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[Hindi] - Samaj Se Prapt Brahmacharya (U) - Hindi Audio Book
Each and every human being has the capacity to identify his Soul and attain salvation. However, one severe obstacle on this path could be sexual attraction/ infatuation. None other than a Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) can help us understand the science behind sexual attraction and help us get rid of it. In the Audio book, Dadashri, the Gnani Purush has discussed the importance of celibacy in the path of salvation…and how it can be achieved even by the married couples. The nature of sexuality, its present life dangers, as well as potential dangers for the lives to come are described by the Gnani and the beneficial effects of brahmacharya are shown with scientific exactness. Precise understanding of brahmacharya, methods by eradicating the root cause of sexuality, is given to the seeker. In part 1 of the Audio book, Dadashri has warned the married people of infidelity (by thoughts and actions), explained the risks thereof, emphasized on how the subtlest form of infidelity/attraction would divert us from the path of spirituality. For married people, remaining utmost faithful to his/her partner is equivalent to celibacy. In part 2 of the Audio book, Dadashri, has discussed about his enlightened Self that moves about unbound by any circumstance of the material world, unveils for us all ! He initiates the cause brahmacharya in the light of this absolute vision and experiential bliss for all who come to him seeking freedom from the clutches of sexuality and its misery. In this environment rampant with profuse sexuality and its vibrations, the Gnani Purush's extraordinary and effective speech demolishes all elements of sexuality and illusion of the seeker and makes him still in brahmacharya with understanding.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
Noble Use of Money - English Audio Book
In the Audiobook 'Noble Use of Money', Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains that best charity means to offer happiness to others, for 'when you give happiness to others, you get happiness in return'. Dadashri explains that, among the many ways to be happier, the simplest way to 'buy happiness' is giving away money, especially in the form of anonymous donations. Dadashri provides answers to questions such as: 'Why is it helpful to donate to charity?' 'What are the reasons to make an anonymous donation?' 'Of the many charities to donate to, what are the best charities to donate to?' 'Is giving to charity part of leading a spiritual life?' Among the many spiritual Audiobooks available today, it is rare to find spiritual guidance related to the highest use of money - charity donations. This resource offering spiritual advice on how to make a donation, and why to make an anonymous donation, is sure to prove invaluable.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Pratikraman (G) - Gujarati Audio Book
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct can become disconcerting. Naturally one begins to wonder, 'Is it too late to apologize?', 'How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?' and, 'How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the past and for ongoing mistakes in the present?' One of the most powerful tools for spiritual healing of both past and present is repentance with sincere apology. Yet, among the many spiritual Audiobooks available today, it is rare to find a concise scripture on forgiveness. In the Audiobook 'Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance', Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan describes the spiritual power of forgiveness prayer and offers a precise formula for asking for forgiveness. This abridged version of Dadashri's Audiobook 'Pratikraman' allows anyone seeking to practice spiritual forgiveness prayer to easily understand how to repent, how to forgive someone, and how to begin forgiving yourself. This Audiobook is an invaluable resource for spirituality and health.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Mai Kaun Hu - Hindi Audio Book
Who hasn't asked themselves what there is to life beyond just living? What is true purpose in life? There must be higher purpose than just living… In the Audio book 'Who am I?', Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan describes that one's ultimate life purpose is to find an answer to the age-old unanswered question of spiritual seekers: Who am I, and who is the 'doer' of all that happens in life? Dadashri also resolves questions such as: 'What is the nature of the journey of souls?', 'How was the world created?', 'How to find God?', 'How can I experience my own pure Soul?', and 'What is liberation?' Ultimately, Dadashri describes that attaining knowledge of Self is the primary purpose of life, and the beginning of true spirituality. Having gained Self knowledge, spiritual development begins, after which one may attain ultimate liberation, or moksha. Among the many spiritual Audio books available today, Dadashri's 'Who am I?' is an exceptional resource.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Adjust Everywhere - Gujarati Audio Book
Life requires continuous adjustment in relation to unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. However, when dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, adjustments become increasingly difficult. In this Audio book 'Adjust Everywhere', Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers the ultimate conflict resolution skills in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan - Part-5 - Gujarati Audio Book
The Audio book, Gnani Purush 'Dada Bhagwan' Part-5, this volume covers various events before Dadashri's enlightenment. After reading this, one can clearly see the overview of the growing inflammation of His ego, the state of not being able to bear the bondage of that ego due to the awakened state, the increasing state of dispassion in the world and the internal state that is more and more inclined towards enlightenment. In this audio book, many events before Dadashri's enlightenment are similar to what happened in the life of a common man, in which He also made similar mistakes. But the specialty is that once the mistake is understood, fluent and unusual thinking, brainstorming, research and conclusions made by Him show an overview of the characteristics of an enlightened man. Let's study this audio book very humbly and get to know an enlightened man who is incredible and by implementing His correct understanding in life, climb the ranks of knowledge.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Aptavani-13 (P) - Hindi Audio Book
The essence of all scriptures, and spiritual discourses is one and the same and that is to get the 'awareness and the knowledge of Self'. The 'main Self' is shuddha (verily pure), but one has the wrong belief of 'who am I'? This wrong belief of 'I am Chandu' (reader should use his name) has given rise to the prakruti (nature and characteristics of a person). There are only two things in the world, non-living (jadd) and living (chetan). The two have always been distinct and different, but a mix of both has led to the visheshbhaav of 'I am Chandubhai' which contradicts the basics of Self-realization, which is 'I am the Self/soul'. Published in this Audio book is the speech of the Gnani Purush (The enlightened one) of Akram Vignan (spiritual science) who came to be known to the world as Dadashri (master of spiritual science). He has explained the root cause of pakruti. He has also discussed the eight types of karmas.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
Non-Violence - English Audio Book
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may become curious as to what is ahimsa (non violence), and inspired to practice it. But understanding how to live in non violence is not as simple as it seems, and practicing no violence in daily life can quickly become bewildering. To someone just beginning to cultivate non-violence, daily interactions might even begin to feel like the very definition of conflict! In the Audio book 'Non-Violence', Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers key understanding on how to define ahimsa (non violence) and how to avoid kashaya (internal self harm). Dadashri explains that kashaya is at the root of self harming, unhealthy relationships, and violence. Here, he teaches how to live in peace, offering profound knowledge of non violent communication, conflict resolution skills, and conflict management strategies.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
[Hindi] - Samaj Se Prapt Brahmacharya (P) - Hindi Audio Book
Each and every human being has the capacity to identify his Soul and attain salvation. However, one severe obstacle on this path could be sexual attraction/ infatuation. None other than a Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) can help us understand the science behind sexual attraction. In the Audio book, Dadashri, the Gnani Purush has discussed the cause and effects of attraction towards the opposite sex, and horrific consequences of unchaste behavior. Part 1 of the Audio book is devoted to discuss the science of such attraction, how it impedes Self-realization and explains the significance of celibacy. Part 2 of the Audio book contains chapters for those who have resolved to remain celibate. Having become convinced of the benefits of brahmacharya, the aspirant expresses his willingness to do so. Having met the Gnani Purush and with his continued nearness and grace, he takes the firm vow to be free from all elements of sexuality. The Gnani remains with him until the attainment of total brahmacharya.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
'Aptavani 9' is the ninth in a series of spiritual Audio books titled 'Aptavani'. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: What is the definition of ignorance, the definition of self awareness, and the definition of freedom – and are they all related?', 'What are the signs of spiritual awakening?', 'If I gain spiritual power from spiritual practices, is that dangerous to my spirituality in any way?, 'What is liberation, or moksha?' For those wanting to know how to become more spiritual, or desirous of attaining moksha, Dadashri explains that certain pitfalls must be avoided in the process of spiritual development. He describes how, in spirituality and practice, one must be careful not to fall into a lack of awareness. From understanding 'Who am I?' and attaining knowledge of Self, true spirituality unfolds within, which supports a spiritual life leading to ultimate liberation.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
Aptavani-13 (U) - Hindi Audio Book
'Aptavani 13 (Uttarardh)' is the thirteenth in a series of spiritual Audio books titled 'Aptavani'. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has explained various aspects of attachment-abhorrence, like-dislike, vitaraagata, gnan-agnan, darshan (vision) and other aspects of the knowledge of the Self. This Audio book will help to understand the science of prakruti and the Self (Soul).
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
Aptavani-12 (P) - Hindi Audio Book
Param Pujya Dadashri, the revered scientist of Akram Vignan (the direct path to Self-realization) has explained about mahatmas' (Self-realized followers of Param Pujya Dadashri) puzzles about their worldly interaction, their difficulties in following the Agnas (the five cardinal spiritual instructions given after Self-realization) and about the ways in which they can remain in jagruti (awareness of the Self). Jagruti would include moving from the belief of 'I am Chandu' (reader should use his or her own name), to that of 'I am Shuddhatma (Pure Self) only'; 'I am not the doer'; 'I am only the Gnata-Drashta (Knower-Seer)'. Everything else is simply a discharge, of all that was previously charged. Under no circumstances are new causes being created. What you are 'seeing' is only the effect of past life causes. Compiled in this Audio book is the heart touching speech of Param Pujya Dadashri; wherein he discusses the various methods to remain in jagruti, which is of prime importance to attain salvation. To gain and maintain jagruti, Param Pujya Dadashri has shared his vision of separation from the self, how to be Gnata-Drashta by talking to oneself, sometimes rebuking oneself for having done any wrong, how to understand and apply the concepts of charge-discharge of karmas, etc.
Dada Bhagwan (Author), Dada Bhagwan (Narrator)
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