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Poeta dell'eccesso, Bukowski porta alta la bandiera dell'anticonformismo californiano che ha una lunga storia alle spalle (e che comprende tra gli altri Henry Miller, i poeti Beat e una cultura underground estremamente articolata). In Compagno di sbronze, forse più che altrove, la vena satirico-umoristica dell'Autore assume coloriture selvagge, talvolta feroci. Sarà per colpa dell'atmosfera alienante di Los Angeles ('passai accanto a duecento persone e non riuscii a vedere un solo essere umano')... Anche in questi racconti il vitalismo sfrenato, la scelta provocatoria dell'emarginazione e della provvisorietà, la sessualità eternamente in furore sono tanti sberleffi contro il perbenismo conformista, del quale qui si occupa opportunamente l''Agenzia Soddisfatti e Rimborsati'. In fondo al Sunset Boulevard, Charles Bukowski, il 'folle', il 'fallito', salda il conto con il Sogno Americano.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Daniele Ornatelli (Narrator)
100 citações humorísticas: Recolha as 100 citações de
A inteligência e a esperteza nunca são aborrecidas. Seleccionámos para si 100 citações dos autores mais espirituosos de sempre, de Oscar Wilde a Jerry Seinfeld, com a ajuda de Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx e muitos outros. Desfrute destas pérolas de humor para alegrar o seu dia com uma boa gargalhada, descubra comentários e piadas inestimáveis para surpreender os seus amigos e inimigos, e aperte a mão com as maiores mentes. Estas 100 citações estão entre as mais divertidas e profundas, desde comentários inteligentes a trocadilhos incrivelmente elegantes; deixe-os inspirar-vos, e que possam vir com muitas mais.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
[Italian] - 100 citazioni umoristiche: Le 100 citazioni di...
L'intelligenza e l'intelligenza non sono mai noiose. Abbiamo selezionato per voi 100 citazioni degli autori più arguti di sempre, da Oscar Wilde a Jerry Seinfeld, con l'aiuto di Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx e molti altri. Godetevi queste perle di umorismo per rallegrare la vostra giornata con una bella risata, scoprire commenti e battute inestimabili per sorprendere amici e nemici e stringere la mano alle menti più grandi. Queste 100 citazioni sono tra le più divertenti e profonde, dai commenti intelligenti ai giochi di parole incredibilmente eleganti; lasciatevi ispirare da loro e che ve ne vengano in mente molte altre.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Francesca Sarah Toich (Narrator)
[Swedish] - 100 humoristiska citat: Samling 100 Citat
Intelligens och skicklighet är aldrig tråkigt. Vi har valt ut 100 citat av de roligaste författare, från Oscar Wilde till Jerry Seinfeld, med hjälp av Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx och många andra. Njut av dessa pärlor av humor att ljusna dagen med ett gott skratt, upptäcka värdefulla kommentarer och skämt till dina vänner och fiender på sängen och skaka hand med de största hjärnorna. Dessa 100 citat är bland de roligaste och djupaste lika, smarta observationer oerhört eleganta vitsar; De inspireras, och du kan komma med många fler.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Johannes Johnström (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 100 Citaten over Huwelijk: Collectie 100 Citaten van
We hebben voor u 100 geweldige citaten over het huwelijk geselecteerd. Het scala aan auteurs van die 100 citaten over het huwelijk is zeer breed : van Jane Austen tot Friedrich Nietzsche, van Oscar Wilde, natuurlijk, tot Coco Chanel, Mae West, Groucho Marx, Socrates, van Virginia Woolf tot William Shakespeare of Ava Gardner. Het huwelijk is een grote bron van humor, van inspiratie voor kunstenaars, intellectuelen, filosofen, schrijvers, schilders, scheppers in het algemeen. Het huwelijk is natuurlijk een grote bron van geluk, van zelfverwezenlijking, van stress en soms van teleurstelling. Individuen kunnen om verschillende redenen trouwen, waaronder juridische, sociale, libidinale, emotionele, financiële, spirituele en religieuze doeleinden. Wie ze trouwen kan worden beïnvloed door sociaal bepaalde regels. Het huwelijk is een sociaal of ritueel erkende verbintenis tussen echtgenoten die rechten en verplichtingen tussen hen vaststelt. De definitie van het huwelijk verschilt per cultuur, maar het is vooral een instelling waarin interpersoonlijke relaties, meestal seksueel, worden erkend. Wanneer het huwelijk breed wordt gedefinieerd, wordt het beschouwd als een cultureel universeel. Een groot citaat lijkt sterk op een groots gedachtegoed en een klein gedicht. Het kan een groot web van ideeën, gedachten, reflecties, emoties in een paar woorden inkapselen. De lezer van een groot citaat wordt gedwongen na te denken over wat hij zojuist gehoord heeft. Hij moet nadenken over die woorden en wat ze betekenen. Een uitstekend citaat vereist dat de lezer pauzeert om na te denken over de werkelijke betekenis en de poëzie van een paar woorden. Een grote gedachte bereikt een niveau van universaliteit. Citaten slaan hard toe in de essentie van het mens-zijn. Het juiste citaat kan ons helpen om enkele onzichtbare betekenissen van dingen of onderwerpen te zien.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 100 humoristische citaten: Collectie 100 Citaten van
Intelligentie en slimheid zijn nooit saai. We hebben voor u 100 citaten geselecteerd van de geestigste auteurs ooit, van Oscar Wilde tot Jerry Seinfeld, met de hulp van Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx en vele anderen. Geniet van deze parels van humor om je dag op te fleuren met een goede lach, ontdek waardevolle opmerkingen en grappen om je vrienden en vijanden mee te verrassen en schud de handen met de grootste geesten. Die 100 citaten behoren tot de grappigste en de diepste, van slimme opmerkingen tot ongelooflijk elegante woordspelingen; laat u inspireren en moge u met veel meer komen.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
The definitive collection of works on a subject that inspired and haunted Charles Bukowski for his entire life: alcohol. Charles Bukowski turns to the bottle in this revelatory collection of poetry and prose that includes some of the writer’s best and most lasting work. A self-proclaimed “dirty old man,” Bukowski used alcohol as muse and as fuel, a conflicted relationship responsible for some of his darkest moments as well as some of his most joyful and inspired. In On Drinking, Bukowski expert Abel Debritto has collected the writer’s most profound, funny, and memorable work on his ups and downs with the hard stuff—a topic that allowed Bukowski to explore some of life’s most pressing questions. Through drink, Bukowski is able to be alone, to be with people, to be a poet, a lover, and a friend—though often at great cost. As Bukowski writes in a poem simply titled “Drinking,”: “for me/it was or/is/a manner of/dying/with boots on/and gun/smoking and a/symphony music background.” On Drinking is a powerful testament to the pleasures and miseries of a life in drink, and a window into the soul of one of our most beloved and enduring writers.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Roger Wayne (Narrator)
'The best poet in America' Jean Genet'He brought everybody down to earth, even the angels' Leonard CohenThe definitive collection from a writer whose transgressive legacy and raw, funny, acutely observant writing has left an enduring mark Here is Bukowski eating walnuts and scratching his back, rolling a cigarette while listening to Brahms, showering with Linda in the mid-afternoon. Here is Bukowski knowing that the secret is beyond him, that people who never go crazy live truly horrible lives, that there's a bluebird in his heart that wants to get out.Here is Bukowski at his most hilarious and heart-breaking, his most raw and profound; here is Bukowski at his best.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Eric Meyers (Narrator)
A raw and tenderly funny look at the human-cat relationship, from one of our most treasured and transgressive writers. "The cat is the beautiful devil." Felines touched a vulnerable spot in Charles Bukowski's crusty soul. For the writer, there was something majestic and elemental about these inscrutable creatures he admired, sentient beings whose searing gaze could penetrate deep into our being. Bukowski considered cats to be unique forces of nature, elusive emissaries of beauty and love. On Cats offers Bukowski's musings on these beloved animals and their toughness and resiliency. He honors them as fighters, hunters, survivors who command awe and respect as they grip tightly onto the world around them: "A cat is only ITSELF, representative of the strong forces of life that won't let go." Funny, moving, tough, and caring, On Cats brings together the acclaimed writer's reflections on these animals he so admired. Bukowski's cats are fierce and demanding—he captures them stalking their prey; crawling across his typewritten pages; waking him up with claws across the face. But they are also affectionate and giving, sources of inspiration and gentle, insistent care. Poignant yet free of treacle, On Cats is an illuminating portrait of this one-of-a-kind artist and his unique view of the world, witnessed through his relationship with the animals he considered his most profound teachers.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Roger Wayne (Narrator)
In what is widely hailed as the best of his many novels, Charles Bukowski details the long, lonely years of his own hardscrabble youth in the raw voice of alter ego Henry Chinaski. From a harrowingly cheerless childhood in Germany through acne-riddled high school years and his adolescent discoveries of alcohol, women, and the Los Angeles Public Library's collection of D. H. Lawrence, Ham on Rye offers a crude, brutal, and savagely funny portrait of an outcast's coming-of-age during the desperate days of the Great Depression. Charles Bukowski is one of America's best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose, and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. He was born in Andernach, Germany, and raised in Los Angeles, where he lived for fifty years. He published his first story in 1944, when he was twenty-four, and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. He died in San Pedro, California, on March 9, 1994, at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Christian Baskous (Narrator)
Opening with the exotic Lady Death entering the gumshoe-writer's seedy office in pursuit of a writer named Celine, this novel demonstrates Bukowski's own brand of humour and realism, opening up a landscape of seamy Los Angeles. Charles Bukowski is one of America's best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose, and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. He was born in Andernach, Germany, and raised in Los Angeles, where he lived for fifty years. He published his first story in 1944, when he was twenty-four, and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. He died in San Pedro, California, on March 9, 1994, at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Christian Baskous (Narrator)
One of Charles Bukowski's best, this beer-soaked, deliciously degenerate novel follows the wanderings of aspiring writer Henry Chinaski across World War II-era America. Deferred from military service, Chinaski travels from city to city, moving listlessly from one odd job to another, always needing money but never badly enough to keep a job. His day-to-day existence spirals into an endless litany of pathetic whores, sordid rooms, dreary embraces, and drunken brawls, as he makes his bitter, brilliant way from one drink to the next. Charles Bukowski's posthumous legend continues to grow. Factotum is a masterfully vivid evocation of slow-paced, low-life urbanity and alcoholism, and an excellent introduction to the fictional world of Charles Bukowski. Charles Bukowski is one of America's best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose, and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. He was born in Andernach, Germany, and raised in Los Angeles, where he lived for fifty years. He published his first story in 1944, when he was twenty-four, and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. He died in San Pedro, California, on March 9, 1994, at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp.
Charles Bukowski (Author), Christian Baskous (Narrator)
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