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The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
The Salmon of Doubt is Douglas Adams's indispensable guide to life, the universe and everything. It includes short stories and eleven chapters of a Dirk Gently novel that Douglas Adams was working on at the time of his death, and features an introduction by Stephen Fry. This sublime collection dips into the wit and wisdom of the man behind The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, uncovering his unique comic musings on everything from his school-trousers to malt whisky and from the letter Y through to his own nose, via atheism, hangovers and fried eggs. These hilarious collected writings reveal the warmth, enthusiasm and ferocious intelligence behind this most English of comic writers; a man who was virtually an unofficial member of the Monty Python team. Douglas Adams on his passion for P. G. Wodehouse, The Beatles and the perfect cup of tea alone make this a must-have collection and a remarkable sign-off from one of the best loved writers of all time. Start from the beginning of the surreal Dirk Gently series with Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
Douglas Adams (Author), Stephen Mangan, TBD (Narrator)
Doctor Who: The Invaders Collection: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th Doctor Novelisations
Coming soon
Douglas Adams, Gerry Davis, Ian Marter, James Goss, Jenny T Colgan (Author), Anneke Wills, Camille Coduri, Jon Culshaw, Michael Troughton, Nicholas Briggs (Narrator)
Read by Bill Nighy. From the minds of Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and Terry Jones (Monty Python) comes Starship Titanic, the hilarious novelization of the third-best adventure game of 1999. Welcome on board the Starship Titanic. The Ship that Cannot Possibly Go Wrong. At the centre of the galaxy, a vast, unknown civilization is preparing for an event of epic proportions: the launch of the greatest, most gorgeous, most technologically advanced spaceship ever built - the Starship Titanic. An Earthling would see the ship as something really, really big, but rather less provincial onlookers would recognize it as the design of Leovinus, the galaxy's most renowned architect. Before the launch Leovinus is having one last little look round and begins to find that things just aren't right: poor workmanship, cybersystems out of control, robots walking into doors. How could this have happened? The following morning, while the galaxy's media looks on, the fabulous ship eases away from the construction dock, picks up speed, sways a little, wobbles a bit, veers wildly and, just before it can do untold damage to everything around it, appears to undergo SMEF (Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure). In just ten seconds, the whole stupendous enterprise is over. And our story has just begun . . .
Douglas Adams, Terry Jones (Author), Bill Nighy (Narrator)
Doctor Who: The Renegades Collection: 1st, 4th, 6th Doctor Novelisations
A collection of four classic TV novelisations featuring Time Lords who fled life on Gallifrey. In The Time Meddler, the turbulent English coastline in 1066 is the scene of a troubled encounter between the Meddling Monk and the First Doctor, Steven and Vicki. In The Deadly Assassin, the Fourth Doctor returns to Gallifrey and is framed for presidential murder - but his old enemy the Master is waiting in the wings. In Shada, the Fourth Doctor and Romana visit their old friend, the retired Time Lord Professor Chronotis, at Cambridge University - but an epic adventure featuring K9 soon unfolds. In The Mark of the Rani, the TARDIS lands the Sixth Doctor and Peri in the Industrial Revolution, where renegade Time Lord the Rani is conducting unethical experiments on the human brain. Peter Purves, Geoffrey Beevers, Lalla Ward, John Leeson and Nicola Bryant are the readers of this quartet of classic novelisations. © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd 'Doctor Who: The Time Meddler' cover image artwork © Jeff Cummins
Douglas Adams, Gareth Roberts, Nigel Robinson, Terrance Dicks (Author), Geoffrey Beevers, John Leeson, Lalla Ward, Nicola Bryant, Peter Purves (Narrator)
La vida, el universo y todo lo demás
En La vida, el universo y todo lo demás prosiguen las cósmicas y cómicas aventuras iniciadas en la Guía del autoestopista galáctico y El restaurante del fin del mundo, la universalmente aclamada «trilogía en cinco partes», cuyos volúmenes (no nos cansaremos de repetirlo) pueden leerse de forma independiente, que se completa con Hasta luego, y gracias por el pescado e Informe sobre la Tierra: fundamentalmente inofensiva. En este libro encontramos a intrépidos y conocidos personajes: Arthur Dent, el único humano que sobrevivió a la demolición de la Tierra; Marvin, el androide paranoide, el más depresivo robot de la historia de la literatura; Zaphod Beeblebrox, antiguo Presidente de la Galaxia y un tipo muy presentable, a quien le ocurre que tiene dos cabezas. Y así. «La vida, el universo y todo lo demás no puede compararse con nada publicado hasta la fecha... exceptuando quizá la Guía del autoestopista galáctico» (Peter Stoler). «Un libro extraordinariamente ambicioso. Adams ha desarrollado la ciencia ficción hasta un grado casi imposible, jugando con las ideas y las palabras con un desenfreno que bordea la más absoluta temeridad... Cabe destacar, finalmente, un aspecto que, indiscutiblemente, confirma a Douglas Adams como un gran escritor: en este libro revela que el cricket es la clave para la vida, el universo y todo lo demás» (Pete Aston).
Douglas Adams (Author), José Posada (Narrator)
El restaurante del fin del mundo
Armados de la Guía del autoestopista galáctico, los protagonistas del libro más divertido que se recuerda continúan sus disparatadas aventuras, que les conducirán al asombroso Restaurante del Fin del Mundo. En esta segunda entrega de la «trilogía en cinco partes» de Douglas Adams (que gracias a las paradojas espaciales permite ser leída en cualquier orden), Ford Prefect, Arthur Dent, Trillian, Zaphod Beeblebrox y Marvin, el Androide Paranoide, se enfrentan a una tetera automática de la que sólo mana un líquido asqueroso, al planeta condenado porque sus habitantes se empeñaron en tener más zapaterías de la cuenta, a un olvidado transporte espacial cuyos pasajeros, debido a toda clase de estúpidos retrasos, llevan novecientos años esperando que la nave arranque y, luego, al Restaurante del Fin del Mundo, situado en el momento del tiempo en el que el universo entero llega a su estrepitoso final: un inusitado número de cabaret, amenizado por la música ligera de la orquesta del restaurante. No termina ahí su odisea, porque a continuación viven otra aventura que les revelará el verdadero origen de la especie humana: una pandilla de ejecutivos de poca monta que fueron expulsados de su planeta por indeseables. Douglas Adams vuelve a explorar las posibilidades hilarantes de la ciencia ficción, pero tomando también como base la tradición del humor de Lewis Carroll, que le permite inventar espacios impensables, objetos charlatanes y paisajes pintorescamente absurdos. «Una de las mejores novelas de humor puro de los últimos años» (Antonio Saura Medrano). «Las situaciones más divertidas y disparatadas se suceden a un ritmo trepidante. El espacio es una fiesta» (Jorge Berlanga).
Douglas Adams (Author), José Posada (Narrator)
Guía del autoestopista galáctico
Un jueves a la hora de comer, la Tierra es inesperadamente demolida para poder construir una nueva autopista hiperespacial. Arthur Dent, un tipo de lo más corriente que esa misma mañana ha visto cómo echaban abajo su propia casa, considera que eso supera lo que una persona puede soportar. Pero, desgraciadamente, el fin de semana no ha hecho más que empezar, y la galaxia es un lugar extraño y sorprendente. Arthur huirá de la Tierra junto a un amigo suyo, Ford Perfect, que resultará ser un extraterrestre emparentado con Zaphod Beeblebrox, un pirata esquizoide de dos cabezas que fue Presidente de la Galaxia, en la nave del cual conocerá al resto de personajes que lo acompañarán a lo largo de su periplo espacial: un androide paranoide y una terrícola que, como él, ha logrado escapar. Gracias a esta ineludible aventura, Dent descubrirá muchas cosas acerca de la existencia, pero tal como aconseja la Guía del autoestopista galáctico, que no cunda el pánico. Douglas Adams fue el creador de toda una serie de manifestaciones diversas y contradictorias de la Guía del autoestopista galáctico, que salió a la luz por primera vez en forma de novela radiofónica. Tras el rotundo éxito de la radionovela, el autor la convirtió en libro, y más adelante participó en las adaptaciones de la mima a series televisivas y teatrales, un juego de ordenador, cómics y toallas de baño. Tras su muerte, la película Autoestopista ascendió hasta las altas cumbres de la producción cinematográfica. Douglas comparte los títulos de crédito de la película, una superporducción de Touchstone Pictures, con Karey Kirkpatrick. Esta edición cuenta con entrevistas y material a partir del rodaje.
Douglas Adams (Author), José Posada (Narrator)
Doctor Who: The Time Travel Collection: 1st, 3rd, 4th & 6th Doctor Novelisations
Four exciting novelisations of classic TV stories in which the Doctor and his companions traverse the Fourth Dimension. In Doctor Who: The Space Museum, by Glyn Jones, the TARDIS jumps a time-track, allowing its occupants to witness themselves as exhibits in a glass case: a future they must avoid at all costs. In Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, by Terrance Dicks, a 20th Century peace conference is threatened by guerillas from the future, intent on changing the course of history. In Doctor Who: City of Death, by Douglas Adams and James Goss, the Doctor and Romana witness dangerous fractures in time whilst on holiday in Paris, and must determine the cause. In Doctor Who: The Two Doctors, by Robert Holmes, a set of temporal experiments concern the Time Lords enough to dispatch the Second Doctor on a mission; when it goes wrong, it seems only the Sixth Doctor can save him! Maureen O'Brien, Richard Franklin, Lalla Ward and Colin Baker read these classic tales, originally published as Target Books paperbacks, with Nicholas Briggs as the Voice of the Daleks. (P) 2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd © 2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Douglas Adams, Glyn Jones, James Goss, Robert Holmes, Terrance Dicks (Author), Colin Baker, Lalla Ward, Maureen O'brien, Nicholas Briggs, Richard Franklin (Narrator)
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
The second Dirk Gently book by Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul is a witty detective story perfect for fans of his phenomenally successful The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This new audio edition is hilariously narrated by Stephen Mangan – star of Green Wing, Episodes, and the original Dirk Gently series on the BBC. When a passenger check-in desk at Terminal Two, Heathrow Airport, shot up through the roof engulfed in a ball of orange flame, the usual people tried to claim responsibility. First the IRA, then the PLO and the Gas Board. Even British Nuclear Fuels rushed out a statement to the effect that the situation was completely under control, that it was a one in a million chance, that there was hardly any radioactive leakage at all and that the site of the explosion would make a nice location for a day out with the kids and a picnic, before finally having to admit that it wasn't actually anything to do with them at all. No rational cause could be found for the explosion – it was simply designated an act of God. But, thinks Dirk Gently, which God? And why? What God would be hanging around Terminal Two of Heathrow Airport trying to catch the 15:37 to Oslo? 'A thumping good detective-ghost-horror-who dunnit-time travel-romantic-musical-comedy-epic' - Douglas Adams, on Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Continue this surreal series with the unfinished The Salmon of Doubt.
Douglas Adams (Author), Stephen Mangan (Narrator)
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, is a much-loved cult classic, that has spawned radio dramas, television, theatre and comic book adaptations across the globe. This new audio edition is hilariously narrated by Stephen Mangan – star of Green Wing, Episodes, and the original Dirk Gently series on the BBC. What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a Chronologist over two hundred years old, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet), and pizza have in common? Apparently not much; until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery, and eating a lot of pizza – not to mention saving the entire human race from extinction along the way (at no extra charge). To find out more, read this book (better still, buy it then read it) – or contact Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. 'A thumping good detective-ghost-horror-who dunnit-time travel-romantic-musical-comedy-epic' - Douglas Adams. Continue this surreal series with The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul and the unfinished The Salmon of Doubt.
Douglas Adams (Author), Stephen Mangan (Narrator)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Albums: Two full-cast audio dramatisations
Don’t Panic! Reissued for the first time in 40 years, two unique recordings of Douglas Adams's sci-fi comedy drama. When Earthman Arthur Dent learns that first his house and then his planet are about to be bulldozed, it’s the beginning of an interplanetary adventure for him and his friend, Ford Prefect. After fleeing Earth they hitch a lift with hoopy frood Zaphod Beeblebrox, who hurtles from one improbability to another - literally. With Trillian and Marvin the Paranoid Android in tow, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is soon revealed: 42. But what was the question…? Following the success of the BBC radio series, Douglas Adams adapted his scripts for these two full-cast albums, with incidental radiophonic music provided by Paddy Kingsland. First released by Original Records in 1980, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe star Peter Jones as The Book, Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, Geoffrey McGivern as Ford Prefect and Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod Beeblebrox. Produced by Geoffrey Perkins and Tim Souster, the cast also includes Cindy Oswin, Stephen Moore, Richard Vernon, Valentine Dyall, David Tate, Jim Broadbent, Bill Wallis, Roy Hudd, Frank Middlemass, Stephen Greif and others. Hang onto your towel – it’s going to be the ride of a lifetime.
Douglas Adams (Author), Full Cast, Geoffrey Mcgivern, Mark Wing-Davey, Peter Jones, Simon Jones (Narrator)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Future: Douglas Adams and the digital world
Technology affects almost everything we do, and its possibilities can be both exhilarating and daunting. This collection features two radio documentaries exploring Douglas Adams’ vision of the digital future, plus Did Douglas Get it Right?, presented by Mitch Benn. Douglas Adams was a passionate technology enthusiast. His bestselling The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is full of futuristic tech, and in 1990 he predicted something very like the World Wide Web in the BBC2 film Hyperland. So in 1999, he was the natural choice to present Radio 4’s The Internet: The Last 20th Century Battleground. In it, he looked at the explosion in online communication, the evolution of cyberspace, and the risks and opportunities of the new virtual world. A year later, he hosted The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Future, in which he and his guests discussed how music, publishing, broadcasting, and society in general would be transformed in the 21st century. Sadly, this was Adams’ last BBC project: his death in 2001 meant he would never see if his visions came true. However, in 2015, Mitch Benn dipped into the archives for a follow-up programme, Did Douglas Get it Right?, revisiting Adams’ predictions to discover how prescient (or otherwise) they turned out to be... Fascinating, funny and insightful, these three programmes are a wonderful tribute to Douglas Adams, and a treat for fans and futurists alike. Produced by Mark Rickards.
Douglas Adams (Author), Douglas Adams, Mitch Benn (Narrator)
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