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Humble Inquiry, 3rd edition: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
The global bestseller returns in its third edition to continue teaching people how to effectively ask and obtain accurate answers to questions across all mediums. In an increasingly divisive era where communication is often dominated by assertiveness and directive leadership, this bestselling guide offers a refreshing and essential perspective on the power of asking instead of telling. This updated third edition offers practical advice for how to build relationships based on curiosity and foster collaboration and trust between team members. Lessons in this book will help you: ● Build healthy relationships with people from different occupational, professional, and national cultures ● Create psychologically safe work climates that allow people to feel safe to share what they know ● Foster teamwork and bust hyper-competitiveness through open communication, trust, and coordination In this new edition, updates have been made to 30% of the book that delves into the fresh challenges inherent in today's workplace, including new stories and case examples as well as an entire additional chapter with a focus on humble inquiry in the context of remote and hybrid work.
Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein (Author), Sean Pratt (Narrator)
Humble Leadership, Second Edition: The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust
Discover a more agile, democratic, and effective model of leadership, from legendary business scholar Edgar Schein and Silicon Valley executive Peter Schein. Legendary organizational scholar Edgar Schein and former Silicon Valley executive Peter Schein say leadership today requires that people transcend their hierarchical roles and relate to each other as human beings-what they call humble leadership. In such relationships new ideas can flow freely, mistakes can come to light immediately, and course corrections can be made in real time rather than by committee or by order of the lone heroic CEO. This second edition includes three new chapters. Chapter 1 zeros-in on the Schein's actionable definition of leadership-relative to management and administration-focused on leading people toward new and better. Chapter 2 introduces the concept of situational humility-leaders now need to shift between several types of relationships to deal with the accelerating complexity of a supply-constrained, quiet-quitting, and two-days-in-the-office world. And Chapter 5 explains how to create a culture of humble leadership. Illustrated with examples from healthcare, government, the military, tech, and more, this is a compact, accessible guide to a leadership paradigm far better suited to a world that demands fast, nimble response to change, and a workplace hungry for mutual respect and trust.
Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein (Author), Tom Dheere (Narrator)
Career Anchors Reimagined: Finding Direction and Opportunity in the Changing World of Work
In the newly revised edition of Career Anchors: Finding Direction and Opportunity in the Changing World of Work, a team of world-renowned management and culture experts delivers a uniquely insightful exploration of your own career values and work relationships as they relate to your past and future choices. This easy-to-use workbook in combination with an online self-assessment offers critical and accessible self-diagnostic exercises along with information about the changing career scene and new descriptions of the eight career anchor categories. This book will help you: explore how your work choices now relate to your family and self-development; explore how the rapidly changing world of work and business emphasizes globalization, competition, technology, organizational instability, uncertainty, and shifting values; engage in a powerful relationship mapping process that helps you to consider how your work and career choices now interact with your relationships with family, friends, and community; and review the career anchor values and examine how these values have changed, so you can make better choices of what, when, where, and how to work as you look ahead. This newest edition of Career Anchors is a can't-miss resource written to help you analyze, assess, and understand the past, present, and future of your own career.
Edgar H. Schein, John Van Maanen, Peter A. Schein (Author), Barry Abrams (Narrator)
Humble Inquiry, Second Edition: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
This worldwide bestseller offers simple guidance for building the kind of open and trusting relationships vital for tackling global systemic challenges and developing adaptive, innovative organizations-over 200,000 copies sold and translated into seventeen languages! We live, say Edgar and Peter Schein, in a culture of "tell." All too often we tell others what we think they need to know or should do. But whether we are leading or following, what matters most is we get to the truth. We have to develop a commitment to sharing vital facts and identifying faulty assumptions-it can mean the difference between success and failure. This is why we need Humble Inquiry more than ever. The Scheins define Humble Inquiry as "the gentle art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building relationships based on curiosity and interest in the other person." It was inspired by Edgar's twenty years of work in high-hazard industries and the health-care system, where honest communication can literally mean the difference between life and death. In this new edition the authors look at how Humble Inquiry differs from other kinds of inquiry, offer examples of it in action, and show how to overcome the barriers that keep us telling when we should be asking. This edition offers a deepening and broadening of this concept, seeing it as not just a way of posing questions but an entire attitude that includes better listening, better responding to what others are trying to tell us, and better revealing of ourselves. Packed with case examples and a full chapter of exercises and simulations, this is a major contribution to how we see human conversational dynamics and relationships, presented in a compact, personal, and eminently practical way.
Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein (Author), Sean Pratt (Narrator)
The Corporate Culture Survival Guide: 3rd edition
Effective, sustainable cultural change requires evolution, not disruption The Corporate Culture Survival Guide is the essential primer and practical guide every organization needs. Corporate culture pioneer Edgar H. Schein breaks the concept of 'culture' down into real terms, delving into the behaviors, values, and shared assumptions that define it, and explains why culture is the central factor in an organization's success-or failure. This new third edition is designed specifically for practitioners needing to apply these practices in real-world settings, and has been updated with new coverage of globalization, technology, and managerial competencies. You'll learn how to get past subconscious bias to assess whether or not your existing culture truly serves your organization, and how to introduce change and manage the change process over time for a best-case-scenario outcome. Case studies illustrate successful change in real companies, providing models and setting the bar for dismantling dysfunctional cultures. Corporate culture begins with the founder, and evolves-or not-over time. Is your culture working for or against your organization? How can it be optimized? This book separates the truth from the nonsense to provide real-world guidance on initiating and managing cultural change.
Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein, Peter Schein (Author), William Sarris (Narrator)
Humble Leadership: The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust
The Future of Leadership Leadership is a relationship-but that relationship must change, say legendary organizational scholar Edgar Schein and former Silicon Valley executive Peter Schein. The vertical hierarchy, with its emphasis on formal, transactional relationships, professional distance, and all guidance coming from the top, is hopelessly inflexible and outdated. In a complex world, leadership must rely on high levels of trust and openness throughout the organization, and that can be achieved only by what they call personization and Level 2 relationships, which build the agility to make course corrections quickly. This book shows how such humble leadership has built effective cultures in a whole range of sectors: health care, government, the military, tech and innovation, and more.
Edgar H Schein, Edgar H. Schein, Peter A Schein, Peter A. Schein (Author), Tom Dheere (Narrator)
Consulting in Complex and Changing Times Organizations face challenges today that are too messy and complicated for consultants to simply play doctor: run a few tests, offer a neat diagnosis of the "problem," and recommend a solution. Edgar Schein argues that consultants have to jettison the old idea of professional distance and work with their clients in a more personal way, emphasizing authentic openness, curiosity, and humility. Schein draws deeply on his own decades of experience, offering over two dozen case studies that illuminate each stage of this humble consulting process. Just as he did with Process Consultation nearly fifty years ago, Schein has once again revolutionized the field, enabling consultants to be more genuinely helpful and vastly more effective.
Edgar H. Schein (Author), Joe Bronzi (Narrator)
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
The Key to Effective Communication Communication is essential in a healthy organization. But all too often when we interact with people-especially those who report to us-we simply tell them what we think they need to know. This shuts them down. To generate bold new ideas, to avoid disastrous mistakes, to develop agility and flexibility, we need to practice Humble Inquiry. Ed Schein defines Humble Inquiry as "the fine art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person." In this seminal work, Schein contrasts Humble Inquiry with other kinds of inquiry, shows the benefits Humble Inquiry provides in many different settings, and offers advice on overcoming the cultural, organizational, and psychological barriers that keep us from practicing it.
Edgar H. Schein (Author), Sean Pratt (Narrator)
Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help
Helping is a fundamental human activity, but it can also be a frustrating one. All too often, to our bewilderment, our sincere offers of help are resented, resisted, or refused-and we often react the same way when people try to help us. Why is it so difficult to provide or accept help? How can we make the whole process easier? In this seminal book on the topic, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the social and psychological dynamics common to all types of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be helpers must do to ensure that their assistance is both welcomed and genuinely useful. The moment of asking for and offering help is a delicate and complex one, fraught with inequities and ambiguities. Schein helps us navigate that moment so we avoid potential pitfalls, mitigate power imbalances, and establish a solid foundation of trust. He identifies three roles a helper can play, explaining which one is nearly always the best starting point if we are to provide truly effective help. So that readers can determine exactly what kind of help is needed, he describes an inquiry process that puts the helper and the recipient on an equal footing. These dynamics not only apply to all kinds of one-on-one helping in personal and professional relationships, teaching, social work, and medicine but also can be usefully applied to teamwork and to organizational leadership. Using examples from many types of relationships-doctors and patients, consultants and clients, husbands and wives-Ed Schein offers a concise, definitive analysis of what it takes to establish successful, mutually satisfying helping relationships.
Edgar H. Schein (Author), Joe Bronzi (Narrator)
Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help
Improve your personal and professional relationships! In this seminal book on helping, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the dynamics of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be-helper must do to insure that help is actually provided. Many words are used for helping, but they all have common dynamics and processes. Schein shows how to resolve the inequities and role ambiguities of helping relationships, describes the different roles that helpers can take once the relationship is balanced, and explains how to build a balanced relationship and how to intervene as that relationship develops.
Edgar H. Schein (Author), Alan Sklar (Narrator)
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