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Una llamada de atención muy necesaria para un mundo en el que el ruido constante nos está volviendo locos a todos, y en el que la mejor manera de sobrellevarlo es aprender a callarse de una puta vez. Aprender a hablar menos, escuchar más y hablar con intención puede hacerte más feliz, más sano, más exitoso y mejor padre, madre y pareja. En Cállate, Dan describe su propio viaje para superar su forma compulsiva de hablar, que implicó escarbar en montañas de investigación y entrevistar a innumerables expertos, incluidos científicos, historiadores, un exoficial de la CIA y un investigador que ha estado descubriendo conexiones asombrosas que muestran cómo el habla está conectada con nuestro bienestar físico y emocional. Basándose en esa investigación, Dan desarrolló una serie de prácticas que cambiaron su vida y pueden cambiar la tuya también. Nuestro ruidoso mundo nos ha enseñado a pensar que los que dicen la última palabra son los que ganan, cuando en realidad son los que saben guardar silencio los que realmente tienen el poder. Cállate es un audiolibro que desbloquea este poder, liberándote para centrarte en lo que importa. Lyons combina la ciencia del comportamiento más avanzada con consejos prácticos sobre cómo comunicarse con intención, pensar de forma crítica y abrir la mente y los oídos al mundo que le rodea. Habla menos, consigue más. De eso trata Cállate. 'Cállate nos enseña lo que todos necesitamos aprender: cómo escuchar, hacer una pausa y hablar'—Aaron James
Dan Lyons (Author), Horacio Castelo (Narrator)
STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking
Would our lives, relationships and careers be better if we just STFU for a while? We live in a world that doesn’t just encourage overtalking, but practically demands it. When success is measured by how much attention we can attract, how long we can hold on to the mic, it’s no wonder that we feel compelled to spout endlessly on Twitter, to document every detail of our lives on Instagram, start that podcast, or lead that conference. And yet, oddly enough, the most powerful and accomplished people in the world aren’t part of that chorus—they’re reserved, they listen, and when they do speak they’re considered. Tim Cook, President Obama, the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg all have seemed to understand the secret golden rule: talk less, get more. There are entire industries designed to help us amplify our voices, experts who are just dying to coach us on how to talk better, but nobody is teaching us how to STFU for a while. Former Forbes journalist Dan Lyons takes us on a sharp, funny, fascinating deep dive through our incessant noise-making – talking to communications experts, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and Silicon Valley executive coaches the world over to understand the science and culture behind why we can’t stop talking, and how ultimately we can learn to speak less – and with more intention – to improve our lives.
Dan Lyons (Author), Dan Lyons (Narrator)
Disrupción: Mi desventura en la burbuja de las startups
'Con tono desdeñoso e hilarante, Lyons expone lo ridículas y derrochadoras que pueden ser las startups.'—TheNew York Times 'Una aguda mirada a una cultura empresarial que parece construida sobre arenas movedizas financieras.'—Los Angeles Times 'Un apasionante derribo de la burbuja de las startups y su juvenil cultura corporativa.'—Kirkus Review Durante veinticinco años, Dan Lyons fue redactor de Newsweek. Hasta que un viernes por la mañana recibió una llamada: su trabajo ya no existía. Había que contratar a gente más joven. Con cincuenta años, esposa y dos niños pequeños, estaba jodido. Pero le vino una idea a la cabeza: había escrito mucho sobre Silicon Valley y la explosión tecnológica, ¿por qué no sumarse a ella? Fue así como decidió contactar con HubSpot, una startup de Boston, que acabó haciéndole una buena oferta en acciones a cambio de que aceptase un extraño papel: «asociado de marketing». ¿Qué podía salir mal? Los HubSpotters eran verdaderos creyentes: estaban haciendo del mundo un lugar mejor… vendiendo spam. El ambiente de la oficina era una mezcla de fraternidad universitaria y secta: las fiestas duraban hasta bien entrada la noche, las duchas servían para tener sexo, un 'club de flexiones' se reunía a mediodía en el vestíbulo, mientras en la 'fábrica de contenidos' otros jugaban a pegarse tiros en un videojuego. Y en medio de todo esto estaba Lyons, con el doble de edad del empleado promedio de HubSpot, sentado ante el escritorio, sobre una pelota hinchable que se suponía que era su silla. Pero este libro va más allá de HubSpot. Es una historia sobre lo que significa reinventarse y empezar una nueva carrera a los cincuenta años, en una industria hostil a los trabajadores mayores.
Dan Lyons, Violeta Arranz (translator) (Author), Germán Gijón (Narrator)
Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble
"Wildly entertaining ... Lyons has injected a dose of sanity into a world gone mad." ---Ashlee Vance, New York Times-bestselling author of Elon Musk For twenty-five years Dan Lyons was a magazine writer at the top of his profession--until one Friday morning when he received a phone call: Poof. His job no longer existed. "I think they just want to hire younger people," his boss at Newsweek told him. Fifty years old and with a wife and two young kids, Dan was, in a word, screwed. Then an idea hit. Dan had long reported on Silicon Valley and the tech explosion. Why not join it? HubSpot, a Boston start-up, was flush with $100 million in venture capital. They offered Dan a pile of stock options for the vague role of "marketing fellow." What could go wrong? HubSpotters were true believers: They were making the world a better place ... by selling email spam. The office vibe was frat house meets cult compound: The party began at four thirty on Friday and lasted well into the night; "shower pods" became hook-up dens; a push-up club met at noon in the lobby, while nearby, in the "content factory," Nerf gun fights raged. Groups went on "walking meetings," and Dan's absentee boss sent cryptic emails about employees who had "graduated" (read: been fired). In the middle of all this was Dan, exactly twice the age of the average HubSpot employee, and literally old enough to be the father of most of his co-workers, sitting at his desk on his bouncy-ball "chair." Mixed in with Lyons's uproarious tale of his rise and fall at Hubspot is a trenchant analysis of the start-up world, a de facto conspiracy between those who start companies and those who fund them, a world where bad ideas are rewarded with hefty investments, where companies blow money lavishing perks on their post-collegiate workforces, and where everybody is trying to hang on just long enough to reach an IPO and cash out. With a cast of characters that includes devilish angel investors, fad-chasing venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and "wantrapreneurs," bloggers and brogrammers, social climbers and sociopaths, Disrupted is a gripping and definitive account of life in the (second) tech bubble.
Dan Lyons (Author), Dan Lyons (Narrator)
Vietnam: Why We Should Have Won
Dan Lyons resigned as Dean of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington to become the free world's leading advocate of winning the war in Vietnam, visiting there 17 times between 1963 and 1975. His 500 daily radio and TV broadcasts, plus his nationwide weekly columns and debates on college campuses, reached millions every week for 12 years. In this book, he presents a brilliant expos' of why we lost the war, and why and how we should have won. No one is more adept at putting Vietnam in perspective. This is America's Malcolm Muggeridge at his best.
Dan Lyons (Author), Jeff Riggenbach (Narrator)
Vietnam: Why We Should Have Won
Dan Lyons resigned as dean of Gonzaga University in Spokane to become the free world's leading advocate of winning the war in Vietnam, visiting seventeen times between 1963 and 1975. His five hundred daily radio and television broadcasts, plus his nationwide weekly columns and debates on college campuses, reached millions every week for twelve years. In this book, he presents a brilliant exposé of why we lost the war-and why and how we should have won. No one is more adept at putting Vietnam in perspective. This is America's Malcolm Muggeridge at his best.
Dan Lyons (Author), Jeff Riggenbach (Narrator)
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