?¿Qué mejor manera de empezar el día si no es con este libro?Como humanos, todos los días nos enfrentamos a desafíos. En épocas pasadas estos solían ser simples y giraban en torno a una lucha diaria por la supervivencia. Pero al entrar en la era moderna nos encontramos con que los desafíos que enfrentamos han sido multiplicados y a menudo nos encontramos al límite entre el fracaso y el éxito. Pero solo unas pocas palabras sencillas, cada día, de alguien que ha recorrido su camino, puede hacer toda la diferencia. Este audiolibro, Afirmaciones Positivas, proporciona un increíble valor de 10 en un solo paquete, el cual te da un montón de afirmaciones para cada eventualidad y te ayudará a: • Seguir tus sueños y encuentra el éxito • Desarrollar tu autoestima y confianza en ti mismo • Perder el exceso de peso que has ganado • Combatir la ansiedad, el estrés y otras condiciones mentales • Encontrar una solución a una vida sexual estancada • Encontrar la riqueza y la felicidad que mereces Al cubrir todos los temas concebibles que puedas experimentar en la vida, Afirmaciones Positivas es un audiolibro como ningún otro existente y es el único libro que necesitarás cuando se trate de encontrar la motivación para tener éxito. Con sus 10 increíbles libros, todos en un solo lugar, te ayudará en cualquier momento difícil de tu vida. ¡Desplázate hacia arriba y consigue tu copia ahora!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Bedtime Stories for Adults: Relaxing Sleep Stories for Stressed-Out Adults, Powerful Guided Meditati
Do you remember bedtime stories as a child? Can you still recall the feelings of relaxation and happiness you felt before you dropped off to sleep? Would you like to return to days like that and unwind from the stresses of everyday life at bedtime? There is a reason that we read to children at bedtime. It helps them to have happy thoughts of adventures and fun that enable them to calm their minds and promotes better, more restful sleep. This helps them get the sleep they need before they face the next day that will likely be filled to capacity with learning. For adults, it works in much the same way, allowing us to relax from the stresses and strains of our jobs or easing worries we may have, so that we are ready to take them on with renewed vigor. This book Bedtime Stories for Adults has been created for those of us who have minds so active that we find it hard to drop off. Inside, you will discover a wide range of great stories that will help you: - Find a state of deep relaxation - Enter realms of pure imagination - Get the sort of rejuvenating sleep you really need - Release any negative thoughts you may have - Ease the stress that builds up daily - Be ready with increased energy for the next day - Remember what life should be like - And more... Including mindfulness exercises like deep breathing and inductive trance, these stories provide their own unique mindscape for the listener that will promote the sort of sleep that is essential for us all and which prepares us physically and mentally for the daily demands placed upon us. If that sounds good to you, get Bedtime Stories for Adults and see how it could change your sleep behavior.
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
Positive Affirmations: 10 in 1 Bundle: Everyday 'I Am' Affirmations for Success, Self Esteem, Weight
Are you someone who thrives on motivational quotes and affirmations?Do you find that a daily dose is enough to get you enthused and ready to face any challenge?What better way to start your day than with this book?As humans, we face challenges every day. In times gone by they were usually simple and revolved around a daily struggle for survival. But as we entered the modern era we found that the challenges we faced were multiplied and we are often perched precariously on the edge between failure and success. But just a few simple words, each day, from someone who has walked your path, can make all the difference. This audiobook, Positive Affirmations, provides an amazing value 10 in 1 bundle, that gives you a lot of affirmations for every eventuality and will help you to: • Follow your dreams and find success • Develop your self-esteem and self-confidence • Lose the excess weight you have gained • Battle against addictions of every kind • Fight anxiety, stress and other mental conditions • Find solutions to a stagnant sex life • Beat co-dependency and other damaging traits • Find the wealth and happiness you deserve Covering every conceivable topic that you may care to experience in life, Positive Affirmations is an audiobook like no other in existence and is the only book you will ever need when it comes to finding the motivation to succeed. With its 10 amazing books, all in one place, it will help you through any difficult moment of your life. Scroll up and get your copy now!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
Deep Sleep Hypnosis: Guided Meditation to Defeat Insomnia and Reduce Anxiety for a Peaceful Sleep: F
Do you have trouble falling asleep and getting the rest you need? Is it causing you problems and leaving you sapped of energy? Are you ready to try a natural remedy that can really help?Getting enough sleep that is of a decent quality is essential for keeping our bodies and minds in top condition, ready to face the next day. When we don’t get that sleep it can cause many problems, with concentration and our ability to perform to our best at the top of the pile. Some believe that medication is the answer, but there is an alternative. In this audiobook, Deep Sleep Hypnosis, you will find all the relevant advice you will need to help you get vital rest, with sections that cover: - How to fall asleep instantly - How stress affects our bodies and our sleep patterns - Different types of sleep disorders - How deep sleep hypnosis works - Guided meditation for better sleep - Best tips for relax your mind and reduce anxiety - Bedtime affirmations to prevent insomnia - How to wake up full of energy every morning If dropping off to sleep and getting enough of it has been a challenge for you in the past and you want to avoid the need for taking medication, this audiobook is the perfect listen that will offer a solution that is completely natural and highly effective. Purchase your copy now!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
High Self-Esteem Hypnosis: Be Confident in Any Situation and Take Control of Your Life Through Self-
Do you want to defeat self-doubt and become a more confident person?Would you like to have more control in your life by reprogramming your subconscious mind?This book will help you achieve your aim!Many of us suffer moments of crashing self-doubt, loss of confidence, or uncertainty. It is a natural thing that even the most confident people will encounter, from time to time. Thankfully, for most of them, it is something that they can overcome and will pass. But for those who suffer daily or face recurring lack of self-esteem, the problem can be enough to ruin careers and relationships. Luckily, with High Self-Esteem Hypnosis, there is hope. In this audiobook, you will find an innovative solution to your problem that will help you: - Understand what self-esteem is - Learn how to love and accept yourself first - Realize the importance of self-motivation - Understand self-awareness and its significance - Learn how to be confident in almost any situation - Practice meditation affirmations - Build your self-confidence - Learn tips and tricks to make you feel more confident, even when you’re not - And more... The reality is that confidence is everything in so many aspects of our daily lives. Without it, we will surely struggle to reach the heights we aspire to, but with it and High Self-Esteem Hypnosis, we can do almost anything we set our minds to. By listening this audiobook, you can build your confidence to a high level, banish the awkwardness and insecurity you feel when in certain situations, and ooze self-assurance in your career and personal life, whether you are sealing a multi-million dollar deal or buying a cup of coffee. Scroll up and click 'buy now' and see how this book could be a gamechanger for you!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis: Control Hunger, Increase Self-Esteem and Lose Weight Quickly Through H
Do you want to lose weight quickly and effectively? Would you like to be able to stop yourself from binge eating and be healthy and fit? Have you considered something different to other weight loss programs? Losing weight is one thing and can be really difficult to achieve. But keeping weight off and beating the urge to binge on snacks, chocolate and other treats is much harder. This is where most dieters tend to fail and often fall into a cycle of yo-yo dieting, using the promises of every new fad that comes along to persuade themselves that this will be the one. Most of these diets are worse than useless, but there is a way to attain rapid weight loss in a proven and effective way. Even if you have tried and failed to lose weight many times before, there is no reason why you cannot succeed eventually, and Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis is a book that contains great actionable advice that anyone can follow. This new audiobook, Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis, concentrates on how hypnosis can help you reach the weight you want, with chapters that cover: - What hypnosis is and the power it contains - The science behind the myth - How to mentally prepare yourself - How to create achievable goals you can reach - The importance of exercise when dieting - Every day weight loss meditation and affirmation - The benefits of hypnosis over traditional diets - Using hypnosis in the long term - And lots more.... Scroll up now and click Add to Cart for your copy of this amazing audiobook today!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Catherine O'connor (Narrator)
Hypnotic Gastric Band: Powerful Meditation to Lose Weight Quickly and Stop Emotional Eating through
Do you have an eating disorder that is out of control? Do you binge eat, constantly gain weight and find it impossible to stop? Are you ready to try anything to control it? Sufferers who constantly eat and are unable to control it are placing their lives at risk. Obesity alone will cause huge issues but the knock-on effects of being overweight can be serious if they are not tackled properly. Losing weight is the first priority of course, but with so many fad diets doing the rounds it can be almost impossible to find one that works. There is another solution, however. In this new book, Hypnotic Gastric Band, you will discover a new way to shed the excess pounds with information on: - How to mentally prepare yourself - How you can lose weight fast at home - Burning fat quickly - Weight loss affirmations - How positive thinking can have a huge effect - Tips on how to lose weight naturally - The benefits of hypnosis over traditional diets - How to diet successfully - A guide for continued healthy living And more... Even if you have tried and failed to lose weight many times before, there is no reason why you cannot succeed eventually, and the Hypnotic Gastric Band is a book that contains great actionable advice that anyone can follow. It’s time to lose that weight once and for all, so click the 'Buy Now' button and you’re already one step closer to a new and healthier you!
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis: Powerful Meditation to Lose Weight Quickly and Stop Emotional Eating thr
Do you want to lose weight quickly and effectively? Would you like to be able to stop yourself from binge eating and be healthy and fit? Have you considered something different to other weight loss programs? Losing weight is one thing and can be really difficult to achieve. But keeping weight off and beating the urge to binge on snacks, chocolate, and other treats is much harder. This is where most dieters tend to fail and often fall into a cycle of yo-yo dieting, using the promises of every new fad that comes along to persuade themselves that this will be the one. Most of these diets are worse than useless, but there is a way to attain rapid weight loss in a proven and effective way. This new audiobook, Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis: Learn Hypnosis Secrets and Achieve Your Dream Body, concentrates on how hypnosis can help you reach the weight you want, with sections that cover: - What hypnosis is and the power it contains - The science behind the myth - How to mentally prepare yourself - How to create achievable goals you can reach - The importance of exercise when dieting - Why some people give up - The benefits of hypnosis over traditional diets - Using hypnosis in the long term - And lots more Presented in an audiobook format for a much better experience which makes it easier to develop the hypnosis techniques you will need to learn, Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis is an audiobook that provides you with everything you will ever need when it comes to losing weight quickly and effortlessly.
Elliott J. Power (Author), Patricia Bullock (Narrator)
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