WHAT MAKES A COMMUNITY EXTRAORDINARY?When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happen. They commit to one another. They grieve together, sing together, eat, pray, and play together. They love, serve, honor, encourage, and provide for each other gladly. And they live on mission together.Hearts are healed, walls come down, and outsiders come in. No competition. No pretense. No vain conceit. Just full hearts breaking bread and giving freely.It is nothing short of amazing.Most of us live in a shadow of what God intended for us. Life in Community calls us into the light. Reclaiming Scripture's stunning vision of gospel-centered community, it inspires us to live in love unbounded. Read it, live it, and join the movement: Help unleash the power of extraordinary community.6-Week group study included.
If you had a ladder made of splinters, would you stand on it?Unfortunately, the mission practices of most churches stand on weak foundations. Life on Mission gives gospel-centered, biblical, practical foundations for how missions was meant to be: an everyone-together effort. Life on Mission is a thorough yet simple guide for everyday missionaries, electricians, lawyers, church planters, students, etc., that equips them with truths and practices for living out the gospel within their own community. Adaptable to any context, Life on Mission functions great as both an individual and small-group study. Threaded with engaging stories and probing reflection questions, Life on Mission will help you and your community take bold steps to living life on mission.
We all feel that pull to make a difference in the world, to reach out more, champion the gospel, help those in need, but we also feel busy. How can we balance the responsibilities we already have with our desire to be salt and light?One answer is hospitality. In The Simplest Way to Change the World, Dustin Willis explores the lost art of Christian hospitality. You'll learn to:Reframe the way you see your homeBe hospitable even if you don't have the space for itGet creative in making an impact right where you areInvolve others from your churchMake your life more open, even while setting boundariesGospel-centered hospitality is the gift that gives back, as we open our lives up to others, we receive in heaping measures. And since most people are more likely to step into a living room than a sanctuary, hospitality is a strategic way to reach out. Read The Simplest Way to Change the World, and discover how hospitality can add meaning to your life and open doors for the gospel like you never imagined.