Holding Power is a gripping story that pits America's enemies, both foreign and domestic, against Madison Tarlton barely three months into her presidential term. Not only does she inherit a chaotic, dysfunctional government in the wake of the president-elect's assassination, but vile terrorists are determined to destroy her family. She must find out who in her administration is trying to undermine American freedom?and stop them before the republic is shattered. The sociopaths of the Brotherhood are back, and they're coming for Madison. Can her secret ally turn the tide and prevent disaster? Again? Find out in Holding Power, The 5th Republic Book 2.
The Assassin's Wife is a thrilling tale of political intrigue set in current America. A jealous, deranged husband assassinates the President-Elect of the United States two weeks before inauguration, and for the first time in history, a Vice-President-Elect must step up and take the oath of office. Madison Hemsley-Tarlton, a war hero and former governor, will be the new President...if she can stay alive long enough. Questions about the assassination quickly surface and eventually lead to a vicious and mysterious band of men who want to control American power. Madison stands at a point in history where the country is poised for a fundamental change in our system of government. Who is Madison's enigmatic ally and who will dominate the coming shift in the Republic?