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Dealing With a Narcissist (7 Books in 1): The Ultimate 7 in 1 Bundle to Protect Yourself From Unheal
7 Books Box SetThis book includes:- Dealing with a Narcissist - Narcissistic Abuse - The Covert Narcissist - Gaslighting - Dating a Narcissist - Should I Stay or Should I Go - How to Handle a Narcissist Sociopath or Psychopath Still struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathically abusive relationship?Many people do and sadly there is very little information available to be found online or in the written research, or with counsellors and therapists that can help. Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known. Even when it is accepted, recognised and known not many people seem to know what to DO ABOUT IT to heal it… The fact is being in a relationship with a narcissist over a long period of time has long lasting traumatic effects that can be extremely catastrophic to the person suffering them. Do the followings symptoms sound familiar? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy / insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage The list goes on…. I can’t promise you that reading to this book is going to be a “total cure”, but I can promise that if you APPLY YOURSELF DILIGENTLY, take notes, read and re-read the chapters, you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first couple of days and should see huge improvements within the first week or two.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Krystina Bailey, Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc, Trei Taylor (Narrator)
Toxic Parents - The Ultimate Guide: Recognizing, Understanding and Recovering From Narcissistic Pare
Do you think your parent might be toxic?Do you feel like you are living with the consequences of bad parenting? Does your parent still treat you badly even though you are an adult? Maybe your parent has passed away, but you still seem to be affected by them and cant stop thinking about the way they treated you. This Book is for anyone that has been in a toxic relationship with their parent and would like to learn more about it and learn how to recover from the long lasting traumatic effects that the relationship has left you with. Does any of this sound familiar to you? As a child: - You felt like you were never good enough - Your parent seemed wrapped up in themselves and their life - Your parent didn’t seem to care about your feelings - Your parent was very controlling and manipulative - You were made to feel bad or wrong if you got upset - Your needs weren’t met As an adult: - You still feel like you are not good enough - You feel confused, anxious, sad in your relationship with your parent - Your parent puts you down, and never celebrates your achievements - You sometimes doubt your perception of events, and feel like you are going crazy - You struggle to make decisions and have difficulty trusting your gut instinct or intuition - Your parent is very critical, manipulative, controlling and tells lies - They still don’t seem to care about your feelings or your needs - You feel like you are the one parenting them Maybe you have tried to talk to your partner or friends about your relationship, but they don’t understand either and they may even tell you that it couldn’t have been that bad. This Audiobook is for you if you have been in a toxic relationship with your parent and you just want to make sense of it and make some changes.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc, Trei Taylor (Narrator)
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Everything the Victims Need to Know to Healing After Hidden Abuse and B
DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Feeling like you’re losing your mind - Feeling like you’re always apologizing - You’re second-guessing your memory - Feeling like you aren’t good enough - Feeling misunderstood - Feeling lonely - Ruined self confidence - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams The list goes on…. “NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!” I hear this frustrated cry from abused people a lot. I felt the same way when I was recovering from emotional abuse at the hands of a narcissistic/borderline psychopath. If you try and tell people who have NO EXPERIENCE with a narcissist (there is no experience like being with a narcissist, its not their fault they can’t understand) about it they will either deny your experience, tell you you are exaggerating or look at you like you were crazy. I can’t promise you that reading to this book is going to be a “total cure”, but I can promise that if you APPLY YOURSELF DILLIGENTLY, take notes, read and re-read the chapters, follow all instructions to the letter, with a tenacious resolve to get better you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours and should see huge improvements within the first 3 days.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc (Narrator)
Narcissistic Fathers: The Problem with being the Son or Daughter of a Narcissistic Parent, and how t
Do you think your father might be toxic? Still struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathically abusive relationship? As a child: - You felt like you were never good enough - Your father seemed wrapped up in themselves and their life - Your father didn’t seem to care about your feelings - Your father was very controlling and manipulative - You were made to feel bad or wrong if you got upset - Your needs weren’t met As an adult: - You still feel like you are not good enough - You feel confused, anxious, sad in your relationship with your father - Your father puts you down, and never celebrates your achievements - You sometimes doubt your perception of events, and feel like you are going crazy - You struggle to make decisions and have difficulty trusting your gut instinct or intuition - Your father is very critical, manipulative, controlling and tells lies - They still don’t seem to care about your feelings or your needs - You feel like you are the one parenting them This Book is for you if you have been in a toxic relationship with your parent and you just want to make sense of it and make some changes. Maybe you have tried to talk to your father or friends about your relationship, but they don’t understand either and they may even tell you that it couldn’t have been that bad. I can’t promise you that reading to this book is going to be a “total cure”, but I can promise that if you APPLY YOURSELF DILLIGENTLY, take notes, read and re-read the chapters, follow all instructions to the letter, with a tenacious resolve to get better you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours and should see huge improvements within the first 3 days.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc (Narrator)
Emotional Abuse Workbook: A Life-Changing Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Manipulation and Rebuilding
Still struggling from the effects of an abusive relationship? - If you're feeling heartbroken over one particular individual and this heartache has been going on for a weirdly long time - If you are “stuck” on one person in your life, if you feel you are trauma bonded to an individual and can’t move past feeling heartbroken over them, then … This book will work to eradicate that completely. Do the following symptoms sound familiar? - Doubting yourself and your sanity - You’re second-guessing your memory - Feeling like you aren’t good enough - Feeling misunderstood - Feeling lonely - Ruined self confidence - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting… - Trauma Bonding: Why you CAN’T Leave an Abusive Relationship - How to outsmart narcissists silent treatment and end the pain today - The psychological disorders that feed emotional abuse - Unhealthy vs Healthy relationships: The signs you need to know - The easiest ways to identify emotional abusers FAST - 13 Must know signs of Emotional Abuse - What you MUST do to LEAVE an Emotionally Abusive Relationship - BOUNDARIES you MUST set with an abuser - How To Forgive When You Can’t Forget - Emotional healing: Techniques to overcome negative emotions And so much more …
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc (Narrator)
How to Handle a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath: Spotting the Differences to Set Yourself Free F
Still struggling from the effects of an abusive relationship? Many people do and sadly there is very little information available to be found online or in the written research, or with counsellors and therapists that can help. Narcissistic abuse is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known. Even when it is accepted, recognised and known not many people seem to know what to DO ABOUT IT to heal it… The fact is being in a relationship with a narcissist over a long period of time has long lasting traumatic effects that can be extremely catastrophic to the person suffering them. DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Feeling like you’re losing your mind - Feeling like you’re always apologizing - You’re second-guessing your memory - Feeling like you aren’t good enough - Feeling misunderstood - Feeling lonely - Ruined self confidence - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage I can’t promise you that reading to this book is going to be a “total cure”, but I can promise that if you APPLY YOURSELF DILLIGENTLY, take notes, read and re-read the chapters, follow all instructions to the letter, with a tenacious resolve to get better you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours and should see huge improvements within the first 3 days. This is not hype, this is what my audience commonly report
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc (Narrator)
The Covert Narcissist: Recognizing the Most Dangerous Subtle Form of Narcissism and Recovering from
DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams The list goes on…. Covert Narcissists dangle their vulnerability in front of you as bait, just waiting for your good nurturing mothering/fathering instincts to kick in and rescue the poor little lost child they are presenting to you. But beneath the mask of a shy, vulnerable and “good person” something far more sinister lurks. And this what makes covert narcissism so damaging and dangerous: the nature of the disorder is such that you are brainwashed into thinking you are dealing with a human being with a morality, perhaps even a “pillar of the community”. OFT REPEATED MYTHS OF THE INTERNET ABOUT NARCISSISTS : You are Told: Narcissists are always brash, loud, assertive, flashy and Confident. The problem is: Coverts are quiet, insecure and passive. You are Told: Narcissists will never apologise for things they do. The problem is: Coverts can learn that a quick and TOTAL apology is a really slick way of getting their target to “go back to sleep” if it looks like they are waking up.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Monica Wolfkill Vo Llc (Narrator)
Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Deciding Whether to Stay or Go and Healing From an Emotionally Destr
Still Struggling to Decide If You Should Stay or Go? … Then keep reading If you you’re in an abusive relationship and you are struggling to decide whether you should stay or go... This guide can help you to make a wise decision Important Advice Before you buy: Allow me to provide some clarity here: If you are looking for instant answers without having to do any work, this guide is not for you, so look away… This book is for those who are really intend to working on themselves to make a wise decision That being said… This book includes - How to identify what’s not working in the relationship that is actually working for you - How to interrupt the same recurring painful patterns - How to deal with narcissistic rage at the narcissist’s life - Can the narcissist change? - Was it really an abusive relationship? - Try not to take the narcissist’s actions personally - What to expect from a narcissist? - Why it is okay to say no - Making the right decision And so much more...
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Llc Monica Wolfkill Vo (Narrator)
Dating a Narcissist - The Brutal Truth You Don’t Want to Hear: How to Spot a Narcissist on the Very
Do the following symptoms sound familiar? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams - Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression The list goes on…. You are dating a narcissist, and if you haven’t figured it out already, they will never, ever change. You can stay in the relationship and be unhappy, or you can choose to never date a narcissist again. It is not easy, I know. Because I have been there. I was you. They are smart enough to know what you are looking for at the level of your core values and mold themselves to appear to represent that whilst provoking as much sympathy in you for them as they can. But beneath the mask of a shy, vulnerable and “good person” something far more sinister lurks. - A social chameleon who would wear a completely different identity depending on who they were talking to - A sneaky, underhanded way of operating in the world that ONLY those closest to them ever get a glimpse of - A person whose actions RARELY match their words! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients tearfully admit this to me in state of absolute despair.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Trei Taylor (Narrator)
Narcissistic Mothers: The Truth About The Problem With Being the Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother,
Still struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathically abusive relationship? Many people do and sadly there is very little information available to be found online or in the written research, or with counsellors and therapists that can help. Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known. DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your mother - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage The list goes on … “NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!” I hear this frustrated cry from abused people a lot. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN - How To Recognize Your Narcissistic Mother - Signs of a Narcissistic Mother - Treatment for Children of Narcissistic Mothers - Things Narcissistic Mothers Say for Mental Manipulation And Control - Protection Tips - How to heal NOW from abuse! - Separating From a Narcissistic Mother And much more …
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Trei Taylor (Narrator)
Divorcing and Healing From a Narcissist: Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery. Co-parenting Aft
A life changing book for anyone trapped in a toxic relationshipIs divorce really a tragedy? No, the tragedy is living in an unhappy and unhealthy marriage and showing children the wrong way to love. These are the tragedies. Divorce is not a death sentence.Do you recognize any of these scenarios in your relationship? - Your partner blames you for their cheating? It is your fault they had to stray. - Maybe you are already separated or broken up. However, you continually go back to them because they beg, make promises that it will be better, or that they will change. Some will even threaten you if you don’t come back. - Do you find yourself changing your wants and feelings to accommodate them, because they will not change? - At one time, was you partner overly charming and said the things you wanted to hear? But now, they are disagreeable about everything, mean and even condescending? - You try to have a normal discussion with them about a general, simple topic, only for them to turn it into a disagreement or argument. Divorce or breakups are never easy, and with a narcissist it is more difficult especially when you do not have the help from someone who has been through the same things you have. You need experienced help to avoid financial mistakes that could cost you your savings, assets and even custody of your children. What are your choices? Stay with the narcissist and be unhappy or leave them and find happiness. How does one leave a narcissist for good? There is no easy answer, but I can help you work through it. I have been there … I have been in your shoes. You need someone with the knowledge, training, education and personal experience of navigating this mine field of emotions and healing.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Trei Taylor (Narrator)
Dealing With a Narcissist: Disarming and Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare. Understanding Narcissi
Still struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathically abusive relationship? Many people do and sadly there is very little information available to be found online or in the written research, or with counsellors and therapists that can help. Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not officially recognised, nor is it widely even known. Even when it is accepted, recognised and known not many people seem to know what to DO ABOUT IT to heal it… The fact is being in a relationship with a narcissist over a long period of time has long lasting traumatic effects that can be extremely catastrophic to the person suffering them. DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams - Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression The list goes on…. I can’t promise you that reading to this book is going to be a “total cure”, but I can promise that if you APPLY YOURSELF DILLIGENTLY, take notes, read and re-read the chapters, follow all instructions to the letter, with a tenacious resolve to get better you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours and should see huge improvements within the first 3 days.
Dr. Theresa J. Covert (Author), Trei Taylor (Narrator)
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