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Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation
Read by the author. Timothy Keller takes listeners behind the scenes to meet the people and understand the events that formed Keller's spiritual life and ministry priorities. This audiobook includes rare audio recordings of Timothy Keller, each representing a key moment or influence in his life. Millions have read books and listened to sermons by Timothy Keller. But which people and what events shaped his own thinking and spiritual growth? With unfettered access to Keller's personal notes and sermons-as well as exclusive interviews with family members and longtime friends-Collin Hansen gives you unprecedented understanding of one of the 21st century's most influential church leaders. Spend any time around Timothy Keller and you'll learn what he's reading, what he's learning, what he's seeing. The story of Timothy Keller is the story of his spiritual and intellectual influences, from the woman who taught him how to read the Bible to the professor who taught him to preach Jesus from every text to the philosopher who taught him to see beneath society's surface. For the first time, Hansen introduces listeners to Keller's early years: the home where he learned to tell stories from the trees, the church where he learned to care for souls, and the city that lifted him to the international fame he never wanted. You'll discover how to: - Understand the principles and practices that allowed Keller to synthesize so many different influences in a coherent ministry. - Take the best of Keller's preaching and teaching to meet emerging challenges in the 21st century. - Develop your own historical, theological, and cultural perspectives to shape your leadership. This is the untold story of the people, the books, the lectures, and ultimately the God who formed and shaped the life of Timothy Keller. Bonus audio includes: - Tim Keller's sermon "Truth, Tears, Anger, and Grace," delivered by Keller following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on September 16, 2001 - The first message Keller delivered for a public conference of The Gospel Coalition in 2007: "Gospel-Centered Ministry" - The famous sermon "The Girl Nobody Wanted," Keller's famous sermon about Jacob's marriages to Rachel and Leah - "The Lord and the Word," an influential 1973 lecture delivered by Edmund Clowney, Keller's only personal mentor - The inspiring address delivered by Elisabeth Elliot, "The Glory of God's Will," at the 1976 Urbana missions conference attended by Tim and Kathy Keller
Collin Hansen (Author), Collin Hansen, Full Cast, Timothy Keller (Narrator)
The New City Catechism Devotional: God's Truth for Our Hearts and Minds
A Modern-Day Catechism Featuring 52 Questions and Answers Along With Related Scripture Passages, Commentaries, and Prayers In centuries past, the church used catechisms to teach foundational Christian doctrines. In today’s world of shifting beliefs, this communal practice of learning biblical truth via questions and answers is more needed than ever before. Seeking to restore this ancient method of teaching to the regular life of the church, The New City Catechism Devotional is a gospel-centered, modern-day resource that not only summarizes important Christian beliefs through 52 questions and answers but also helps readers be transformed by those doctrines. Each question features a relevant Scripture reading, a short prayer, and a devotional commentary written by contemporary pastors (including John Piper, Timothy Keller, and Kevin DeYoung) and historical figures (such as Augustine, John Calvin, and Martin Luther). Designed for use in a variety of contexts, The New City Catechism Devotional is a valuable resource for helping believers learn and meditate on the doctrines that stand at the heart of the Christian faith. Now available in paperback. Published in partnership with the Gospel Coalition. - Biblical and Foundational: Reintroduces contemporary audiences to the historical teaching method of catechesis - A Cost-Effective Resource for Giveaways: Now available in paperback, perfect for church giveaways - Part of The New City Catechism Product Suite: Additional products include The New City Catechism for Kids and The New City Catechism Curriculum
Collin Hansen, Timothy Keller (Author), Calvin Robinson (Narrator)
Redescubre: ¿Por qué ir (de nuevo) a la iglesia?
¿No es suficiente con que un cristiano siga la transmisión en vivo de un servicio de la iglesia? ¿Todavía vale la pena unirse a una congregación local? ¿En realidad es tan importante reunirse todas las semanas? ¿Por qué debería ir a la iglesia (de nuevo)? Collin Hansen y Jonathan Leeman abordan estas preguntas. Quieren ayudarte a redescubrir por qué la iglesia es tan importante. La iglesia es más que una transmisión en vivo; es una comunidad que, como pueblo de Dios, aprende a ser el cuerpo de Cristo. Necesitas a otros (y otros necesitan de ti) para ser cristiano.
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman (Author), Efraín Gómez (Narrator)
Depuis qu'une pandémie mondiale a brusquement entraîné la fermeture des lieux de culte ou réduit leur capacité d'accueil, de nombreux chrétiens ont délaissé la vie d'Église, négligeant même les cultes virtuels. Cependant, cette tendance existait bien avant la COVID-19. En effet, des questions de société polarisantes avaient, notamment, déjà convaincu certaines personnes de s'éloigner de l'Église et de ses membres. Il est maintenant temps de s'engager à se rassembler de nouveau en tant que frères et sœurs en Christ. Dans Redécouvrir l'Église locale, Collin Hansen et Jonathan Leeman expliquent pourquoi l'Église est essentielle pour les croyants et la mission de Dieu. À travers différents textes bibliques et plusieurs histoires personnelles, ils montrent aux lecteurs la véritable intention de Dieu pour les rassemblements d'Église : renforcer spirituellement les membres en tant qu'individus et en tant que corps du Christ. À une époque où l'on a de la difficulté à s'engager sérieusement envers une Église et où les cultes sont diffusés en ligne, redécouvrez pourquoi l'avenir de l'Église repose sur le rassemblement régulier des croyants en tant que famille de Dieu.
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman (Author), Samuel Alvear (Narrator)
Herontdekking: Waarom zou ik naar de kerk gaan?
Is het volgen van de livestream van een kerkdienst voor een christen niet voldoende? Is het nog wel de moeite waard je bij een plaatselijke gemeente aan te sluiten? Is het echt zo belangrijk om iedere week samen te komen? Collin Hansen en Jonathan Leeman gaan op deze vragen in. Herontdekking gaat over onderwerpen als de bedoeling van de gemeente, het belang van de preek, het lidmaatschap, de tucht en hoe we leden kunnen liefhebben die zo heel anders zijn dan wij. Jij hebt anderen nodig (en anderen hebben jou nodig) om christen te zijn. JONATHAN LEEMAN (PhD, University of Wales) is de uitgeefdirecteur van 9Marks. Hij schrijft praktische boeken over gemeentezijn en geeft les aan predikantsopleidingen. COLLIN HANSEN (MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is de hoofdredacteur van de website The Gospel Coalition.
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman (Author), Marcel Vroegop (Narrator)
Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime
This book offers pastors examples of long-term faithfulness in ministry and practical wisdom from veteran pastors for real-life issues. Published in partnership with the Gospel Coalition. - Attending to your personal spiritual life (Tim Keller) - Leaving a church (D. A. Carson) - Crafting sermons week after week (Bryan Chapell) - Facing criticism (Dan Doriani) - Pastoring a church you wouldn't attend (Tom Ascol) - Caring for your wife in the midst of criticism (Juan R. Sanchez with Jeanine D. Sanchez) - Feeling deserted by members leaving (Dave Harvey) - Pastoring a small church that seems insignificant (Mark McCullough) - Experiencing burnout (John Starke) - Shepherding a church that has outgrown your gifts (Scott Patty) - Handling financial burdens (Brandon Shields) - Doubting your calling (Jeff Robinson Sr.)
Collin Hansen, Jeff Robinson Sr. (Author), Joe Geoffrey (Narrator)
Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential
Why We Need the Church Now More than Ever Churches are currently facing a host of difficult issues—potential shut-downs and restrictions due to COVID-19, political dissension among members, racial division, church abuse scandals, and the list continues. While some attendees have temporarily turned to virtual church services, others are wondering if committing to a local church is worth the trouble. Is it really that important to gather each week? Written for anyone struggling to answer this question, Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman help listeners rediscover why the church is essential. Rediscover Church starts from the ground up, examining topics such as the mission of the church, the importance of preaching and teaching, church membership, church discipline, and how to love members who are different. This audiobook is a timely reminder that the church is more than just a livestream—it is an essential fellowship of God’s people furthering God’s mission.
Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman (Author), Marcus Jackman (Narrator)
Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age
A profound exploration of how to hold on to hope when our unchanging faith collides with a changing culture, from two respected Christian storytellers and thought leaders. "Offers neither spin control nor image maintenance for the evangelical tribe, but genuine hope."-Russell Moore, president of ERLC As the pressures of health warnings, economic turmoil, and partisan politics continue to rise, the influence of gospel-focused Christians seems to be waning. In the public square and popular opinion, we are losing our voice right when it's needed most for Christ's glory and the common good. But there's another story unfolding too-if you know where to look. In Gospelbound, Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra counter these growing fears with a robust message of resolute hope for anyone hungry for good news. Join them in exploring profound stories of Christians who are quietly changing the world in the name of Jesus-from the wild world of digital media to the stories of ancient saints and unsung contemporary activists on the frontiers of justice and mercy. Discover how, in these dark times, the light of Jesus shines even brighter. You haven't heard the whole story. And that's good news.
Collin Hansen, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (Author), Mike Chamberlain, Sybil Johnson (Narrator)
Courir avec persévérance: Les défis du ministère pastoral
Des pasteurs qui parlent aux pasteurs. Ce livre s’adresse aux pasteurs et responsables d’Églises qui font face à des épreuves douloureuses liées à leur ministère. Les auteurs sont des pasteurs expérimentés qui se sont lancés dans la course il y a longtemps et qui persévèrent encore aujourd’hui. Si vous aspirez au ministère pastoral, ou si vous êtes pasteur, ne vous privez pas des effets bienfaisants de ce livre.— Dominique Angers, professeur et auteur de Parle-moi maintenant par ÉphésiensVoici les thèmes abordés et les auteurs qui les traitent: - Veiller à sa santé spirituelle (Tim Keller) - Gérer la tentation de démissionner (Don Carson) - Prêcher chaque semaine sans se répéter (Bryan Chapell) - Affronter les critiques (Dan Doriani) - Servir une Église que l’on n’aurait pas fréquentée (Tom Ascol) - Protéger son épouse des critiques que l’on reçoit (Juan et Jeanine Sanchez) - Vivre après la «trahison» de ceux qui partent (Dave Harvey) - Gérer le sentiment d’échec parce que l’Église stagne (Gilles Georgel, Pierre Bariteau) - Surmonter l’envie d’en finir, la dépression (Étienne Lhermenault) - Servir une Église qui grandit trop vite pour ses dons (Scott Patty) - Persévérer malgré des finances défaillantes (Éric Waechter) - Servir malgré le doute sur son appel (Jeff Robinson Sr) Avec compassion et en s’appuyant sur la Bible, ces pasteurs partagent leur souffrance dans le domaine, mais aussi leur fidélité et leur endurance. Vous trouverez en eux des sortes de mentors à distance. Par de nombreux conseils pratiques qui puisent dans la sagesse biblique, ils vous racontent, à cœur ouvert, comment Dieu a travaillé à leur sanctification à travers les épreuves de la réalité pastorale. Trois chapitres ont été rédigés par des auteurs français.
Collin Hansen (Author), Claire-Lise Judkins, Frédéric Mondin, Guillaume Bignon, Lucas Debaisieux, Philip Kapitaniuk, Samuel Christen, Stéphane Kapitaniuk, Sylvestre Amandier (Narrator)
Lost and Found: How Jesus helped us discover our true selves
There are many paths to lose your way. And only one way to find it. So said Jesus of Nazareth, the most compelling and controversial teacher of all time. This book aims to make sense of his counterintuitive claim: Unless we lose our lives for his sake, we will never discover our true selves. Writers from around the world tell their stories of healing and hope amid many hardships. Joni Eareckson Tada, Sam Allberry, Christopher Yuan, Aixa de Lopez, and many other contributors share how God found them amid many dangers, toils, and snares.
Aixa De Lopez, Bernard N. Howard, Chris Castaldo, Christopher Yuan, Collin Hansen, Jason Cook, Jeff Robinson, Joni Eareckson Tada, Quina Aragon, Sam Allberry, Sam Chan, Vaneetha Rendall Risner (Author), Al Kessel, Ann Richardson (Narrator)
Our Secular Age: Ten Years of Reading and Applying Charles Taylor
Probably no book published in the last decade has been so ambitious as Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. He seeks nothing less than to account for the spread of secularism and decline of faith in the last 500 years. Now a remarkable roster of writers-including Carl Trueman, Michael Horton, and Jen Pollock Michel-considers Taylor's insights for the church's life and mission, covering everything from healthcare to liturgy to pop culture and politics. Nothing is easy about faith today. But endurance produces character, and character produces hope, even in our secular age.
Collin Hansen (Author), Lloyd James (Narrator)
The Stories We Tell: How TV and Movies Long for and Echo the Truth
The average American watches 5 hours of TV every day. Collectively, we spend roughly $30 billion on movies each year. Simply put, we're entertainment junkies. But can we learn something from our insatiable addiction to stories? Mike Cosper thinks so. From horror flicks to rom-coms, the tales we tell and the myths we weave inevitably echo the narrative underlying all of history: the story of humanity's tragic sin and God's triumphant salvation. This entertaining book connects the dots between the stories we tell and the one great Story-helping us better understand the longings of the human heart and thoughtfully engage with the movies and TV shows that capture our imaginations.
Collin Hansen, Mike Cosper, Timothy J. Keller (Author), Lloyd James, Lloyd James (Narrator)
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