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Minds at War: How great artists and their work were shaped by the First World War
The complete BBC Radio 3 series exploring how great creative minds responded to the First World War in individual works of art and scholarship World War I saw an unprecedented loss of life in Western Europe, and destruction on a scale no one alive had ever seen. All those who experienced it were irrevocably changed, including many writers and artists upon whose oeuvre it left an indelible mark. This captivating series examines the impact of the war on artists and thinkers through the prism of their great works. In each episode, a leading figure from the worlds of science, culture and the arts reflects on a single iconic piece, and discusses how the events of 1914-18 shaped its creation. The 29 artworks in this collection comprise paintings, plays, books, films, sculptures and cartoons. Ian Christie appraises Eisenstein's seminal Soviet drama Battleship Potemkin; Dame Gillian Beer considers Virginia Woolf's masterpiece Mrs Dalloway; Fintan O'Toole decodes James Joyce's epic modernist novel, Ulysses; and Dr Heather Jones looks at the controversy and war connections around Marcel Duchamp's notorious 'Fountain'. Key texts such as Sigmund Freud's twin essays Thoughts for the Time on War and Death; Rabindranath Tagore's Nobel Lectures; and Siegfried Sassoon's celebrated 1917 protest letter to The Times are analysed by Dr Michael Shapira, Santanu Das and Joanna Bourke; and a panoply of other pieces, among them Kathe Kollwitz's 'The Grieving Parents', Sean O'Casey's The Silver Tassie and Rudyard Kipling's Epitaphs are discussed by experts including Ruth Padel, Elizabeth Kuti and Janet Montefiore. Powerful, moving, thought-provoking and often shocking, these landmark works are all, in their very different ways, a response to the horrors of World War I and its aftermath - one that vividly demonstrates the transformative effects the conflict had on the collective artistic psyche. Production credits Presented by Allan Little, Sara LeFanu, Martin Rowson, Prof David Edgerton, Michal Shapira, Dr Heather Jones, Ian Christie, Lyse Doucet, Santanu Das, Ruth Padel, Arthur Smith, Prof Gillian Beer, Richard Cork, Sasha Dugdale, Fintan O'Toole, Gerald Dawe, John D McHugh, Elizabeth Kuti, Tarek Osman, Joanna Bourke, Elif Shafak, Dr Imaobong Umoren, Janet Montefiore, Jane Potter and Alex Walton Produced by Beaty Rubens, Benedict Warren, Emma Kingsley, Simon Elmes and Sarah Bowen Episode list: 1. Paths of Glory 2. Non-Combatants and Others 3. Der Krieg 4. The Memorandum on the Neglect of Science 5. Thoughts for the Times on War and Death 6. Le Feu 7. Battleship Potemkin 8. Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort 9. The Broken Wing 10. The Grieving Parents 11. Tagore's Nobel Lectures 12. Tzara's Dada Manifesto 13. Woolf's Mrs Dalloway 14. Parade 15. Akhmatova's July 1914 16. James Joyce's Ulysses 17. Elizabeth Bowen's The Last September 18. Francis Ledwidge's poem O'Connell Street 19. Father Browne's Photograph of a Wounded Soldier 20. Sean O'Casey's The Silver Tassie 21. Marcel Duchamp 22. Gertrude Bell 23. Siegfried Sassoon's Letter to The Times 24. Mata Hari's Final Performance 25. Isaac Rosenberg's Dead Man's Dump 26. WEB Dubois' Returning Soldiers 27. Rudyard Kipling's Epitaphs 28. Mary Borden's The Forbidden Zone 29. Isobel Rae © 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
David Edgerton, Elif Shafak, Fintan O'toole, Heather Jones, Ruth Padel, Sara Lefanu (Author), Various (Narrator)
'द फोर्टी रूल्स ऑफ लव' तुर्की की महिला लेखक एलिफ शफाक द्वारा लिखी गई किताब है। उनकी पुस्तक रूमी के प्रेम के संदेश और उनके आध्यात्मिक गुरु शम्स तबरेज़ के साथ उनके साहचर्य से प्रेरित है। ये एक ऐसी ऑडियोबुक है जो आपको अपने जीवन को बदलने और प्यार से भरने के लि
Elif Shafak (Author), Ila Joshi (Narrator)
Gleichberechtigung, Demokratie und Zukunft! Elif Shafak, eine der bedeutendsten Stimmen für Gleichberechtigung und freiheitliche Werte in Europa, zeigt mit viel Einsicht Wege auf, wie wir Demokratie, Einfühlungsvermögen und unseren Glauben an eine bessere und weisere Zukunft fördern können. Ihr Ansatz: Wir müssen endlich anfangen, uns gegenseitig Gehör zu schenken. Wir leben im Zeitalter der ansteckenden Angst und der nicht enden wollenden Krise. Das spaltet unsere Gesellschaft zusehends. Wie können wir die verschiedenen Lager besser verstehen lernen? Wie bewahren wir in diesem fiebrigen Umfeld einen kühlen Kopf? Und wie können wir die Teile in uns nähren die hoffen, vertrauen und an etwas Besseres glauben? In diesem kraftvollen, erhebenden Plädoyer für Toleranz und Optimismus greift Elif Shafak auf ihre eigenen Erinnerungen zurück und betont die Kraft von Geschichten, die uns zusammenbringen. Sie weiß: Das gegenseitige Zuhören kann Demokratie, Einfühlungsvermögen und unseren Glauben an eine besser und weisere Zukunft fördern. 'Elif Shafak kann das Unverstehbare verständlich machen.' Das blaue Sofa
Elif Shafak (Author), Wiebke Puls (Narrator)
Mis últimos 10 minutos y 38 segundos en este extraño mundo
FINALISTA DEL PREMIO BOOKER LA ESPERADA NUEVA NOVELA DE ELIF SHAFAK, CON 300.000 LECTORES Y TRADUCIDA EN CINCUENTA PAÍSES «Elif Shafak puede ser despiadada, lírica, política, íntima. [...] Dentro de esta novela conviven otras tantas, todas ellas conmovedoras, espléndidas y escritas con elegancia.» Juan Gabriel Vásquez El cerebro permanece activo unos diez minutos después de que el corazón deje de latir. Durante ese lapso, mientras el cuerpo de Leila yace en un contenedor de basura a las afueras de Estambul, el tiempo fluye y, minuto a minuto, le trae un nuevo recuerdo: la infancia con su padre y sus dos madres en una casa grande y antigua de una apacible ciudad de Turquía; los chismorreos de las mujeres cuando los hombres están en la mezquita; la huida a Estambul para escapar de los abusos y las mentiras familiares y de un matrimonio concertado; el amor hallado de manera inesperada en el burdel de Mamá Amarga... Y los cinco amigos que hace en el camino «su verdadera familia» y que, mientras agoniza, tratan desesperadamente de encontrarla. El Jurado del Premio Booker 2019 ha dicho: «La narrativa audaz e increíblemente original de Shafak resucita el inframundo de Estambul a través de los vívidos recuerdos de una trabajadora del sexo, Tequila Leila, cuyo cadáver yace en la basura. [...] Una obra de atrevida imaginación que empuja al lector al vertiginoso mundo de una heroína irresistible, con una terca determinación y un fiero optimismo: un personaje inolvidable cuya muerte, aun anunciada, recibimos como un golpe devastador. Valiente y enormemente cautivadora, esta novela da fe del poder de la amistad y del espíritu del ser humano.» La crítica ha dicho... «Esta novela no es buena: es buenísima. [...] Magnífica. [Shafak] es una escritora maravillosa y su libro está lleno de hallazgos lingüísticos y pirotecnias verbales. Benjamín Prado «Shafak lleva a la literatura lo que muchos escritores desean dejar fuera. Pasemos más de diez minutos y treinta y ocho segundos en este mundo de lo extraño. Shafak ha creado un nuevo hogar de palabras para nosotros.» Colum McCann «Intensa y sensual. Una novela que da voz a los desposeídos, a los intocables, a los maltratados, a los abandonados, y que transforma su canto doloroso en pura belleza.» Francesca Segal, The Financial Times «Un libro brutal, crudo e implacable en su retrato de la violencia, el sufrimiento y la aflicción, pero que a fin de cuentas reivindica la vida.» Mirza Waheed, The Guardian «Shafak ofrece una crítica mordaz a una cultura que pretende proteger el honor de las mujeres pero al mismo tiempo las desecha con fiero entusiasmo.» Ron Charles, The Washington Post «La narración de Shafak es siempre ágil, con una notable fuerza visual.» Antonio Elorza, El País «Shafak indaga en el papel de la mujer en una sociedad donde la libertad no siempre es un bien común, al alcance de todos.» Culturamas «Gracias a Shafak, las voces de mujeres como Nalan y Leila no volverán a ser silenciadas.» Melissa Katsoulis, The Sunday Times
Elif Shafak (Author), Elsa Veiga (Narrator)
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Forty Rules of Love written by Elif Shafak, read by George Blagden. Ella Rubinstein has a husband, three teenage children, and a pleasant home. Everything that should make her confident and fulfilled. Yet there is an emptiness at the heart of Ella's life - an emptiness once filled by love. So when Ella reads a manuscript about the thirteenth-century Sufi poet Rumi and Shams of Tabriz, and his forty rules of life and love, she is shocked out of herself. Turning her back on her family she embarks on a journey to meet the mysterious author of this work. It is a quest infused with Sufi mysticism and verse, taking Ella and us into an exotic world where faith and love are heartbreakingly explored...
Elif Shafak (Author), George Blagden (Narrator)
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World by Elif Shafak, read by Alix Dunmore. 'In the first minute following her death, Tequila Leila's consciousness began to ebb, slowly and steadily, like a tide receding from the shore. Her brain cells, having run out of blood, were now completely deprived of oxygen. But they did not shut down. Not right away...' For Leila, each minute after her death brings a sensuous memory: the taste of spiced goat stew, sacrificed by her father to celebrate the long-awaited birth of a son; the sight of bubbling vats of lemon and sugar which the women use to wax their legs while the men attend mosque; the scent of cardamom coffee that Leila shares with a handsome student in the brothel where she works. Each memory, too, recalls the friends she made at each key moment in her life - friends who are now desperately trying to find her. . .
Elif Shafak (Author), Alix Dunmore (Narrator)
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Bastard of Istanbul written by Elif Shafak, read by Alix Dunmore. One rainy afternoon in Istanbul, a woman walks into a doctor's surgery. 'I need to have an abortion', she announces. She is nineteen years old and unmarried. What happens that afternoon will change her life. Twenty years later, Asya Kazanci lives with her extended family in Istanbul. Due to a mysterious family curse, all the Kaznci men die in their early forties, so it is a house of women, among them Asya's beautiful, rebellious mother Zeliha, who runs a tattoo parlour; Banu, who has newly discovered herself as clairvoyant; and Feride, a hypochondriac obsessed with impending disaster. And when Asya's Armenian-American cousin Armanoush comes to stay, long hidden family secrets connected with Turkey's turbulent past begin to emerge. 'Wonderfully magical, incredible, breathtaking...will have you gasping with disbelief in the last few pages' Sunday Express 'A beautiful book, the finest I have read about Turkey' Irish Times 'Heartbreaking...the beauty of Islam pervades Shafak's book' Vogue
Elif Shafak (Author), Alix Dunmore (Narrator)
Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Three Daughters of Eve by Elif Shafak, read by Alix Dunmore. Peri, a wealthy Turkish housewife, is on her way to a dinner party at a seaside mansion in Istanbul when a beggar snatches her handbag. As she wrestles to get it back, a photograph falls to the ground - an old polaroid of three young women and their university professor. A relic from a past - and a love - Peri had tried desperately to forget. The photograph takes Peri back to Oxford University, as an eighteen year old sent abroad for the first time. To her dazzling, rebellious Professor and his life-changing course on God. To her home with her two best friends, Shirin and Mona, and their arguments about Islam and femininity. And finally, to the scandal that tore them all apart.
Elif Shafak (Author), Alix Dunmore (Narrator)
From the acclaimed author of The Bastard of Istanbul, a colorful, magical tale set during the height of the Ottoman Empire . In her latest novel, Turkey’s preeminent female writer spins an epic tale spanning nearly a century in the life of the Ottoman Empire. In 1540, twelve-year-old Jahan arrives in Istanbul. As an animal tamer in the sultan’s menagerie, he looks after the exceptionally smart elephant Chota and befriends (and falls for) the sultan’s beautiful daughter, Princess Mihrimah. A palace education leads Jahan to Mimar Sinan, the empire’s chief architect, who takes Jahan under his wing as they construct (with Chota’s help) some of the most magnificent buildings in history. Yet even as they build Sinan’s triumphant masterpieces—the incredible Suleymaniye and Selimiye mosques—dangerous undercurrents begin to emerge, with jealousy erupting among Sinan’s four apprentices. A memorable story of artistic freedom, creativity, and the clash between science and fundamentalism, Shafak’s intricate novel brims with vibrant characters, intriguing adventure, and the lavish backdrop of the Ottoman court, where love and loyalty are no match for raw power.
Elif Shafak (Author), Piter Marek (Narrator)
An honor killing shatters and transforms the lives of Turkish immigrants in 1970s London. Internationally bestselling Turkish author Elif Shafak's new novel is a dramatic tale of families, love, and misunderstandings that follows the destinies of twin sisters born in a Kurdish village. While Jamila stays to become a midwife, Pembe follows her Turkish husband, Adem, to London, where they hope to make new lives for themselves and their children. In London, they face a choice: stay loyal to the old traditions or try their best to fit in. After Adem abandons his family, Iskender, the eldest son, must step in and become the one who will not let any shame come to the family name. And when Pembe begins a chaste affair with a man named Elias, Iskender will discover that you could love someone with all your heart and yet be ready to hurt them. Just published to great acclaim in England, Honor is a powerful, gripping exploration of guilt and innocence, loyalty and betrayal, and the trials of the immigrant, as well as the love and heartbreak that too often tear families apart.
Elif Shafak (Author), Mozhan Marno, Piter Marik (Narrator)
The Forty Rules of Love: A Novel of Rumi
In this lyrical, exuberant novel, an American housewife is transfigured by an intriguing manuscript about the Sufi mystic poet Rumi.
Elif Shafak (Author), Laural Merlington (Narrator)
In her second novel written in English, Elif Shafak confronts her country's violent past in a vivid and colorful tale set in both Turkey and the United States. At its center is the "bastard" of the title, Asya, a nineteen-year-old woman who loves Johnny Cash and the French Existentialists, and the four sisters of the Kazanci family who all live together in an extended household in Istanbul: Zehila, the zestful, headstrong youngest sister who runs a tattoo parlor and is Asya's mother; Banu, who has newly discovered herself as a clairvoyant; Cevriye, a widowed high school teacher; and Feride, a hypochondriac obsessed with impending disaster. Their one estranged brother lives in Arizona with his wife and her Armenian daughter, Armanoush. When Armanoush secretly flies to Istanbul in search of her identity, she finds the Kazanci sisters and becomes fast friends with Asya. A secret is uncovered that links the two families and ties them to the 1915 Armenian deportations and massacres. Full of vigorous, unforgettable female characters, The Bastard of Istanbul is a bold, powerful tale that will confirm Shafak as a rising star of international fiction.
Elif Shafak (Author), Laural Merlington (Narrator)
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