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El arte de vivir en el nuevo milenio
Una guía ética para el futuro. Haciendo uso del sentido común y de un envidiable espíritu práctico, el Dalai Lama nos devuelve la confianza en nuestras mejores cualidades y nos ofrece una propuesta simple y clara para el nuevo milenio: aprender a creer en nuestra bondad innata y a ejercer la compasión, no solo como un deber, sino como una virtud. Una nueva ética que rompe las barreras de las distintas religiones y celebra los sentimientos más hondos y puros de los seres humanos.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Brought to you by Puffin. For the first time ever, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses children directly, sharing lessons of peace and compassion, told through stories of his own childhood. One of today's most inspiring world leaders was once an ordinary child named Lhamo Thondup. In a small village in Tibet, his mother was his first great teacher of compassion. In everyday moments from his childhood, young readers begin to see that important lessons are all around us, and they, too, can grow to truly understand them. With simple, powerful text, the Dalai Lama shares the universalist teachings of treating one another with compassion. In an increasingly confusing world, The Seed of Compassion offers guidance and encouragement on how we all might bring more kindness to our world. © The Gaden Phodrang Foundation of the Dalai Lama 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020
Dalai Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Francois Chau (Narrator)
El universo en un solo átomo: Cómo la unión entre la ciencia y espiritualidad pueden salvar el mundo
Cómo la unión entre la ciencia y espiritualidad pueden salvar el mundo. Su Santidad el Dalai Lama expone su visión de la ciencia y de la fe con una única intención: aliviar el sufrimiento humano. Mediante el estudio científico, que nunca ha abandonado, y el llamamiento a la práctica religiosa, el Dalai Lama explora muchos de los grandes y eternos debates y realiza asombrosas conexiones entre algunas cuestiones aparentemente dispares, como la evolución o el karma, llamadas a cambiar nuestra forma de percibir el mundo. Considera que la ciencia y la fe, cuyo antagonismo se encuentra en el origen del conflicto humano desde hace siglos, son «distintos enfoques de la investigación, que se complementan con un objetivo compartido, que es la búsqueda de la verdad». En El universo en un solo átomo, el Dalai Lama nos desafía a que comprobemos que los beneficios de abrir nuestro corazón y nuestra mente a las conexiones entre ciencia y fe son preferibles a perpetuar la fractura, más retórica que otra cosa, que a menudo los envuelve y rodea. Considera que esta aclaración es la clave para conseguir la paz, no sólo en nuestro interior sino en todo el mundo. Ahora que nos enfrentamos a tiempos tan difíciles, los extraordinarios pensamientos de este hombre, sus sabias palabras, adquieren una dimensión nueva y urgente. Ello proporciona a este luminoso libro su actualidad y su necesidad.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
Un magistral compendio de las raíces del budismo y de la realización personal que este posibilita. Esta recopilación de enseñanzas acerca de las Cuatro Nobles Verdades, fundamento de la filosofía budista y de su correcta práctica en la vida cotidiana, ofrece la posibilidad de profundizar en una doctrina que cada vez suscita mayor interés en las sociedades occidentales, ya que propone una visión más espiritual de la vida, más humana y tolerante.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division
In this brief, urgent "appeal to the world," His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses our time of division, calling on us to draw upon the innate goodness of our shared humanity to overcome the rancor, mistrust, and divisiveness that threaten world peace and sustainability. ? "I see with ever greater clarity that our spiritual well-being depends not on religion, but on our innate human nature, our natural affinity for goodness, compassion, and caring for others."-from An Appeal to the World Already a major international bestseller, now available in English for the first time: In An Appeal to the World, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet illuminates the way to peace in our time, arguing for a form of universal ethics that goes beyond religion-values we all share as humans that can help us create unity and peace to heal our world. "All people are united in the pursuit of happiness and the desire to avoid suffering," His Holiness reminds us. "This is the source of humanity's greatest achievements." Our development relies on cooperation, not competition. We need to begin to think and act on "we humans"-we must stop focusing on what divides us and recognize our commonalities. Without secular ethics-what Albert Schweitzer referred to as "reverence for life"-we cannot solve all the problems we face. Working with trusted collaborator Franz Alt, the Dalai Lama calls on the better angels of our nature to tackle a wide range of contemporary issues, from war, violence, and intolerance to climate change, global hunger, and materialism. Applying the techniques and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism-from listening and contemplation to meditation and nonviolence-His Holiness provides a roadmap forward. Brief yet profound, An Appeal to the World is an inspiring message of love and optimism that can truly change the world.
Dalai Lama, Franz Alt, The Dalai Lama (Author), Edoardo Ballerini (Narrator)
El pensamiento de un icono espiritual de nuestro tiempo: una guía para la buena meditación y las enseñanzas básicas del budismo. l Dalai Lama ofrece aquí fundamentos budistas claves para aplicar en la vida cotidiana. Su Santidad define la noción de felicidad, de karma, habla del poder de la mente en la meditación y, finalmente, nos apela a tener un sentimiento de responsabilidad universal que guíe nuestras relaciones en este mundo cada vez más fragmentado.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
Two great spiritual masters share their own hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity. The occasion was a big birthday. And it inspired two close friends to get together in Dharamsala for a talk about something very important to them. The friends were His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The subject was joy. Both winners of the Nobel Prize, both great spiritual masters and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet. From the beginning the book was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: their own stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives. Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. Now that they are both in their eighties, they especially want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others. Most of all, during that landmark week in Dharamsala, they demonstrated by their own exuberance, compassion, and humor how joy can be transformed from a fleeting emotion into an enduring way of life. Narration Credits: Douglas Carlton Abrams, read by the author Dalai Lama, read by Francois Chau Desmond Tutu, read by Peter Francis James
Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams (Author), , Douglas Carlton Abrams, Francois Chau, Peter Francis James (Narrator)
El líder budista más destacado habla de forma elocuente de cómo transformar las relaciones de nuestra vida a través del amor.Su Santidad el Dalai Lama, el líder budista más respetado en todo el mundo y premio Nobel de la Paz, ofrece en este libro las claves del camino que tenemos que seguir para alcanzar la verdadera felicidad y la plenitud en nuestras vidas a través del amor.En un proceso escalonado en siete pasos, el Dalai Lama nos enseña a ampliar nuestro concepto del amor hasta convertirlo en la quintaesencia de nuestra alegría y satisfacción personal: solo si nos despojamos de nuestros prejuicios y aprendemos a volcarnos en los demás desde la compasión, dejando atrás los convencionalismos, alcanzaremos la auténtica sabiduría.En Los siete pasos hacia el amor el Dalai Lama lanza un mensaje inspirador que nos empuja a abrir nuestros corazones a una nueva e ilimitada experiencia del amor que transformará para siempre nuestras vidas.Abramos nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes a un amor sin límites.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
Conócete a ti mismo tal como realmente eres
Una obra inspiradora, indispensable para todas aquellas personas que necesitan encontrar en su interior las respuestas a los grandes interrogantes de su ser en el mundo. El Dalai Lama, el líder budista más conocido y respetado, y Premio Nobel de la Paz, enseña en esta obra a reconocer las nociones equivocadas que tenemos de nosotros mismos para abordar la realidad desde una perspectiva más certera y humana.Como las dos alas de un pájaro, el amor y el conocimiento interior trabajan juntos para llevarnos a la iluminación. Con anécdotas personales, el Dalai Lama muestra en esta obra las claves que ofrece la tradición budista para el conocimiento personal y el despertar espiritual.
Dalai Lama, Dalái Lama, The Dalai Lama (Author), Josué Morales (Narrator)
Happiness can be achieved through training the mind...Generally speaking, one begins by identifying those factors which lead to happiness and those factors which lead to suffering. Having done this, one then sets about gradually eliminating those factors which lead to suffering and cultivating those which lead to happiness.
Dalai Lama (Author), Dalai Lama (Narrator)
The Wisdom of Compassion: Stories of Remarkable Encounters and Timeless Insights
The Wisdom of Compassion offers rare insights into the Dalai Lama's life and his efforts to translate compassion into action through deeply engaging, behind-the-scene stories about his interactions with remarkable people from all walks of life. This is the Dalai Lama at his most human, and most humane. We see how he approaches the world with playfulness, optimism, and a profound empathy for the suffering of others. Through his own conduct, he shows us the tangible benefits of practicing kindness, forgiveness and compassion. And he demonstrates that opening our hearts and minds to others is the surest path to true happiness. The Wisdom of Compassion is an intensely personal portrait of the Dalai Lama. It recounts the story of his friendship with a blind Irishman, how they first met and how in later meetings the Dalai Lama comes to call him his one and only hero. It explores the Dalai Lama's collaboration with a neuroscientist and how it results in significant discoveries about the human brain. It also brings to life poignant accounts of his uncommon encounters with a little beggar girl, a disabled boy in a critical care ward, a man who trains grandmothers to become solar engineers, and many others. The Dalai Lama's wisdom principles revolve around the practical application of compassion. Enhanced by his seven decades of practice and elucidated through captivating anecdotes of his own experiences, they will help readers lead more fulfilling lives. As the Dalai Lama has written many years ago: if you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want yourself to be happy, practice compassion.
Dalai Lama, H. H. Dalai Lama, Victor Chan (Author), Rich Orlow (Narrator)
When the Dalai Lama paid a visit to Emory University, he offered an introductory lecture to Tibetan Buddhism. The lecture is not exactly what you’d normally get in the university classroom. The talk is not entirely linear. And he spends some time speaking in English, then speaks in his native tongue (with the help of an interpreter). But, he can talk about Buddhism with the authority that few authors can, and there’s a reason audiences come to see him in droves.
Dalai Lama (Author), Dalai Lama (Narrator)
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