Too often men are told to bottle up how they feel. Men, master your emotions with this guide to emotional healing.
Every man has a deep bed of emotions. Emotions and feelings shouldn't be ignored. To get the great and healthy relationships you desire, you need to change the way that you manage your emotions. David Kundtz has created this full guide to steer you towards emotional healing.
Men, master your emotions. Emotions are diverse, learn all of different ways to spot your emotions and how to better express emotions. Become comfortable with your emotions, tune in to the emotions around you, and learn good communication skills.
Men, this book is for you. This motivational book is dedicated to teenage boys, young men, fathers, and grandfathers. Build your emotional confidence and your communication skills. The language, tools, and the exercises inside of this book are designed to help you express the deep, vibrant, and ever-present emotions that you hold inside of you.
Nothing's Wrong is packed with: processes to identify and master your emotions; information for teenage boys, young men, fathers, and grandfathers; and tips and tools to aide you on your path towards emotional healing.
Life Is A Race and With So Many Responsibilities It Can Feel Overwhelming
“An elegant, powerful, and simple tool for finding serenity. Just what the world needs right now.” ?Richard Carlson, author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
We are always on the go. Balancing work, family, friends, and everything in between is a routine of running and never stopping?a cycle that can be tiring. We forget the beauty of the smaller moments and sometimes we forget ourselves.
Stopping is a gift to yourself. Knowing when to breathe and regain a clearer vision of yourself and your surroundings helps give you a fresh perspective and an inner balance meant to help you feel in control of the bigger things.
Who are you? What are your true priorities? Your responsibilities may have taken over and are preventing you from living to your fullest potential. Dr. Kundtz gives you insight into key questions you should be asking.
Stop whatever you’re doing and enjoy the sunrise. Big things can grab your attention but don’t forget to turn around and find the serenity in stillness?the peace in a deep breath, and the happiness in remembering who you are.
With this valuable guide learn to:
- Connect with the spiritual aspects of your life
- Practice mindfulness and reduce stress
- Acknowledge when it becomes too much and take a step back
- Use proper coping tactics to create healthier habits
If you enjoyed books like A New Earth, The Untethered Soul, or The Road Less Traveled, then you’ll love The Art of Stopping: How to Be Still When You Have to Keep Going.
More than a meditation book, Quiet Mind is a series of reflections that can illuminate every aspect of life. It offers readers guidance on using the moments between activities—which the author calls 'stillpoints'—as opportunities to focus on becoming more fully awake to who they are. 'These times are the 'spaces in between' the events of your life,' writes Kundtz, 'spaces often lost, or worse—filled with anxiety. And these spaces in between are just waiting to bring you the calmness and clarity that an over-demanding schedule steals from you.' A welcome respite for anyone whose gear shift is perpetually in overdrive, Quiet Mind is an invitation to rest, find peace, awaken, and remember. It offers deceptively simple wisdom to help readers sharpen their senses and make room for life.