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3 Stories About - Women's Sexuality
There is something about the number 3. The Ancient Greeks believed 3 was the perfect number, and in China 3 has always been a lucky number, and they know a thing or two. Most religions also have 3 this and 3 that and, of course, in these more modern times, three’s a crowd may be too many, except when it’s a ménage à trois. It seems good things usually come in threes.Whatever history and culture says WE think 3, a hat-trick of stories, is a great number to explore themes and literary avenues that classic authors were so adept at creating.From their pens to your your ears. 01 - 3 Stories About - Women's Sexuality02 - Bliss by Katherine Mansfield03 - The Giant Wisteria by Charlotte Perkins Gilman04 - The Storm by Kate Chopin
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Katherine Mansfield (Author), Eve Karpf, Laurel Lefkow, Liza Ross (Narrator)
There is something about the number 3. The Ancient Greeks believed 3 was the perfect number, and in China 3 has always been a lucky number, and they know a thing or two. Most religions also have 3 this and 3 that and, of course, in these more modern times, three’s a crowd may be too many, except when it’s a ménage à trois. It seems good things usually come in threes.Whatever history and culture says WE think 3, a hat-trick of stories, is a great number to explore themes and literary avenues that classic authors were so adept at creating.From their pens to your your ears.01 - 3 Stories - Fantasy02 - The Man Who Could Work Miracles by H G Wells03 - When I Was a Witch by Charlotte Perkins Gilman04 - The Clock That Went Backward by Edward Page Mitchell
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edward Page Mitchell, H.G. Wells (Author), Christopher Ragland, Laurel Lefkow, Richard Mitchley (Narrator)
Wonder Of Women - Haunted House Stories
Let’s be clear. We are all equal under the law. However, even in these more modern times that is not an absolute and still remains a distant ambition for many. In the days when Britain ruled the waves and bestrode the world as its policeman and plunderer in chief it also subjugated half of its own people to second class status. Women were chattel and property. There were some exceptions based on wealth and birthright but for the overwhelming majority your lot was to fall in with the rules and do as you were told. Many did.But whilst male society sought to place obstacles in the path to equality, it could not deny their literary talents, which many times they circumvented by using male pseudonyms. However, the soaring sales of magazines and periodicals during the Victorian Age meant they had voracious appetites for literature, whatever the sex of its gender.Dozens of authors appeared to fill the need. Narratives had new ideas. Characters were emboldened by societal changes and the female voice taking responsibility.The women included here are talents that dazzle. Put them up against anyone and they rise to the top. Whether they remain with an avid readership today or faded to obscurity with the passing of the times their quality remains undimmed. 1 - Women of Wonder - Haunted House - An Introduction2 - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman3 - The Ebony Frame by Edith Nesbit4 - The Open Door - Part 1 by Margaret Oliphant5 - The Open Door - Part 2 by Margaret Oliphant6 - The Shadows on the Wall by Mary E Wilkins Freeman7 - The Ghost in the Clock Room by Hesba Stretton8 - The Ghost at the Rath by Rosa Mulholland9 - The Last of Squire Ennismore by Charlotte Riddell10 - The Villa by Elinor Mordaunt11 - Decay by Marjorie Bowen12 - To Let by B M Croker13 - The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth by Rhoda Broughton14 - The First Evening by Catherine Crowe15 - Man Size In Marble by Edith Nesbit
B M Croker, Catherine Crowe, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Charlotte Riddell, Edith Nesbit, Elinor Mordaunt, Hesba Stretton, Margaret Oliphant, Marjorie Bowen, Mary E Wilkins Freeman, Rhoda Broughton, Rosa Mulholland (Author), Janet Fullerlove, Laurel Lefkow, Liza Ross (Narrator)
Wonder Of Women - The Weird Stories - Volume 2
Let’s be clear. We are all equal under the law. However, even in these more modern times that is not an absolute and still remains a distant ambition for many. In the days when Britain ruled the waves and bestrode the world as its policeman and plunderer in chief it also subjugated half of its own people to second class status. Women were chattel and property. There were some exceptions based on wealth and birthright but for the overwhelming majority your lot was to fall in with the rules and do as you were told. Many did.But whilst male society sought to place obstacles in the path to equality, it could not deny their literary talents, which many times they circumvented by using male pseudonyms. However, the soaring sales of magazines and periodicals during the Victorian Age meant they had voracious appetites for literature, whatever the sex of its gender.Dozens of authors appeared to fill the need. Narratives had new ideas. Characters were emboldened by societal changes and the female voice taking responsibility.The women included here are talents that dazzle. Put them up against anyone and they rise to the top. Whether they remain with an avid readership today or faded to obscurity with the passing of the times their quality remains undimmed. 1 - Women of Wonder - The Weird Stories - Volume 2 - An Introduction2 - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman3 - Transformation by Mary Shelley4 - The Shadows on the Wall by Mary E Wilkins Freeman5 - The Blue Room by Lettice Galbraith6 - From the Dead by Edith Nesbit7 - The Death Mask by H D Everett writing as Theo Parker8 - The Last of Squire Ennismore by Charlotte Riddell9 - Sylvia by Bessie Kyffin Taylor10 - Whittington's Cat by Lady Eleanor Smith11 - Young Magic by Helen Simpson12 - No 5 Branch Line. The Engineer by Amelia Edwards13 - In Dark New England Days by Sarah Orne Jewett14 - A Wicked Voice - Part 1 by Vernon Lee15 - A Wicked Voice - Part 2 by Vernon Lee
Amelia B. Edwards, Bessie Kyffin Taylor, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Charlotte Riddell, Edith Nesbit, H D Everett writing as Theo Parker, Helen Simpson, Lady Eleanor Smith, Lettice Galbraith, Mary E Wilkins Freeman, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Sarah Orne Jewett, Vernon Lee (Author), George S. Irving, Laurel Lefkow, Liza Ross (Narrator)
The Top 10 Short Stories - Gothic
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author's brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, narration, feelings and emotions that is difficult to achieve elsewhere.In this series we try to offer up tried and trusted 'Top Tens' across many different themes and authors. But any anthology will immediately throw up the questions - Why that story? Why that author? The theme itself will form the boundaries for our stories which range from well-known classics, newly told, to stories that modern times have overlooked but perfectly exemplify the theme. Throughout the volume our authors whether of instant recognition or new to you are all leviathans of literature.Some you may disagree with but they will get you thinking; about our choices and about those you would have made. If this volume takes you on a path to discover more of these miniature masterpieces then we have all gained something.The word 'Gothic' may be teamed with romance but here it brings an immediate feeling of unease. This unease, this disquiet, is sumptuously captured by ten masters of their art.01 - The Top 10 - Gothic - An Introduction02 - The Signalman by Charles Dickens03 - The Fall of the House of Usher - Part 1 by Edgar Allan Poe04 - The Fall of the House of Usher - Part 2 by Edgar Allan Poe05 - The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson06 - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving07 - The Phantom Rickshaw by Rudyard Kipling08 - The Phantom Coach by Amelia Edwards09 - The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman10 - Lost Hearts by M R James04 - Thurnley Abbey by Perceval Landon12 - The Vampyre. A Tale - Part 1 by John William Polidori13 - The Vampyre. A Tale - Part 2 by John William Polidori
Amelia B. Edwards, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Allan Poe, John William Polidori, M R James, Perceval Landon, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Washington Irving (Author), Ian Holm, Liza Ross, Vincent Marzello (Narrator)
The Yellow Wallpaper - Unabridged
First published by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in January 1892 in The New England Magazine, The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story of extraordinary power, exploring issues of mental health, the role of women in society and the oppressive nature of the patriarchy. Told in the first person, the story follows the plight of a woman confined by her husband in a small room in and old mansion - ostensibly for her own good. As her boredom increases and her sanity deteriorates, she becomes fixated on the wallpaper in the room, the yellow design of which includes an image of a trapped woman. Reflecting themes of oppression, the subjugation of women and the sexism of the late 19th century, this story has been reproduced in numerous textbooks, anthologies and feminist literary collections for over a century and has been hailed as one of the early triumphs of Gothic literature.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), Sara Nichols (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Three male explorers stumble upon Herland, a hidden valley inhabited solely by women. These women reproduce through parthenogenesis, creating a peaceful society free from war and conflict. The men, each with their own preconceptions about gender roles, are forced to confront their biases as they experience Herland's unique social and economic structures. The novel explores themes of feminism, utopia, and the potential for a world beyond traditional gender dynamics.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Herland is a utopian novel from 1915, written by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The book describes an isolated society composed entirely of women, who reproduce via parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction). The result is an ideal social order: free of war, conflict, and domination. It was first published in monthly installments as a serial in 1915 in The Forerunner, a magazine edited and written by Gilman between 1909 and 1916, with its sequel, With Her in Ourland beginning immediately thereafter in the January 1916 issue. The book is often considered to be the middle volume in her utopian trilogy; preceded by Moving the Mountain (1911), and followed by, With Her in Ourland (1916). It was not published in book form until 1979. The story is told from the perspective of Vandyck 'Van' Jennings, a sociology student who, along with two friends, Terry O. Nicholson and Jeff Margrave, forms an expedition party to explore an area of uncharted land rumored to be home to a society consisting entirely of women. The three friends do not entirely believe the rumors because they are unable to think of a way how human reproduction could occur without males. The men speculate about what a society of women would be like, each guessing differently based on the stereotype of women which he holds most dear: Jeff regarding women as things to be served and protected; Terry viewing them as things to be conquered and won.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), Carl Mason (Narrator)
First published serially in Gilman's magazine The Forerunner from 1909-1910, What Diantha Did is the story of Diantha Bell, a young woman who leaves her home and her fiancé to start a housecleaning business. A resourceful heroine, Diantha quickly expands her business into an enterprise that includes a maid service, cooked food delivery service, a restaurant, and a hotel. By assigning a cash value to women's "invisible" work, providing a means for the well-being and moral uplift of working girls, and releasing middle-class and leisure-class women from the burden of conventional domestic chores, Diantha proves to her family and community the benefits of professionalized housekeeping. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is best known for "The Yellow Wallpaper," her famous 1892 tale of a woman's descent into madness, which is considered an important early work of American feminist literature due to its illustration of the attitudes toward the mental and physical health of women in the nineteenth century. What Diantha Did, Gilman's first novel, provides indispensable insight into Gilman's legacy of social thought.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), Gabrielle De Cuir (Narrator)
Diabólica tentación. Relatos de mujeres malignas
Como fiel reflejo de la sociedad en que se desarrolla, la literatura muestra los cambios y terrenos que ha ganado la mujer a lo largo de la historia. Aún queda mucho camino que recorrer pero Medea, Sherezade, Morella, Madame Bovary e, incluso, Lisbeth Salander han ayudado a defender y reivindicar los derechos de la mujer. En esta antología no hemos hecho distinción entre autores o autoras pues nos hemos centrado plenamente en los personajes femeninos como ejes de la antología. La maldad que estos reflejan, como verá el lector, se produce por el desamor, la venganza o la incomprensión y estará repleta de tintes sobrenaturales y misteriosos.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Allan Poe, Edith Nesbit, Julian Hawthorne, Kate Chopin, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Wilkins Freeman, Sebastián Beringheli, Walter Scott (Author), Manuela Fiallo (Narrator)
B. J. Harrison Reads The Yellow Wallpaper
A woman is suffering from severe postpartum psychosis and her husband takes her to a colonial mansion where they can spend the summer. The woman is however closed and isolated in a single room where her nervous depression gets worse with the time. The only thing she sees all day long is a yellow wallpaper which she studies in so many details that she finally finds a creeping woman behind the pattern. The summer is over and the family is about to go home. The husband opens the door to his wife’s room. What he sees is however both unexpected and horrifying. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an American author who lived in the period 1860-1935. Among her literary legacy are many short stories, novels and non-fiction works, but she was also interested in humanism and held many lectures on social reform and responsibilities. She was a feminist who wanted to prove to other women that they could lead the life they wanted. The topic was often depicted in her works and many of her main characters were women who had to deal with mental breakdowns, everyday problems or lack of understanding from society’s side. Some of Gilman’s best known works are 'The Yellow Wallpaper', 'His Religion and Hers', and 'Herland'. Her autobiography 'The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography' was published in the same year she took her own life.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), B. J. Harrison (Narrator)
The three friends Van, Terry and Jeff are about to embark on a mission which will change their lives forever. They have heard of a place where only women live but they are more skeptics than believers. However they really do find such a place. And all their assumptions and stereotypes are shattered. The society that women have created is working more than perfectly. There are no wars, no domination nor conflicts. The three self-invited guests are however not welcome and are held captive for a few months. If they manage to escape, they are not sure if they still want to return to their homeland. But is everything as perfect as it seems? Find the answers in 'Herland'. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an American author who lived in the period 1860-1935. Among her literary legacy are many short stories, novels and non-fiction works, but she was also interested in humanism and held many lectures on social reform and responsibilities. She was a feminist who wanted to prove to other women that they could lead the life they wanted. The topic was often depicted in her works and many of her main characters were women who had to deal with mental breakdowns, everyday problems or lack of understanding from society’s side. Some of Gilman’s best known works are 'The Yellow Wallpaper', 'His Religion and Hers', and 'Herland'. Her autobiography 'The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography' was published in the same year she took her own life.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Author), B. J. Harrison (Narrator)
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