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Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics, and Magicians
• Examines the survival and revival of the old pre-Christian gods, investigates prehistoric sacred sites, and reveals ancient shamanic traditions • Looks at Rosicrucianism and the distinctive Germanic forms of astrology, alchemy, and the Kabbalah • Discusses German poets, philosophers, and mystics, such as Dr. Johann Faust, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and Jakob Boehme Recounting the longstanding magical tradition of Germany, Christopher McIntosh investigates the numerous prehistoric sacred sites that point to a nearly forgotten ancient shamanic civilization. He examines the survival and revival of the old pre- Christian gods in folklore, customs, and practices as well as witchcraft. He looks at Germany's rich and many-faceted spiritual heritage and explores Christian mysticism and theosophy as exemplified by Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and Jakob Boehme. Examining Rosicrucianism, which originated in Germany, the author also looks at other secret societies that flourished in Germany, such as speculative Freemasonry, the Fraternitas Saturni, and the Golden and Rosy Cross. He explores how the Church sought to stamp out the old gods and pagan beliefs as well as how periods of the Church's heaviest oppression produced immortal poets, philosophers, theologians, artists, and mystics. Exploring more recent centuries, the author looks at the Nordic revival in the 19th century and the influence of Theosophy and the movements that grew out of it, such as Steiner's Anthroposophy. Examining the esoteric traditions of the 20th century, he looks at the work of neo-Nordic occultists and esoteric writers like Meyrink and Hesse. He explores certain occult aspects of the Third Reich, which resulted in a backlash against the occult. Revealing both the enlightened and the dark sides of occult Germany, the author shows how this country has long been a cauldron in which esoteric ideas have flourished, spread, and been lauded as well as condemned, leaving an enduring mark.
Christopher Mcintosh (Author), Michael Moynihan (Narrator)
Occult Russia: Pagan, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions
• Reveals the survival of ancient Slavic deities, pagan practices, and folk medicine tradition in modern Russia, including the indigenous pre-Christian customs of the Mari people and the shamanic traditions of Siberia • Examines the precursors to modern spiritual movements in the "Silver Age" (1880-1920) and discusses the impact of the Russian Revolution on spiritual and esoteric groups • Offers a deep look at the controversial Book of Veles, branded by some as a forgery and hailed by others as an epic chronicle of the Slavic people In this in-depth look at occult and esoteric traditions in Russia, Christopher McIntosh explores the currents of mysticism, myth, magic, and the spiritual to which the Russian soul has always been attuned. The author explains how the search for meaning in the post- Soviet era has given rise to a revival of ancient spiritual traditions and a plethora of new movements. He examines the precursors to these movements in the "Silver Age" (1880-1920) before the Revolution, when alternative forms of spirituality were finding new life as a reaction to the ongoing climate of violence, revolt, and repression. He discusses the impact of the Russian Revolution on spiritual and esoteric groups and shows how their activities were tolerated and even in some instances encouraged--until Stalin assumed power in 1924. Discussing the spiritual reawakening after the fall of communism in 1989, the author explores the survival of Slavic deities and pagan practices in modern Russia, including the indigenous pre-Christian customs of the Mari people and the shamanic traditions of Siberia. He examines the resurgence of the Orthodox Church and the burgeoning of alternative forms of spirituality. He offers a deep look at the controversial Book of Veles, branded by some as a forgery and hailed by others as an epic chronicle of the Slavic people. He also explores the interface between spirituality and the arts and the unique qualities of the Russian language as a medium for the sacred. Revealing the implications of the modern Russian spiritual and esoteric renaissance, McIntosh shows that it still remains to be seen whether Edgar Cayce's prediction of Russia as the hope of the world will come true or if Russia will remain, as Churchill famously stated, "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."
Christopher Mcintosh (Author), Michael Moynihan (Narrator)
Beyond the North Wind: The Fall and Rise of the Mystic North
'The North' is simultaneously a location, a direction, and a mystical concept. Although this concept has ancient roots in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales, it continues to resonate today within modern culture. McIntosh leads listeners, chapter by chapter, through the magical and spiritual history of the North, as well as its modern manifestations, as documented through physical records, such as runestones and megaliths, but also through mythology and lore. This mythic conception of a unique, powerful, and mysterious Northern civilization was known to the Greeks as 'Hyberborea'-the 'Land Beyond the North Wind'-which they considered to be the true origin place of their god, Apollo, bringer of civilization. Through the Greeks, this concept of the mythic North would spread throughout Western civilization. In addition, McIntosh discusses Russian Hyperboreanism, which he describes as among 'the most influential of the new religions and quasi-religious movements that have sprung up in Russia since the fall of Communism' and which is currently almost unknown in the West.
Christopher Mcintosh (Author), Simon Vance (Narrator)
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