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[Spanish] - Ellas caminaron con Jesús
Dolores Cannon es una terapeuta de regresión de vidas pasadas que periódicamente se encuentra con personajes y situaciones históricas cuando trabaja con sus clientes. En They Walked with Jesus, cuenta cómo dos clientes suyos habían conocido a Jesús en vidas anteriores durante su misión en Palestina. Los contenidos son profundamente conmovedores, dando un sabor palpable de la presencia e influencia de Jesús, así como relatos vívidos de sus actividades, viajes, curaciones y conversaciones personales. Este es material que no encontrará en la Biblia. Incluye escenas en el Templo de Jerusalén, visitas a hogares y colonias de leprosos, intrigas políticas que llevaron a la crucifixión y también los sentimientos personales de quienes lo conocen. Esta es una visión interna directa de la época de Jesús, profunda en tonos sentimentales y profunda en implicaciones, que da una idea de cómo eran realmente las cosas. Ellos caminaron con Jesús se suma al rico conocimiento dado en Jesús y los esenios, uno de los más vendidos de Gateway. Ambos libros proyectan un profundo sentimiento del amoroso poder que llevó Jesús. No es necesario ser cristiano para reconocer y sentir simpatía por su imagen de hombre vivo y dedicado que trabaja en tiempos difíciles para despertar y cambiar. La investigación de Dolores Cannon sobre la “memoria lejana” agrega una nueva dimensión a nuestra comprensión, con asombroso y profundo realismo, de personajes y momentos cruciales durante esa época ilustrada de la historia.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Laura Mitre, Pablo Alberto Romero Mitre (Narrator)
In 1983, Dolores was working with several individuals who volunteered for sessions to help her hone her craft in hypnosis. Over the years she had developed her own technique of hypnosis where the client would go into a very deep state of trance and was able to re-live the past life they were seeing. When these individuals went back to a time in the past, it would be like they were actually there. If there was something in our time that was not in their time, they wouldn’t know what you were talking about. This book is about the past lives of three of these volunteers who went back to the time of the Druids and were giving information about how it was to live during this time and the difficulties that were experienced while trying to live with the faith of Mother Earth. The Inquisition was always lurking around trying to find these special groups that were not of their religion and were trying to force them to reveal information about their beliefs and practices. The Inquisition believed these special groups had powers and too much influence on the regular people. So, come along with us and take the journey into the past. As Dolores would say “They thought they had gotten rid of us with the torcher and burnings; but we’re back!”
Dolores Cannon (Author), Moe Egan Thomas, Pam Tierney (Narrator)
Un extraño caso de reencarnación Mediante la hipnosis regresiva se ha recuperado de los rincones del tiempo una leyenda perdida de la historia de la humanidad. Una mujer revive la vida entre un pueblo que recuerda la historia de su origen. Una nave espacial se estrelló en la región de Alaska-Canadá hace miles de años. Para adaptarse a las duras condiciones y los brutales rayos de un sol alienígena, los supervivientes se vieron obligados a cruzarse con los aborígenes locales. Esta era la única forma de asegurar la supervivencia de su raza. ¿Su sangre todavía fluye por las venas de ciertas tribus indígenas americanas? Dolores Cannon, hipnotista e investigadora psíquica, investiga este caso único de regresión a vidas pasadas. Keepers of the Garden (Guardianes del jardín) cuenta la historia de la siembra original del planeta Tierra por extraterrestres del espacio exterior. Este libro explora la posibilidad de que vinieran otros extraterrestres, algunos intencionalmente, otros por accidente, y se cruzaron con la gente de la Tierra.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Laura Mitre, Pablo Alberto Romero Mitre (Narrator)
The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge
In this new book, Dolores Cannon continues the story begun in two of her previous books, Keepers of the Garden and The Custodians. In those books, she explained how the Extraterrestrials developed life on Earth, how they came to be regarded as gods and explored the complicated relationship between humans and ETs. This book focuses on the secret knowledge that has been passed from generation to generation after the Extraterrestrials left earth. For centuries, ET wisdom has been protected by the few who belonged to the secret Mystery schools, where a few initiates were chosen to learn and practice the various techniques. The knowledge had to be safeguarded and protected. They knew that it must not die. Down through countless centuries this knowledge was protected and shared only with the chosen few. Wars have been fought and terrible injustices have been committed in attempts to gain access to this knowledge. Those with the knowledge often died rather than let it fall in to the wrong hands. Now it is no longer reserved strictly for oracles in temples, hermits in caves, or wise men cloistered in hidden schools. It is returning to our time and is now available for all to learn.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Carol Morrison (Narrator)
Through regressive hypnosis, a lost legend of the history of mankind has been retrieved from the recesses of time. Did the American Indians descend from the inhabitants of an alien spacecraft that crashed in the Alaska-Canada region thousands of years ago? Keepers of the Garden told the story of the original seeding of the planet Earth by aliens from outer space. Starcrash indicates that aliens continue to come to Earth, some intentionally and some by accident, throughout our history. In order to adjust to harsh conditions, they were forced to interbreed with the local aborigines. This was the only way to ensure the survival of their race. Does their blood still flow in the veins of certain American Indian tribes? Dolores Cannon, hypnotist and psychic investigator, researches this unique case of past-life regression.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Michael Neeb, Moe Egan Thomas (Narrator)
'We are children of the stars. This is our legacy and our heritage. In the history of the cosmos Earth is a young planet. Our souls on the other hand have been around forever and will continue to be around forever. Thus Earth is not our only home. We have lived many lives in unusual environments before deciding to journey here and learn the lessons of Earth. After our schooling is completed on this planet we will journey onward to discover new worlds to explore. The memories of these soul journeys are recorded in our subconscious and in hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon shows that they can be retrieved through regressive hypnosis. She reports dramatic cases where the subjects relived other lifetimes in strange environments-inhabitants of other planets.'
Dolores Cannon (Author), Amy Gordon (Narrator)
Six different lectures from around the world, where Dolores is talking about her work and the different books written. Each lecture is about two to three hours long combined. Lecture titles are: 'An Evening with Dolores Cannon', 'Keepers of the Garden/UFO Research', 'Nostradamus', 'Convoluted Universe', 'Jesus and the Essenes and They Walked with Jesus', and 'Between Death & Life'.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Dolores Cannon (Narrator)
The Convoluted Universe, Book Five
'Are you an intrepid explorer of the unknown? Do you enjoy having your mind twisted in ways you never thought possible? Are you ready to leap down the rabbit hole and emerge in undiscovered territory? Well then . . . The Convoluted Universe [series] is your ticket!' --Abby Horowitz of Mind Body Spirit Odyssey The fifth volume in the wildly successful Convoluted Universe series is, in the words of the author, 'like a big box of mind candy.' It is meant to be tasted, enjoyed, and pondered over. Here are new concepts and theories about the true meaning of virtually everything of universal significance. Like Cannon's previous books, this volume covers a startling range of topics: explorations of alternate universes, time travel, pyramids, extraterrestrial assistance, Big Foot, mermaids, gold, reincarnation, and much more.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Moe Egan, Zachary Johnson (Narrator)
The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth
In 1945 when the atomic bombs were dropped in WWII, our “protectors” and “watchers” in outer space saw that Earth was on a collision course with disaster. The prime directive of non-interference prevented them from taking any action, but then they came up with a brilliant plan to save Earth and assist her in her ascension. They couldn’t interfere from the “outside”, but maybe they could influence from the “inside”. So the call went out for volunteers to come and help. “Earth is in trouble – who wants to volunteer?” The native souls living on Earth were too caught up on the wheel of karma. The only hope was to ask for pure souls to come who had never been trapped on the karmic cycle. Dolores in her hypnosis work has discovered three waves of these volunteers. Some have come direct from the “Source” and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Others have lived as space beings on other planets or other dimensions. Because all memory is erased upon entry to the Earth dimension, they do not remember their assignment. Thus these beautiful souls have a difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. These souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us ascend to the New Earth. * Characteristics of the Three Waves of Volunteers * The Difficulties being Experienced by First-Timers * How the Shift is affecting the Physical Body * The Roles of ETs and Light Beings in the Shift * Keepers of the Grid * The Separation of the Old and New Earth * What is the New Earth? * What is the Significance of 2012?
Dolores Cannon (Author), Moe Egan, Zachary Johnson (Narrator)
The Convoluted Universe, Book Four
'Dolores Cannon continues her popular Convoluted Universe series. The long awaited book four is now available! It continues to explore unknown metaphysical theories and concepts, and introduces new ideas that challenge traditional ways of thinking. These books are designed for those who want their minds bent like pretzels. By opening up new ways of looking at our world and our reality, the reader is able to create a new consciousness that is needed in our time now.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Bethany Elam, Steven Barnett (Narrator)
Conversations with Nostradamus, Vol III: His Prophecies Explained
The third book in this series contains 132 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself, plus the exposure of bogus quatrains erroneously attributed to the great psychic. This volume continues to work through various subjects and completes the interpretation of all the known prophecies. This volume includes: More information about the rise and location of the infamous third Anti-Christ, including his name in anagram form and picture as seen by the subject. Predictions concerning increasing natural disasters and strange weather phenomena. An accumulative master index for ease in locating quatrains and subject matter in all three volumes.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Amy Gordon (Narrator)
Conversations with Nostradamus, Vol I: His Prophecies Explained
The most accurate interpretation of Nostradamus ever printed is contained in these three volumes. The second book in this series contains 143 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself. This volume includes: * More about the rise and location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope. * The correlation of 666 (the mark of the beast) and computers. * More about the third world war and what countries will be affected. * Dangerous new technologies to control the weather and earthquakes. * Maps showing the portions of the continents that remain after the axis shift and the melting of the polar icecaps. * The role of Space Visitors during the time of tribulations.
Dolores Cannon (Author), Amy Gordon (Narrator)
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