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[Spanish] - Taylor Swift (Spanish edition): La historia completa
Bestseller #1 del New York Times La historia completa del estratosférico ascenso a la fama de Taylor Swift. Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la superestrella del pop que está conquistando el mundo. Taylor Swift, una chica de un pequeño pueblo, un talento increíble y una fuerza descomunal para perseguir sus sueños, se ha convertido en la artista más grande de la década y una de las personas más famosas del mundo. Millones de personas la admiran y la ven como un modelo a seguir: una mujer fuerte y honesta que ha abierto a pulso su camino. Pero ¿cómo ha llegado hasta aquí? ¿Y qué le depara el futuro? Desde su infancia en en Pensilvania, soñando con un futuro en la música, hasta el ícono en que se ha convertido, abarcando su lucha por ser tomada en serio en la industria musical, las recompensas del éxito y la intensa presión de las expectativas, Taylor Swift: La historia completa es un relato del extraordinario viaje de Taylor que la ha llevado a romper todos los récords, manteniéndose siempre a fiel a sí misma y a su música. Este apasionante libro está repleto de detalles fascinantes que revelan a la verdadera Taylor: qué la impulsa, la motiva y la emociona, cómo superó los retos que la esperaban en su camino a la fama, qué tan auténtica es su imagen de persona íntegra y de quién habla realmente en sus canciones, además de la verdad sobre sus relaciones con Harry Styles, Jake Gyllanhaal, Conor Kennedy y Travis Kelce. Es el retrato completo, por primera vez en español, de una chica que fácilmente podría haberse desvanecido entre bambalinas, pero que floreció para convertirse en una mujer elegante, inspiradora y con los pies en la tierra. #1 The New York Times Bestseller This is the full story of Taylor Swift’s stratospheric rise to fame. Everything dedicated Swift fans needs to know about the pop superstar who’s taking over the world. Taylor Swift, a small-town girl, an incredible talent and a tremendous strength to pursue her dreams, has become the biggest artist of the decade and one of the most famous people in the world. Millions of people look up to her and see her as a role model: a strong, honest woman who has carved her own path. But how did she get here, and what does the future hold for her? From her childhood in Pennsylvania, dreaming of a future in music, to the icon she has become, covering her struggle to be taken seriously in the music industry, the rewards of success, and the intense pressure of expectations, Taylor Swift: The Complete Story is an account of Taylor's extraordinary journey that has led her to break all records, while remaining true to herself and her music. This gripping book is packed with fascinating details that reveal the real Taylor: what drives, motivates and excites her, how she overcame the challenges that awaited her on her road to fame, how authentic she comes across as a person of integrity and who she really talks about in her songs, plus the truth about her relationships with Harry Styles, Jake Gyllanhaal, Conor Kennedy and Travis Kelce. For the first time in Spanish, this is the complete portrait of a girl who could have easily faded behind the scenes, but blossomed into a stylish, inspiring and down-to-earth woman.
Chas Newkey-Burden (Author), Kerygma Flores (Narrator)
[Italian] - Taylor Swift. La biografia
Una ragazza di provincia con un incredibile talento, e la forza e la determinazione di realizzare il suo Sogno: Taylor Swift si è trasformata da giovane promessa della musica country a megastar globale. La rivista Time l'ha proclamata 'Persona dell'anno' nel 2023. Il suo undicesimo album, The Tortured Poets Department, è il primo nella storia a raggiungere un miliardo di stream su Spotify. Sembra che non esista record che Taylor Swift non è in grado di infrangere. Ma come è arrivata da una contea della Pennsylvania ai palcoscenici di tutto il mondo? E come ha affrontato il contraccolpo di questa fama stratosferica? Completamente aggiornato e ricchissimo di dettagli affascinanti, Taylor Swift: la biografiaracconta il percorso musicale e personale di Taylor, mettendo in luce la sua sensibilità e capacità di instaurare un rapporto unico con i suoi fan, che lei è capace di far sentire interlocutori privilegiati. Ma anche la sua mentalità da impavida donna d'affari che ha sfidato la discografia tradizionale reincidendo i propri album, con una mossa di emancipazione ed empowerment senza precedenti. Dalla prima chitarra ricevuta a otto anni alle sfide che ha incontrato sulla strada del successo, dalle evoluzioni dei suoi outfit agli attacchi mediatici, dalle relazioni con compagni famosi come Harry Styles, Joe Alwyn e Travis Kelce fino al The Eras Tour, che celebra i suoi primi vent'anni di carriera: un libro imperdibile per tutti gli Swifties. Era dopo era, album dopo album, Taylor Swift non ha mai smesso di sognare in grande, emozionarsi e far emozionare. Questa è la sua storia… fino a oggi. «Non importa quante canzoni scrivi su una rottura, non importa quante volte stai male: ti innamorerai sempre di nuovo… Credo che, a volte, quando scrivi canzoni d'amore, non le scrivi su ciò che stai vivendo in quel momento, ma su ciò che avresti voluto vivere.»
Chas Newkey-Burden (Author), Elena Fiorenzi (Narrator)
The updated story of Taylor Swift’s stratospheric rise to fame; all any dedicated Swifty needs to know about the pop superstar who’s taking over the world with her Eras tour A small-town girl with incredible talent – and the strength and determination to realise her dream – Taylor Swift has gone from America’s sweetheart to global megastar. But how did she get there? And how has she coped with the realities of fame? Fully updated in fascinating detail, Taylor Swift: The Whole Story explores Taylor’s musical evolution and her status as a fearless businesswoman operating on her own terms. From early beginnings in Pennsylvania to the challenges on the road to success, from her relationships with Harry Styles, Joe Alwyn and Travis Kelce to her record-breaking Eras tour, this is the unmissable account of Taylor’s journey to world domination.
Chas Newkey-Burden (Author), Norma Butikofer, TBD (Narrator)
Paris Hilton: Life on the Edge
Interviewer: "Does it make you laugh when people think you're stupid?" Paris Hilton: "Yeah, I laugh all the way to the bank. It's not the way I am." The subject of intense media and public fascination, Paris Hilton is one of the most-discussed celebrities of her generation. From the teenage party girl who was 'famous for being famous' she has blossomed into an actress, pop star and successful businesswoman. "Paris Hilton: Life On The Edge" shows how the heiress made such a success of her life and reveals that far from being an 'airhead', she is a shrewd, determined and hardworking woman. Not that she's afraid of letting her hair down: taking the reader behind-the-scenes of Paris' glamorous life, the book is your all-access pass to the most exclusive fashion shows, premieres and parties. This revealing portrait covers the string of famous men she has dated including actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. Her list of friends is just as star-studded including Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie, who co-starred with Paris in the hit reality television show The Simple Life. Lifting the lid on the controversies that have plagued her life, the book tells for the first time the full story of the 2003 sex-tape saga and her imprisonment for driving offences in 2007. Defying her critics, Paris emerged from jail with a fresh sense of perspective and renewed energy. "Paris Hilton: Life On The Edge" offers a unique insight into her complex character and shows that jail was the making not the breaking of her.
Chas Newkey-Burden (Author), Lynsey Frost (Narrator)
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