Blinky Bill is a mischievous koala who lives in the Australian bush. Keen for adventure, he sets off to see the world. On his journeys, he makes trouble in Miss Pimm's shop, meets Old Wombo (Mr. Wombat), joins a Frog Choir and gets invited to a Rabbit's Birthday Party.
Blinky Bill was written by Dorothy Wall, a New-Zealand born Australian author and has been adapted for television and cinemas.
This is the first book of three in 'The Complete Adventures of Blinky Bill' series.
Chapter 1: The New Arrival
Chapter 2: A Tragedy
Chapter 3: Naughty Escapades
Chapter 4: Frog Hollow
Chapter 5: The Rabbits' Party
Little Tommy the koala bear is sad and lonely in his gumtree in the country. The doctor recommends a trip to the city to brighten him up. While Tommy is in the city, he tries lots of different activities - but those funny Zookie creatures seem to follow him everywhere!
This short story was written by Dorothy Wall, the New-Zealand born Australian author who created that famous koala character, 'Blinky Bill'.