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Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent, 3rd Edition
Learn the secrets of managing a unique and productive generation In the newly revised third edition of Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent, renowned management trainer and business advisor Bruce Tulgan reimagines how to engage with, develop, and retain millennial employees in a time of deep economic disruption. The book offers step-by-step best practices for getting millennials onboard and up-to-speed. You'll learn how to provide them with the context they lack, teach them how to manage themselves and how to be managed, and turn the very best into new leaders. In the book, you'll also find: a renewed focus on every millennial generation, including Generations X, Y, and Z; a new preface about the dramatic generational shift now taking place in the workforce; and updated case studies and examples, as well as brand-new research on first-wave and second-wave millennials. An essential handbook to maximizing the considerable potential of the millennial generations, Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent will earn a place in the libraries of executives, managers, HR professionals, and other business leaders interested in getting the most out of each and every one of their employees.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), George Newbern (Narrator)
Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to the New Hybrid Workforce (2nd Editi
Nurture and develop well-rounded team players by focusing on soft skills development People entering the professional world are better educated than ever before. Their technical skills are often off-the-charts, helping them make short work of even the most challenging tasks. At the same time, however, many of these very same people lack soft skills we've often taken for granted. In the newly revised second edition of Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to the New Hybrid Workforce, veteran business advisor, speaker, and consultant Bruce Tulgan delivers a practical and incisive roadmap to developing crucial professionalism, critical thinking, and teamwork skills. You'll also find: a collection of ninety-two instructive lesson plans designed to break soft skills down into their component parts and teach them one manageable piece at a time; an exploration of the soft skills gap, including what it means and how its impact on your organization will be felt; and explanations of why you can't hire your way around a soft skills gap. An essential leadership handbook for executives, managers, and other business leaders, Bridging the Soft Skills Gap is a must-have resource for human resources professionals, team leaders, and front-line employees who deal with promising, but unpolished, talent.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), David De Vries (Narrator)
No todo el mundo merece un trofeo (Not Everyone Gets a Trophy)
Adapte sus métodos de gestión para aprovechar el potencial millennial Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials proporciona a los empleadores un plan de juego viable para convertir a los millennials en la fuerza laboral estelar que tienen el potencial de ser. La culminación de más de dos décadas de investigación, este libro proporciona a los empleadores un marco práctico para involucrar, desarrollar y retener a la nueva generación de empleados. Esta nueva edición revisada y actualizada amplía el debate para incluir a los nuevos millennials de 'segunda ola', a los que Tulgan se refiere como 'Generación Z', y explora las formas en que estos métodos y tácticas son cada vez más críticos frente a la fuerza laboral global profundamente cambiante. Los Baby Boomers están envejeciendo y la nueva generación está fluyendo. Los empleadores inteligentes están aprovechando proactivamente el talento y el potencial que estos trabajadores más jóvenes traen a la mesa. Este libro muestra cómo convertirse en un empleador inteligente y. . . -Entender el cambio generacional que se produce en el lugar de trabajo -Reclutar, motivar, comprometer y retener a los nuevos jóvenes trabajadores -Descubre las mejores prácticas a través de estrategias probadas, estudios de caso e instrucciones paso a paso -Explore nuevas investigaciones sobre la segunda ola millennials ('Generación Z') así como la continuación de la investigación sobre los millennials de primera ola ('Generación Y') -Enseñar a los millennials cómo manejarse, ayudar a sus gerentes a manejarlos y cómo convertirse en nuevos líderes ¿No es tu imaginación? Los trabajadores millennials son diferentes, pero esa diferencia está moldeada por las mismas fuerzas que hacen trabajadores potencialmente excepcionales. Los empleadores que pueden involucrar la pasión y la lealtad de los millennials tienen grandes cosas por delante. No todo el mundo obtiene un trofeo es su manual para la construcción de la próxima gran fuerza de trabajo.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Adrian Ogazón, Adrián Ogazón (Narrator)
Los 27 retos que enfrentan los directivos (The 27 Challenges Managers face): Soluciones graduales a
Durante más de veinte años, el experto en gestión Bruce Tulgan ha estado preguntando: '¿Cuáles son los desafíos más difíciles a los que te enfrentas cuando se trata de administrar a la gente?' Independientemente de la industria o el puesto de trabajo, los gerentes citan los mismos problemas centrales, 27 desafíos recurrentes: la superestrella a la que el gerente tiene miedo de perder, el holgazán al que el gerente no puede encontrar la manera de motivar, el que tiene un problema de actitud, y los dos que no pueden llevarse bien, por nombrar sólo unos pocos. Resulta que cuando las cosas van mal en una relación de gestión, el denominador común casi siempre está desestructurado, bajo contenido, comunicación de golpe o falta. El verdadero problema es que la mayoría de los gerentes están 'gestionando en piloto automático' sin siquiera darse cuenta?hasta que algo sale mal. Y si usted está gestionando en piloto automático, entonces algo casi siempre hace. Los 27 desafíos a los que se enfrentan los gerentes muestran exactamente cómo romper el círculo vicioso y obtener el control de las relaciones de gestión. No importa cuál sea el problema, Tulgan muestra que los fundamentos son todo lo que necesitas. Los mejores gerentes mantienen conversaciones uno a uno en curso que dejan las expectativas claras, rastrean el rendimiento, ofrecen comentarios y responsabilizan a la gente. Por cada problema en el lugar de trabajo, incluso el más incómodo y difícil. Los 27 desafíos a los que se enfrentan los gerentes muestran cómo adaptar las conversaciones para resolver situaciones familiares para cada gerente. Tulgan ofrece enfoques claros para cambiar las malas actitudes, reducir la fricción y los conflictos, mejorar los artistas bajos, retener a los mejores artistas e incluso abordar su propio agotamiento personal. Los 27 desafíos a los que se enfrentan los gerentes es un recurso indispensable para los gerentes de todos los niveles, uno que cualquiera que gestione querrá mantenerse a mano. Un desafío a la vez, verá cómo los gerentes más eficaces utilizan los fundamentos de la administración para resolver proactivamente (casi) cualquier problema que un gerente pueda enfrentar.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Antonio Raluy (Narrator)
The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-by-Step Solutions to (Nearly) All of Your Management Problems
Its not easy to be a manager. With growing resource constraints, relentless change, and high turnover, todays business climate poses many difficulties, but most managers point to the same greatest challenge: time. Daily crises require immediate attention, managers must drop everything to resolve the issue, they fall behind on their workand then another crisis takes over the next day. How can anyone find the time to manage? In truth, time isnt the problem, but the solution. Fire-fighting is a symptom of undermanagement, and all managers must rise to the challenge of maintaining regular and meaningful dialogue with each direct report. This does not mean more emails or pointless meetings, but highly structured, highly substantive communication. The very best managers hold ongoing one-on-one conversations that make expectations clear, track performance and offer feedback, provide guidance and direction, hold people accountable, and reward top performance. Based on twenty years of consulting with hundreds of thousands of managers, Bruce Tulgan shows any manager how to master the fundamental practice of effective management. For every challengeeven the most difficultrelentless high-quality communication is the best solution, and The 27 Challenges Managers Face shows how to tailor conversations to solve specific problems. Managers will learn specific approaches for issues including bad attitudes, friction and conflict, low performers who need to go the extra mile, top performers you want to keep and develop as leaders, and many more. By making effective ongoing conversations an ingrained part of their routine, managers will boost performance of their whole teamand make their own job easier. The 27 Challenges Managers Face is an indispensable back-to-basics resource for managers at all levels.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Kevin Stillwell (Narrator)
It's Okay to Be the Boss: The Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming the Manager Your Employees Need
Bruce Tulgan shows bosses how to get things done by solving corporate America’s huge problem with simple, effective management. In this call-to-arms, consultant and speaker Bruce Tulgan puts his finger on biggest problem in corporate America: no one wants to be the boss. No one wants to take responsibility and tell their employees what to do and how to do it. More importantly, no one wants to follow up and make sure that assignments were done and done right. Making a clear distinction between managers who interfere with the work at hand and managers who are simply afraid to take charge by setting clear goals and evaluating work, Tulgan opens eyes to the undisciplined workplace that is frustrating workers at every level. Giving a clear 8-step path to becoming a strong manager, Tulgan will empower anyone to be the best bosses they can be.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Mike Chamberlain (Narrator)
The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things
With new technology, flatter organizations, far-flung virtual teams, and constant change, getting things done at work is tougher and more complex than ever. Managers and executives are trying harder than ever to keep up and stay effective, relying on cross-functional coordination, better planning and resource sharing, simplified processes, and speeded-up work. It's a herculean challenge, and people are struggling. Overcommitment grows and burnout looms. But even amid the seeming chaos of the matrix organization-where you are constantly being asked to do things by people who aren't your boss-there is always that special person who seems indispensable, who seems to thrive on complexity, and who is able to stay focused and positive and get the right things done: This is the go-to person. In this game-changing book, Bruce Tulgan reveals the secrets of the go-to person in our new world of work. Based on an intensive study of people at all levels, in all kinds of organizations, Tulgan shows how go-to people not only behave differently, but also think differently, basing their decisions and actions on their own personal influence rather than on any formal designation of authority. At the heart of the go-to person's unique credo are the basics of 'the ask' and the response-a powerful reimagining of how to say yes and when to say no.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Mike Chamberlain (Narrator)
It's Okay to Manage Your Boss: The Step-by-Step Program for Making the Best of Your Most Important R
Most employees today answer to multiple bosses at any given time, some directly, and others indirectly. Often employees are pulled in different directions by competing authority figures with competing interests, most of whom have the ability to help or to harm the employee's daily work conditions, rewards, and longer term career prospects. Employees are also working harder and facing increasing pressure to work longer, smarter, faster, and better, while adjusting to ongoing organizational changes working in smaller teams with greater requirements. Meanwhile, their managers provide much less guidance, direction, and support than their direct-reports need in order to succeed in today's high-pressure environment. In this follow-up to the bestselling It's Okay to Be the Boss, Bruce Tulgan shows that the number one factor in employee productivity, work-quality, morale and retention is the relationship between employees and their immediate managers. Unfortunately, he argues, we have been focusing so much on the skills and habits of the managers, that we have neglected the role of the employee in these relationships. In It's Okay to Manage Your Boss, Tulgan will first explore the 10 myths about how one should be managed and how to manage up that so-called experts and books have perpetuated over the years. After exploring these myths, he will help readers take responsibility for getting the following four essential things from their boss(es) in order to succeed at their job: Clearly spelled out and reasonable expectations (that is, clear goals with specific guidelines and a concrete timetable to accomplish them). The skills, tools, and resources necessary to accomplish those expectations, or else the acknowledgement that you are being asked to achieve those expectations without the skills, tools, or resources that you need. Accurate and honest feedback about your performance as well as course-correcting direction when necessary. A fair quid pro quo--recognition and rewards--in exchange for your performance.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Mike Chamberlain (Narrator)
Not Everyone Gets A Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials, Revised and Updated
Adapt your management methods to harness millennial potential. Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials provides employers with a workable game plan for turning millennials into the stellar workforce they have the potential to be. The culmination of over two decades of research, this book provides employers with a practical framework for engaging, developing, and retaining the new generation of employees. This new revised and updated edition expands the discussion to include the new 'second-wave' millennials, those Tulgan refers to as "Generation Z", and explores the ways in which these methods and tactics are becoming increasingly critical in the face of the profoundly changing global workforce. Baby boomers are aging out, and the newest generation is flowing in. Savvy employers are proactively harnessing the talent and potential these younger workers bring to the table. This audiobook shows how to become a savvy employer and: Understand the generational shift occurring in the workplace Recruit, motivate, engage, and retain the newest new young workforce Discover best practices through proven strategies, case studies, and step-by-step instructions Explore new research on the second-wave millennials ("Generation Z") as well as continuing research on the first-wave millennials ("Generation Y") Teach millennials how to manage themselves, help their managers manage them, and how to become new leaders themselves It's not your imagination - millennial workers are different, but that difference is shaped by the same forces that make potentially exceptional workers. Employers who can engage millennials' passion and loyalty have great things ahead. Not Everyone Gets a Trophy is your handbook for building the next great workforce.
Bruce Tulgan (Author), Tim Andres Pabon (Narrator)
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