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[French] - Budget Minimaliste En Français/ Minimalist budget In French
Si vous cherchez une façon de vivre avec un budget minimaliste et d'économiser davantage, ce livre est fait pour vous! Rempli de tant d'idées en matière de dépenses, de gestion de l'argent, d'investissement et bien plus encore, ce livre vous donnera un aperçu de la façon dont vous pouvez dépenser moins, économiser plus et augmenter votre argent. Ce livre vous aidera à changer la façon dont vous gérez votre argent, vos finances et vos dépenses. Il vous apprendra également les nombreuses façons dont vous pouvez gérer vos dépenses afin de ne pas vous endetter. Les processus et les idées contenus dans ce livre se sont avérés efficaces pour maintenir vos dépenses à un niveau bas tout en maintenant vos revenus élevés. Un autre grand avantage de ce livre est qu'il est facile à comprendre et à suivre. Il n'y a pas de jargon technique financier à s'inquiéter car tout est présenté dans des termes que les gens ordinaires peuvent comprendre. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'appeler votre ami banquier pour vous expliquer les modalités et les détails techniques. Bien entendu, lorsque vous utilisez les différents produits financiers pour faire croître votre épargne à court et à long terme, votre conseiller financier devrait également être en mesure de vous expliquer tous les détails pertinents. D'autres choses que vous pouvez apprendre de ce livre incluent: - Les raisons importantes pour lesquelles vous achetez ce que vous avez acheté- il est essentiel de comprendre votre comportement en matière de dépenses pour le contrôler. - Comment être moins sensible aux publicités - vous pouvez améliorer votre volonté de dépenser avec des conseils incroyables sur la façon d'ignorer les publicités.
Charlie Mason (Author), Alexandre Lefebvre (Narrator)
[German] - Minimalistisches Budget Auf Deutsch/ Minimalist budget in German: Einfache Strategien, um
Wenn Sie nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, mit einem minimalistischen Budget zu leben und mehr zu sparen, dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie!Dieses Buch enthält viele Ideen zum Thema Ausgaben, Geldmanagement, Investitionen und vieles mehr, und gibt Ihnen Einblicke, wie Sie weniger ausgeben, mehr sparen und Ihr Geld vermehren können. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen, die Art und Weise zu ändern, wie Sie mit Geld, Finanzen und Ausgaben umgehen. Es wird Sie auch über die vielen verschiedenen Möglichkeiten informieren, wie Sie Ihre Ausgaben verwalten können, damit Sie nicht in Schulden geraten. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Prozesse und Ideen haben sich als wirksam erwiesen, um Ihre Ausgaben niedrig zu halten und gleichzeitig Ihr Einkommen hoch zu halten. Ein weiterer Vorteil dieses Buches ist, dass es leicht zu verstehen und zu befolgen ist. Es gibt kein finanztechnisches Fachjargon, um das man sich Sorgen machen müsste, da alles in Begriffen dargestellt wird, die normale Menschen verstehen können. Sie müssen nicht Ihren Bankier-Freund anrufen, um Ihnen Begriffe und technische Einzelheiten zu erklären. Da Sie die verschiedenen Finanzprodukte nutzen, um Ihre kurz- und langfristigen Ersparnisse zu vermehren, sollte Ihr Finanzberater natürlich auch in der Lage sein, Ihnen alle relevanten Details zu erklären. Weitere Dinge, die Sie aus diesem Buch lernen können, sind: - Die wichtigen Gründe, warum Sie die Dinge kaufen, die Sie tun - das Verständnis Ihres Ausgabeverhaltens ist der Schlüssel zur Kontrolle. - Wie Sie weniger anfällig für Werbung sind - Sie können Ihre Ausgabenbereitschaft mit unglaublichen Tipps zum Ignorieren von Werbung verbessern. - Verbesserung Ihres Ausgabeverhaltens - Finden Sie Wege, wie Sie Ihr Ausgabeverhalten verbessern können, damit Sie nach dem Kauf keine Gewissensbisse oder Schuldgefühle haben.
Charlie Mason (Author), Hannah Schneider (Narrator)
[Hindi] - न्यूनतम बजट हिंदी में/ Minimum budget in hindi: अधिक पैसे कैसे बचायें और आर्थिक रूप से सुर
यदि आप एक न्यूनतम बजट के साथ जीवन जीना चाहते हैं और अधिक बचत करना चाहते हैं, तो यह पुस्तक आपके लिए है! खर्च, धन प्रबंधन, निवेश और भी बहुत कुछ है जो बहुत सारे विचारों से भरा हुआ है, यह पुस्तक आपको इस बारे में जानकारी देगी कि आप कैसे कम खर्च कर सकते हैं, अधिक बचत कर सकते हैं और अपना पैसा बढ़ा सकते हैं। यह पुस्तक पैसे, वित्त और खर्च को संभालने के तरीके को बदलने में मदद करेगी। यह आपको कई अलग-अलग तरीकों के बारे में भी सिखाएगा जिससे आप अपने खर्च को प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं ताकि आप पर कर्ज न हो। इस पुस्तक में शामिल तरीके और सुझाव आपकी आय को बढ़ाते हुए आपके खर्चों को कम रखने में प्रभावी साबित होते हैं।इस पुस्तक की एक और बड़ी बात यह है कि इसे समझना और पालन करना आसान है। इसे आसान भाषा में लिखा गया है, जिसे आम लोग समझ सकते हैं। आपको अपने बैंकर मित्र को कॉल करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, आप शर्तों और तकनीकियों को आसानी से समझा सकते हैं। बेशक, जैसा कि आप अपने अल्पकालिक और दीर्घकालिक बचत को विकसित करने के लिए विभिन्न वित्तीय उत्पादों का उपयोग करते हैं, आपके वित्तीय सलाहकार को आपके लिए सभी संबंधित विवरणों को समझाने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। अन्य चीजें जो आप इस पुस्तक से सीख सकते हैं, उनमें शामिल हैं: - आपके द्वारा की जाने वाली चीजों की खरीददारी के महत्वपूर्ण कारण - अपने खर्च के व्यवहार को समझना इसे नियंत्रित करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। - विज्ञापनों के प्रति कम संवेदनशील होना - आप विज्ञापनों को अनदेखा करके बेहतर सुझावों के साथ अपनी खर्च करने की इच्छा शक्ति को कम सकते हैं। - अपनी खर्च करने की आदतों में सुधार करना - अपने खर्च करने की आदतों में सुधार करने के तरीकों के बारे में पता करें ताकि आप कभी भी कुछ खरीदने के बाद पश्चाताप या तनाव महसूस न करें। - अपने जीवन में कम खर्च की आदत डालें - कम खर्च की आदत आपको अपने जीवन के नियंत्रण में कम अव्यवस्था और अधिक बेहतर महसूस करने में मदद करेगा। कम खर्च की आदत वाली जीवन शैली और आदतों को बनाने के कुछ तरीके यहां देखे जा सकते हैं।
Charlie Mason (Author), Priya Sharma (Narrator)
[Italian] - Budget Minimalista In italiano/ Minimalist Budget In Italian: Strategie Semplici su Come
Se state cercando un modo per vivere con un budget minimalista e per risparmiare di più, questo libro fa per voi! Pieno di tante idee in materia di spesa, gestione del denaro, investimenti e molto altro ancora, questo libro vi darà spunti su come potete spendere meno, risparmiare di più e far crescere i vostri soldi. Questo libro vi aiuterà a cambiare il modo di gestire il denaro, le finanze e le spese. Vi insegnerà anche i diversi modi in cui potete gestire le vostre spese in modo da non ritrovarvi indebitati. I processi e le idee contenute in questo libro si sono dimostrati efficaci nel mantenere basse le spese e alte le entrate. Un'altra grande cosa di questo libro è che è facile da capire e da seguire. Non c'è un gergo tecnico finanziario di cui preoccuparsi, poiché tutto è presentato in termini che la gente comune può comprendere. Non dovete chiamare il vostro amico banchiere per spiegarvi i termini e i tecnicismi. Naturalmente, poiché utilizzate i diversi prodotti finanziari per far crescere i vostri risparmi a breve e a lungo termine, il vostro consulente finanziario dovrebbe essere in grado di spiegarvi anche tutti i dettagli pertinenti. Altre cose che potete imparare da questo libro includono: - Le ragioni importanti per cui si acquistano le cose che si fanno - capire il proprio comportamento di spesa è la chiave per controllarlo. - Come essere meno suscettibili agli annunci - puoi migliorare la tua forza di volontà di spesa con incredibili consigli su come ignorare gli annunci. - Migliorare le vostre abitudini di spesa - trovate il modo di migliorare le vostre abitudini di spesa in modo da non provare mai rimorso o gilda dopo aver comprato qualcosa.
Charlie Mason (Author), Luca Bianchi (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Orçamento Minimalista Em português/ Minimalist Budget In Portuguese: Estratégias Simp
Se estiver buscando uma maneira de viver em um orçamento minimalista e economizar mais, este livro é para você! Cheio de diversas ideia sobre gastar, gestão de dinheiro, investimentos e muito mais, este livro te dará ideias de como gastar menos, economizar mais e fazer seu dinheiro crescer. Este livro te ajudará a mudar seu jeito de lidar com o dinheiro, finanças e despesas. Também te ensinará sobre as diversas formas de gerenciar seus gastos para não entrar em dívida. Os processos e ideias contidos neste livro foram provados como eficazes para manter suas despesas baixas enquanto mantém sua renda alta. Outra coisa ótima sobre este livro é que é fácil de entender e seguir. Não há jargões técnicos financeiros com que se preocupar, já que tudo é apresentado em termos que as pessoas comuns podem entender. Não precisa ligar para seu amigo banqueiro te explicar os termos. Claro, conforme você usa os diferentes produtos financeiros para fazer suas economias a curto e a longo prazo crescerem, seu consultor financeiro deve te explicar todos os detalhes pertinentes. Outras coisas que poderá aprender com este livro incluem: - As razões importantes do por que comprar o que você compra – entender seu comportamento de gastos é fundamental para controlá-lo. - Como ficar menos suscetível para anúncios – você pode melhorar sua força de vontade de despesa com dicas incríveis sobre como ignorar anúncios. - Melhorando seus hábitos de gastos – encontre maneiras para melhorar seus hábitos de gastos para nunca sentir remorso ou culpa após comprar algo. - Insira o minimalismo na sua vida – o minimalismo te ajudará a desentulhar e ter mais controle na sua vida. Alguns modos de atingir o estilo de vida e hábitos minimalistas podem ser encontrados aqui.
Charlie Mason (Author), João Pereira (Narrator)
Mindfulness & Minimalist Budget : Top 10 Tips Guide to Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions & Simpl
Mindfulness:OCD is a mental disorder that causes people to have compulsions to do things repeatedly, such as washing their hands or checking to make sure that the door is locked. While some who have never experienced OCD may think of is as annoying or simply paranoia, it is actually harmful and, in extreme cases, can lead to suicide. At the core of many cases of OCD is intense anxiety. This anxiety may be connected to a past traumatic event, ongoing stress, or even a genetic predisposition. The anxiety tends to be persistent and ongoing, with the person suffering rarely getting a break. One of the best treatments for anxiety disorders, including OCD, is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of constantly being aware of your own inner world and your environment in such a way that you are able to accept what is going on without being judgmental. Practicing mindfulness can actually alleviate some of the symptoms of OCD, helping people suffering from it get their lives back. Minimalist Budget:If you are looking for a way to live using a minimalist budget and to save more, this book is for you! Filled with so many ideas in spending, money management, investing and so much more, this book will give you insights on how you can spend less, save more, and grow your money. This book will help change the way you handle money, finances, and expenses. It will also teach you about the many different ways you can manage your spending so you don’t end up in debt. The processes and ideas contained in this book are proven effective in keeping your expenses low while keeping your income high.
Charlie Mason (Author), David W Miller, T A Hudson (Narrator)
Indian Cookery Books: Top Delicious Indian Recipes Indian Recipe Books: Indian Dishes Cookbook
Stop and do not hesitate to download this Indian style cookbook! This cookbook is your next go-to recipe book for India’s favorite cuisine Whether you are looking for the best way to prepare your favorite Indian foods, Or you are gearing up for a trip to India and need to get a taste of the local cuisine. Whatever needs you may have for your favorite cuisine from India, this cookbook is designed to bring you a complete set of recipes that will shape your Indian meal planning. Whether you want to provide meals for a restaurant or your home, this cookbook has got you covered. India has provided us with more than enough delicious and delectable dishes that can tickle your stomach and inflame your taste buds. There are spicy and delectable dishes that make up a large part of the Indian recipes in this book and if you love spicy, then this is the book for you. This recipe book is some of the best recipes that India has to provide. So why not download this cookbook now and start preparing your favorite Indian cuisine!Every ingredient is based with Indian culinary fare in mind. These recipes are quick and easy and will remind you of your favorite restaurant. The content of this cookbook you are dying to download can help you with cooking any meal from: - Indian fried banana dumplings - Butter Paneer - Rogan Josh - Garam Masala - Stuffed Okra - Chicken Tandoori - Dal Makhana - Bangan Ka Bhurta - Sindhi Seyal Gosht - Kashmiri Rajma Masala
Charlie Mason (Author), Eric Lacord (Narrator)
Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Beginners: Healthy Recipes Meal Start Guide To Weight Loss With Easy
There are countless different diets on the market today, and almost all of them are fads based on the latest craze and designed to do little more than sell a new round of diet books and programs to the ever-hungry masses. The Mediterranean Diet is different, however, as it is based on cold hard facts based on surprising data that scientists discovered about people who live in the Mediterranean region. Specifically, they tend to live longer and have fewer chronic diseases than just about anyone else on earth despite having access to subpar healthcare. If you are interested in learning more, THEN The Complete Mediterranean Diet for Beginners is the book you have been waiting for. The Mediterranean diet doesn't incorporate anything fancy or complicated into its eating habits, instead focusing on the basics of eating healthy with a dash of olive oil and a glass or two of red wine added in for flavor. Broadly speaking it features as its chief components the traditional foods of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Inside you will find out just what it is about these types of foods that make them so appealing from a health standpoint, in addition to the wide variety of issues that switching to this type of diet can help to mitigate in both the short and the long-term. The book is more than just a theoretical look at the diet and its benefits, however, as you will also find 10 of the top healthy and delicious Mediterranean Diet meals, many of which you can make in 30 minutes or less. While this will obviously just be a start on your path to making the Mediterranean Diet a way of life, it will give you a good idea overall of what you can expect and provide you with a template that you can branch out with from there.
Charlie Mason (Author), Zach Beckerdecks (Narrator)
Minimalist Budget: Minimalism Book Minimalist Baker Minimalist Mindset Minimalist Living How To Save
If you are looking for a way to live using a minimalist budget and to save more, this book is for you! Filled with so many ideas in spending, money management, investing and so much more, this book will give you insights on how you can spend less, save more, and grow your money. This book will help change the way you handle money, finances, and expenses. It will also teach you about the many different ways you can manage your spending so you don’t end up in debt. The processes and ideas contained in this book are proven effective in keeping your expenses low while keeping your income high. Another great thing about this book is that it is easy to understand and follow. There is no technical financial jargon to worry about as everything is presented in terms that ordinary people can understand. You do not have to call up your banker friend to explain terms and technicalities to you. Of course, as you make use of the different financial products to grow your short term and long term savings, your financial adviser should be able to explain all the pertinent details to you as well.
Charlie Mason (Author), David W Miller (Narrator)
Runner's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Get You Started as a Runner or Jogger
Are you looking to improve your physical fitness by running or jogging?If that's the case, The Novice Runner's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Get You Started as a Runner or Jogger is a must read for you. This is one of the best books on running that is focused on helping beginners understand how to start running and how to continuously better themselves as runners. It introduces new runners to the concept of running training, and it teaches them everything that they need to know about the practice of jogging. In this one volume, the author condenses all the facts and the techniques that new runners need to be familiar with if they want to increase their chances of developing further as runners. The Novice Runner’s Handbook is very useful for people who want to become better at trail running and also for those who want to perfect the art of marathon running. Even if you have been training as a runner for a while, and even if you have already read several books on running, the insights that you will gain from reading this book are unique, and they will go a long way in helping you understand how you can overcome your own boundaries as a runner and how you can seek out and conquer bigger running challenges.
Charlie Mason (Author), Dr. Michelle Carabache (Narrator)
Fatty Liver Diet: Guide on How to End Fatty Liver Disease Fatty Liver Diet Books: Fatty Liver Diet
Are you worried about your liver health? Does liver disease run in your family? Were you diagnosed with fatty liver disease?Have you heard that you need to follow a fatty liver diet or complete a liver detox? Chances are if you have any concerns or problems with your liver, you answered 'yes' to at least one of these questions. This is probably why you are looking into reading this book, Fatty Liver Diet – Guide on How to End Fatty Liver Disease. Now is the time for you to take your liver health in your own hands.Now is the time to make healthy choices that can prevent and restore liver function. In addition, when you focus on a diet that helps you burn stored fat, and you detox your liver, you also experience better overall health. It is a great choice for anyone, but especially for anyone fighting fatty liver disease. Nourish your body by eating healthy meals following the fatty liver diet plan presented in this book. However, before you get to learn the foods, liver detox plans, and recipes, take the time to really understand the role your liver plays in your body, what happens when it stops working correctly, and how a liver detox can make a big difference. But be warned! Not all liver detoxes are beneficial to your body.
Charlie Mason (Author), Skyler Morgan (Narrator)
Suena el sueño de la naturaleza: Sonidos de la naturaleza para dormir
¿Los sonidos fuera de su ventana perturban su estudio o, peor aún, su sueño? ¿A menudo encuentra que las preocupaciones de su mente le impiden dormir? ¿Las exigencias de la vida en la ciudad le impiden estar centrado y centrado? ¿El estrés diario impide su concentración? Es posible que no muestre los signos físicos del estrés, pero el estrés afecta a todos todos los días. Cuando permitimos que el estrés se acumule, perdemos nuestra capacidad de pensar y actuar de manera eficaz. Durante siglos, la humanidad se beneficia de la meditación. Sin embargo, la meditación se vuelve difícil cuando el estrés nos abraza por completo. Deje que la lluvia elimine estos problemas y se encuentre relajado, concentrado y capaz de concentrarse. Descubra su conexión a tierra con la naturaleza mientras escucha estas reproducciones mejoradas digitalmente del agua que nos rodea. Relájese con la canción de la naturaleza para relajarse mientras ella enjuaga la suciedad y la mugre de las hojas o de nuestras almas. Siéntase renovado y renovado cuando se levante de su cama, silla o tapete de meditación sin preocupaciones y sereno. Permita que su yo alineado recorra el camino diario a través de la avalancha de preocupaciones caóticas para ser el mejor de usted. Deje que el repiqueteo de la lluvia cayendo sobre una hoja establezca el ritmo de sus pensamientos. Deje que las olas que se precipitan hacia la costa se apoderen de sus distracciones y las arrastren hacia el mar. Calma tus pensamientos mientras escuchas el ruido blanco de los sonidos repetitivos más calmantes de la naturaleza. El sonido repetitivo de los movimientos del agua puede ser muy relajante y liberador. Estos sonidos prepararán tu mente y tu alma para la meditación y el sueño. Son el fondo perfecto para la respiración de yoga, las disciplinas budistas o cualquier estudio que requiera una atención completa y un enfoque rítmico.
Charlie Mason (Author), Charlie Mason (Narrator)
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