Chris Harrison, the beloved longtime host of ABC's The Bachelor, explores the perils and rewards of risking everything for love in his first novel. As the longtime host of ABC's hit shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, Chris Harrison has witnessed the joys and heartbreak of men and women searching for everlasting love. A true romantic at heart, he believes that everyone deserves their own fairytale ending. Now, in his first work of fiction, Chris draws on his unique insights and wisdom in a remarkable debut novel that explores love and its consequences-a must-listen for Bachelor fans and hopeless romantics everywhere.
On a trip to Dublin, Australian Chris Harrison falls head over heels in love with Daniela, an Italian girl with eyes the colour of Guinness- and he follows her home. He abandons his previous life for LA DOLCE VITA, with its luscious foods and sun-drenched vistas. Among olive groves and cobblestone lanes, Chris takes us on a moving, insightful and often hilarious journey into the heart of southern Italy…