In this book I revealed how to make a successful marriage. It has five chapters and each chapter is unique on its own.
SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE IS NOT BY LUCK: Successful Marriage is not by luck! Though much of it requires God's grace, yet the journey for a great marriage starts with or from you. Number One factor you should consider in this journey is the discovery of yourself. That is, knowing...
THE FIRST THING A MAN SHOULD DO FOR A WOMAN: The first thing a man should do for his woman is to provide her with adequate security! It is a sense of being secured that would make a woman sticks longer in a marriage. The security...
PERFORMING SPIRITUAL OVERSIGHT: When we talk about spiritual oversight, unfortunately, most people think 'you need to marry a woman that can pray'. That is a problem because as the head of the family you should be able to pray for the family to fortify your spiritual wellbeing and that of the marriage. A man's home...
MUCH IS DEPENDENT ON INTEGRITY: Integrity is crucial to any human relationship. One needs to guard it at all cost! Integrity is the one of the strongest virtues that provide security for a woman. Anybody you can't trust, you feel unsafe with. All the...
HOW TO PROTECT YOUR WOMAN: There is a reason why you as a man are stronger than your woman. Men and women are not the same. Some people think that men and women are...