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An intimate and revelatory biography of Yoko Ono from the bestselling author of Beautiful Boy John Lennon once described Yoko Ono as the world's most famous unknown artist. 'Everybody knows her name, but no one knows what she does.' She has only been important to history insofar as she impacted Lennon. Throughout her life, Yoko has been a caricature, curiosity and often a villain - an inscrutable seductress, manipulating con artist and caterwauling fraud. The Lennon / Beatles saga is one of the greatest stories ever told, but Yoko's part has been missing - hidden in John's formidable shadow, further obscured by flagrant misogyny and racism. This definitive biography of Yoko Ono's life will change that. In this book, Yoko Ono takes centre stage. Yoko's life, independent of Lennon, was an amazing journey. Yoko spans from her birth to wealthy parents in pre-war Tokyo, her refugee status during the war, and her arrival onto the avant-garde art scene in London, Tokyo and New York City. It delves into her groundbreaking art, music, feminism and activism. We see how she coped under the most intense, relentless and cynical microscope as she was saddled with the most heinous crime imaginable then: breaking up the greatest rock-and-roll band in history. We see Yoko Ono through her own eyes, from a vantage point we have never seen before. Drawing from Yoko's personal letters, journals, films and videos and unpublished manuscripts, as well as access to her surviving family, closest friends, past collaborators and enemies, David Sheff covers the 90 years of Yoko's rollercoaster life. Yoko is a harrowing, moving, propulsive and vastly entertaining biography of a woman whose story has never been accurately told. The book not only rehabilitates Yoko Ono's reputation but elevates it to iconic status.
David Sheff (Author), Unknown (Narrator)
[Italian] - Il Buddhista Nel Braccio Della Morte
Questo libro mostra in maniera vivida come, anche di fronte alle più grandi avversità, la compassione e l’attenzione premurosa nei confronti degli altri portino pace e forza interiore. S.S. il Dalai LamaAvrebbe potuto restare un nome qualunque quello di Jarvis Jay Masters, uno dei tanti nel lungo elenco dei condannati ingiustamente alla pena di morte in qualche durissimo penitenziario americano. Un giorno avremmo sentito distrattamente la notizia della sua esecuzione, ci saremmo indignati di fronte a una simile barbarie, poi, passato lo sdegno, ci saremmo dimenticati di lui e della sua storia. Sì, perché la vita di Jarvis aveva tutti i presupposti per un copione prevedibile dal finale altrettanto scontato: un’infanzia negata nella più totale assenza d’amore, sfociata in un’adolescenza all’insegna della criminalità, fino alla reclusione nel carcere di massima sicurezza di San Quentin a soli diciannove anni, e in aggiunta a tutto questo l’imputazione infondata per concorso in omicidio di una guardia carceraria costatagli il trasferimento nel braccio della morte. In quel luogo di vite senza futuro, vecchiaia, rimorso e rimpianto, Jarvis si ritrova solo con se stesso, a dover fare i conti con il suo passato di sofferenza subìta e inferta. Crisi di panico, scatti d’ira e forti stati di depressione gli sconvolgono l’anima, ma arriva un consiglio non richiesto e inaspettato che scombina il suo destino, solo all’apparenza già scritto: provare a calmarsi con la meditazione. È così che, nonostante un’iniziale refrattarietà, intraprende un percorso irreversibile di liberazione che lo porterà molto più lontano di quanto avessero immaginato lui e chiunque gli sia stato affianco negli ormai trentadue anni di reclusione. Guidato da venerabili maestri buddhisti come Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche e Pema Chödrön, tuttora una delle sue più grandi amiche e sostenitrici, Jarvis si è scoperto un uomo diverso, un uomo di pace, capace di vivere il suo dolore ma soprattutto di curarlo e prevenirlo attorno a sé, aiutando chiunque, vicino e lontano, a trovare la chiave per uscire dalla propria prigione. Serviva una voce estremamente sensibile per ricostruire il lavoro che Jarvis ha fatto sulla sua mente, una voce che riuscisse a raccontare questa storia straordinaria senza cadere in cliché. David Sheff ha raccolto la sfida, e se in un primo tempo è stata la curiosità a portare la sua attenzione questo caso, poco alla volta si sono fatti spazio in lui un sincero interessamento, la stima e l’amicizia nei confronti di un uomo che ha imparato a dare un senso al suo dolore e una nuova direzione alla sua vita. Nessuna critica al sistema giudiziario americano in queste pagine, l’ineluttabilità e la durezza della pena di morte sembrano perdere consistenza, il braccio della morte diventa allora metafora delle prigioni mentali che ognuno di noi crea e alimenta, in un racconto biografico che mette il lettore di fronte alle proprie chiusure. Non si proveranno né pena né pietà, si rimarrà invece accecati dalla luce degli occhi di Jarvis, tanto da desiderare di voler incrociare quello sguardo. La forza e la bellezza del suo cambiamento hanno valicato l’asfissiante perimetro della sua cella, in un’onda di compassione capace di travolgere chiunque in ogni luogo. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
David Sheff (Author), Ubiliber (Narrator)
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, an extraordinary story of redemption in the darkest of places. Jarvis Jay Masters’s early life was a horror story whose outline we know too well. Born in Long Beach, California, his house was filled with crack, alcohol, physical abuse, and men who paid his mother for sex. He and his siblings were split up and sent to foster care when he was five, and he progressed quickly to juvenile detention, car theft, armed robbery, and ultimately San Quentin. While in prison, he was set up for the murder of a guard – a conviction which landed him on death row, where he’s been since 1990. At the time of his murder trial, he was held in solitary confinement, torn by rage and anxiety, felled by headaches, seizures, and panic attacks. A criminal investigator repeatedly offered to teach him breathing exercises which he repeatedly refused, until desperation moved him. With uncanny clarity, David Sheff describes Masters’s gradual but profound transformation from a man dedicated to hurting others to one who has prevented violence on the prison yard, counselled high school kids by mail, and helped prisoners -and even guards – find meaning in their lives. Along the way, Masters becomes drawn to the Buddhist principles – compassion, sacrifice, and living in the moment -and gains the admiration of Buddhists worldwide. And while he is still in San Quentin and still on death row, he shows us all how to ease our everyday suffering, relish the light that surrounds us, and endure the tragedies that befall us all.
David Sheff (Author), Michael Boatman (Narrator)
High: Everything You Want to Know about Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction
Just Say Know! With drug education for children more important than ever, this nonfiction book draws on the experiences of the New York Times bestselling father and son team of David and Nic Sheff to provide all the information teens and ’tweens need to know about drugs, alcohol, and addiction. From David Sheff, author of Beautiful Boy, and Nic Sheff, author of Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines, comes the ultimate resource for learning about the realities of drugs and alcohol for middle grade readers. This book tells it as it is, with testimonials from peers who have been there and families who have lived through the addiction of a loved one, along with the cold, hard facts about what drugs and alcohol do to our bodies. From how to navigate peer pressure to outlets for stress to the potential consequences for experimenting, Nic and David Sheff lay out the facts so that middle grade readers can educate themselves.
David Sheff, Nic Sheff (Author), George Newbern, Graham Halstead (Narrator)
Addiction is a disease; it is preventable and treatable. It is not a moral failing. As with other illnesses, the approaches most likely to work are based on science - not on faith, tradition, contrition, or wishful thinking. Those facts are the foundation of Clean, a new paradigm for preventing drug abuse and treating addiction and the mental illnesses that usually accompany it. Based on the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine, Clean argues for an approach that is radically different from what currently passes for prevention and treatment. Sheff has talked to scientists, social workers, addicts, and their families to find out what can work, and just as important, how addiction itself works. Clean offers clear, cogent counsel for addicts and their loved ones no matter what stage of the illness they're in. But it is also a book for all of us - a powerful rethinking of one of the greatest public health challenges of our time.
David Sheff (Author), Jeff Cummings (Narrator)
Mi hijo precioso: El viaje de un padre a través de la adicción de su hijo
Este es un libro brillante, conmovedor, desgarrador y fascinante. La historia de Sheff es sincera, porque dice la verdad que a muchos se nos hace difícil reconocer en nuestros hijos y que a veces está latente y nos hacemos los ciegos para no verla. David Sheff nos presenta la adicción y sus confusiones de una manera clara y aleccionadora, poniendo como ejemplo su propia experiencia y la de su familia. A la vez es una bella historia del amor mas desinteresado y de los sacrificios que como padres somos capaces de hacer.
David Sheff (Author), Francisco Rivela (Narrator)
Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey through His Son's Meth Addiction
David Sheff's story is a first: a teenager's addiction from the parent's point of view, a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope. Before meth, Sheff's son, Nic, was a varsity athlete, honor student, and award-winning journalist. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who stole money from his eight-year-old brother and lived on the streets. With haunting candor, Sheff traces the first warning signs, the attempts at rehabilitation, and, at last, the way past addiction. He shows us that, whatever an addict's fate, the rest of the family must care for one another, too, lest they become addicted to addiction. "Sheff does not spare himself or anyone else from keen professional scrutiny any more than he was himself spared the pains and joys of watching a loved one struggling with addiction and recovery....this is an honest, hopeful book, coming at a propitious moment in the meth epidemic."-Publishers Weekly
David Sheff (Author), Anthony Heald (Narrator)
Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son’s Meth Addiction
What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong? Those are the wrenching questions that haunted every moment of David Sheff's journey through his son's drug addiction. David's story is a first: a teenager's addiction from the parent's point of view-a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope. Before meth, Sheff's son, Nic, was a varsity athlete, honor student, and award-winning journalist. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who lied, stole money from his eight-year-old brother, and lived on the streets. With poignant candor, Sheff traces the first warning signs-denial, 3 a.m. phone calls-the attempts at rehabilitation, and, at last, the way past addiction. He shows us that, whatever an addict's fate, the rest of the family must care for one another too, lest they become addicted to addiction. Beautiful Boy is a fiercely candid memoir that brings immediacy to the emotional rollercoaster of loving a child who seems beyond help.
David Sheff (Author), Anthony Heald (Narrator)
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