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Wealthier: The Investing Field Guide for Canadian Millennials
Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Building wealth isn’t just about money—it’s about empowering you to make decisions that align with your goals and values. Wealthier is written for Canadian millennials, offering clear, evidence-based guidance tailored to Canada’s unique financial landscape. Unlike generic financial advice, this book addresses your real challenges, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your strategy. Wealthier goes beyond investing. It blends behavioural insights inspired by stoicism with practical advice on budgeting, insurance, tax strategies, and estate planning. Cut through the noise of conflicting advice and empty promises. With straightforward, no-nonsense guidance grounded in real-world experience, Wealthier empowers you to take charge of your financial journey and achieve lasting independence. Imagine a future where your financial choices enable your dreams—Wealthier shows you how to make it a reality.
Daniel R. Solin, Mark McGrath (Author), Drew Birdseye (Narrator)
Wealthier: The Investing Field Guide for Millennials
Wealthier: A Field Guide to Financial Freedom empowers millennials to be responsible and intelligent DIY investors and financial planners without using a financial advisor. It’s helpful to readers at all levels of investing experience. You’ll learn: A simple investing strategy using just two exchange-traded funds that will outperform most professionals. Why financial planning is overhyped and oversold. How the securities industry acts as an anti-investor lobbying machine, spewing misinformation to make you believe you need their help. How the financial media spews misinformation and inspires fear and greed, all for the benefit of its advertisers–not you. Why the authoritative-looking experts who opine on the direction of the market and how to pick stock “winners” are emperors with no clothes. A mind-blowing secret about life insurance commissions the insurance industry is terrified you’ll learn. Whether you should buy a home or rent. Why adjustable rate mortgages are often preferable to fixed-rate mortgages. How your brain works against you to keep you from reaching your financial goals. How to choose the right financial advisor when you need one. Why the practice of Stoicism is the key to reaching your lifetime goals. ....and much more.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Drew Birdseye (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Más Rico: La Guía de Inversión para Millennials
“Dan Solin ha escrito un digno seguimiento de su extremadamente popular e indudablemente merecido libro Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read, adornado con perlas en casi cada página. Pocos autores pueden igualar el trasfondo cuantitativo, histórico y legal necesario para escribir un libro así. Lee, disfruta y obtén beneficios.' — William Bernstein, Autor de The Four Pillars of Investing Más Rico: La Guía de Inversión para Millennials empodera a los millennials para ser inversionistas y planificadores financieros responsables e inteligentes sin utilizar un asesor financiero. Es útil para lectores en todos los niveles de experiencia en inversión. Aprenderás: Una estrategia de inversión simple utilizando sólo dos fondos cotizados en bolsa que tendrán mejores rendimientos que la mayoría de los profesionales. Por qué la planificación financiera está sobrevalorada y sobrevendida. Cómo Wall Street actúa como una máquina presión política contra los inversionistas, propagando desinformación para hacer que creas que necesitas su ayuda Cómo los medios financieros propagan desinformación e inspiran miedo y codicia, todo en beneficio de sus anunciantes, no de ti. Por qué los expertos con apariencia autoritaria que opinan sobre la dirección del mercado y cómo elegir 'ganadores' en acciones son emperadores desnudos. Un secreto impactante sobre las comisiones de seguros de vida que la industria de seguros teme que descubras. Si deberías comprar o rentar una casa. Por qué las hipotecas de tasa ajustable suelen ser preferibles a las hipotecas de tasa fija. Cómo tu cerebro trabaja en tu contra para impedir que alcances tus metas financieras. Cómo elegir el asesor financiero adecuado cuando lo necesitas. Por qué la práctica del estoicismo es la clave para alcanzar tus metas de vida. ...y mucho más.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Scott Fins (Narrator)
7 Steps to Save Your Financial Life Now: How to Defend Yourself Against Rigged Markets, Wall Street
Where is your hard earned money? Whether you have a savings or checking account, a 401(k), an IRA, a college fund, or dollars stuffed under the mattress, you are an investor. But you are losing every day that you sit back and let others make decisions about your money. You worked hard for it, and it's your responsibility to make it work for you. If you don't invest smartly, your very financial future is in jeopardy. But smart investing is not nearly as difficult or complicated as some might lead you to believe. In seven simple yet vital steps Dan Solin, New York Times bestselling author of The Smartest Investment Book You'll Every Read, takes the mystery out of successful investing and shows everyone, no matter what their income or expertise in money matters, how to take control of their financial lives, ignore the "experts", and grow a nest egg. Solin's approach mirrors that of the most successful investors in the world. He ignores the bombast of so many advisors and brokers who over-promise and under-deliver, relying instead on objective, historical, peer-reviewed data. Solin helps you separate fact from hype so that you can make intelligent, responsible investing decisions. And his simple, clear-headed advice shows you exactly how to invest your assets with an easy-to-follow plan that allows you to create and monitor your portfolio in less time than it takes to read the morning paper.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Erik Synnestvedt (Narrator)
The Smartest Portfolio You'll Ever Own: A Do-It-Yourself Breakthrough Strategy
Acclaimed and bestselling author Dan Solin shows you how to create a SuperSmart Portfolio that follows the same strategies used by the most sophisticated investment advisers in the world-but previously unavailable to most do-it-yourself investors. Providing the specific information and guidance lacking in most investment guides, Solin leaves nothing to chance in this accessible and thoughtful guide that will put you in control of your investment future.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Erik Synnestvedt (Narrator)
The Smartest Money Book You'll Ever Read: Everything You Need to Know About Growing, Spending, and E
Tens of thousands of readers trust Dan Solin's advice when it comes to investing, managing their 401(k)s, and planning for retirement. Now Solin offers the smartest guide to money management and financial planning yet. From managing your debt, boosting your savings, and owning (or renting) a home to buying insurance, maximizing investment returns, and retiring when you want to, The Smartest Money Book You'll Ever Read is your road map to financial freedom-and to enjoying yourself along the way.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Joe Barrett (Narrator)
The Smartest 401(k)* Book You'll Ever Read: Maximize Your Retirement Savings…the Smart Way! (*Smarte
If you are one of the seventy million Americans counting on your 401(k) plan to usher you into a comfortable old age, you're likely to be bitterly disappointed. Rather than benefit the employee, 401(k) plans reward employers, brokers, investment advisors, fund managers, insurance companies, unions, and lobbyists. Relying on these plans makes it increasingly difficult to retire comfortably. In his straightforward, no-nonsense style, best-selling author Daniel R. Solin offers the new rules for investing for retirement. He shows readers how to quickly and simply determine their own needs, get control of their assets, avoid scams and sucker bets, discover untapped resources at retirement, and eventually get income out of tax-deferred plans—the smart way.
Daniel R. Solin (Author), Arthur Morey (Narrator)
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