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Mensajes de Texto Tan Buenos Que él no Podrá Ignorar: Secretos Para Escribir Mensajes de Texto Seduc
¿Sabías que los hombres secretamente usan los mensajes de texto como una forma de ‘evaluar’ el valor romántico de una mujer? Los hábitos de una mujer a la hora de mandar mensajes de texto pueden revelar mucho acerca de su auto-estima, confianza en sí misma, inteligencia e incluso su nivel de clase y de madurez emocional. Los mensajes de texto son un medio de comunicación en el que un hombre que vale mucho la pena puede con facilidad tener una idea errónea acerca de ti. Y cuando estas ideas falsas se acumulan en su mente, casi siempre llegan a la conclusión que termina con las relaciones románticas: Que está mejor sin ti. Pero con en este audiolibro, aprenderás los hábitos a la hora de mandar mensajes de texto de las mujeres que valen mucho y ganarás acceso a una vasta colección de irresistibles mensajes de texto que harán que tu hombre se derrita por ti y esté ANSIOSO por contestarte y verte de nuevo. En este audiolibro, aprenderás: - Exactamente qué escribirle a un hombre cuando no se atreve a dar el siguiente paso o está haciendo lo MÍNIMO para mantenerte interesada. - Cómo usar mensajes de texto traviesos o de ‘chica atrevida’ para lograr que por fin te invite a salir (o te invite a salir OTRA VEZ), y que parezca que fue SU idea. - Qué hacer (y qué no hacer) si un hombre de repente deja de mandarte mensajes o cada vez te manda menos y menos mensajes. - Cómo hacer que te LLAME en lugar de mandarte mensajes de texto todo el tiempo. - Un simple método para iniciar conversaciones que INMEDIATAMENTE atrapen su atención y lo vuelvan ANSIOSO de escribirte de nuevo. - Y mucho, mucho más... Empieza ahora y descubrirás cómo mandarle mensajes de texto a un hombre para por fin alejarlo de su teléfono para que esté en más citas CONTIGO.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Keep Calm And Cut Him Off: 13 Reasons to 'Go Silent' on Guys Who Reject or Break Up with You
A guy who rejects or breaks up with you should no longer exist in your life. Contacting him or allowing him to stay in-touch with you will make you work harder and harder to convince him that you’re worth his love and attention, and it will compel you to play that ugly and unwinnable game called, 'Chase-A-Man'. The best way to avoid this ugly game and break his spell over you is to cut the guy off (go 'no contact' on him) for a set period of time, or in some cases, keep him cut off and out of your life indefinitely. In this survival guide for women, you’re going to learn the importance of silence after a breakup or rejection, how it benefits you, and the powerful influence it has on the man who rejects you. If you want to bounce back from a bad breakup or even just improve your relationships with men in the future, this audiobook will help you rediscover your true self-worth. Here’s what else you’re going to learn: - The dangerous thought-process that keeps many women TRAPPED in an addictive cycle of unfulfilling sex, disappointment, and low self-esteem. - Why you should never relieve a guy of the guilt he feels for treating you poorly. And why allowing him to feel guilty is actually a GOOD thing. - Exactly what men think and feel when you cut them off QUICKLY. - Why FORCING a man to live with his decision to leave you is crucial to reclaiming your power and potentially getting him back in the future. - The dangers of staying in touch with an ex, and how it tricks you into settling for a DEAD-END pseudo-relationship. - How you can better control the 'MEAN GIRL' inside your head (that inner voice that likes to tell you 'you’re not good, smart, or pretty enough' in some way) by finally standing up for yourself. - And much, much more... Get started right away and discover the power and importance of silence after a breakup or rejection.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Mike Norgaard (Narrator)
Nunca Mais Corra Atrás dos Homens: 38 Segredos de Relacionamento para conquistar o rapaz, Mantê-lo i
Se um homem não te leva a sério, ele pode se sentir forçado a passar um bom tempo com você. Infelizmente, estes bons tempos durarão até que você finalmente perceba que está sendo enganada ou até que o Sr. Desperdiçador de Tempo por fim parta em direção à mulher que ele REALMENTE quer. Em casos assim, o que uma mulher realmente exige são essas duas coisas: uma porção saudável de autorrespeito e uma série de regras de namoro “à prova de jogadores” que permitirão que ela tome sábias decisões em um relacionamento enquanto navega pelo território traiçoeiro de achar o Sr. Ideal. Este audiobook foi projetado para mostrar às mulheres como os homens avaliam o comportamento feminino a fim de determinar p nível de autorrespeito de uma mulher e assim o valor dela como parceira romântica. Dentro deste você descobrirá os eternos segredos de sedução e regras de relacionamento para te ajudar a evitar os erros em um relacionamento que podem fazer uma mulher parecer desesperada, carente, vulgar ou até desqualificada para um sério compromisso com um grande rapaz. Neste audiobook, você aprenderá sobre: - A forma mais poderosa de sedução masculina que pode MANTER uma mulher descontroladamente “viciada” em correr atrás de um homem. - Como manter um homem interessado fazendo uma certa coisa que a MAIORIA das mulheres tem pavor em fazer quando encontram um cara incrível. - Como rejeitar comportamentos masculinos indesejáveis e conquistar o cara que você quer para te levar a sério ou te deixar em PAZ! - Uma simples frase que fica martelando e queimando na memória de um homem, faz com que você GRUDE na mente dele e faz com que ele fique DESESPERADO para te ver de novo. - Como seduzir um homem e DERRETER o coração dele impressionando-o como UMA COISA que somente a mulher CERTA pode dar a ele. - E muito, muito mais... Comece agora, e descubra como conquistar o cara e mantê-lo interessado em você sem fazer joguinhos.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Cómo Obtener a un Hombre sin Que Jueguen Contigo: 29 Secretos en Citas Románticas para Atrapar al Ho
Cuando un hombre de gran calidad se encuentra con una mujer que es dueña de sí misma, comienza a anhelar su respeto, aprobación, y lo más importante, su amor. Los hombres así entienden que la seguridad de una mujer refleja su valor. Y saben que una mujer sólo puede actuar con confianza en sí misma cuando ha puesto una importancia más alta en su dignidad y bienestar ANTES que en algún hombre. Este libro fue escrito para mujeres que quieren pasar de sentirse incapaces de obtener a un hombre para convertirse en mujeres irresistibles a sus ojos. En él, descubrirás los secretos para tener más confianza en ti misma y poder con los hombres con los que sales al aprender las creencias, actitudes, estándares, “hábitos en la vida amorosa” y secretos de seducción de las mujeres que valen mucho la pena. En este audiolibro, aprenderás: - Qué decir cuando quieres que las cosas vayan más despacio con un hombre sin que él pierda el interés. - La mejor herramienta de seducción para la primera cita que puede CAPTURAR el deseo de un hombre y volverlo desesperado por verte de nuevo. - La clave #1 para conquistar el corazón de un hombre durante las etapas tempranas de un romance. - Cómo conseguir un novio al evitar un ENORME error que puede matar la relación y que la mayoría de mujeres hace en las primeras semanas de salir juntos. - La actitud femenina más irresistible que puede fácilmente volver loco a los hombres y hacer que sacarte de su mente sea IMPOSIBLE. - Y mucho, mucho más... Dentro descubrirás cómo ser una mujer de alta calidad en tus citas románticas para conseguir a un hombre sin que jueguen contigo.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Él No Está Tan Interesado, Sólo Está Pasando el Tiempo: 40 Comportamientos Inconfundibles de los Hom
Los hombres realmente no tienen 'Compromiso.' Al menos, no en la manera que la mayoria de las mujeres piensan que ellos tienen. Cuando un hombre te dice que tiene 'Compromiso', hay una gran posibilidad de que lo que REALMENTE quiere decir es que no está tan interesado en ti y sólo está utilizándote para pasar el rato mientras conoce a alguien 'Mejor'. Incluso aúnque los hombres no tengan realmente compromiso, no lo encuentran necesario o conveniente informar a una mujer que no es más que una bella distracción, una manera de ganarse el respeto de su compañera, o solo un objetivo para agudizar sus habilidades para seducir y así estar preparado para cuando una 'Mejor' mujer aparezca. En este libro, encontrarás cómo piensa e interactúa un hombre con una mujer cuando no está interesado en ella. Es extremadamente difícil para un hombre perder el tiempo y tratarte como un juguete a corto plazo sin exhibir ciertos comportamientos inconfundibles que claramente comunican que sólo esta tratando de mantenerte interesada... Pero sin reclamar. En este audiolibro, aprenderás: - El lenguaje seductor que utilizan los hombres cuando quieren hacerte perder el ánimo en una relación comprometida. - La rapidez con la que puedes aprender ESTO de cuando el puede decirte que no está 'Preparado' para una relación seria. - Cómo evitar sentirse confundida por un hombre que puede quererte tiernamente, pero JAMAS te hará su novia. - Cómo dejar de perder el sueño pensando en “¿EL ME AMA?” y conseguir que te tome enserio o mandarlo a volar. - Cómo la observación de este simple comportamiento puede revelar si el piensa que eres 'LA INDICADA' o solo 'ALGUIEN MAS' para pasar el rato hasta que consiga a su 'Srta. Correcta' - Y mucho, mucho más... En este libro descubrirás si un hombre te quiere desesperadamente o si no está tan interesado en ti.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Attract The Right Girl: How to Find Your Dream Girl and Be the Man She Can’t Resist
Learning how to get a girlfriend or even how to make women want you are challenges that a lot of guys continue to struggle with. Even for guys who already know how to attract women, it's still tough for them when they're ready to find the woman of their dreams, make her fall in love, and build a great relationship with her. But if that wasn't enough pressure, it gets worse... If a man FAILS to find the RIGHT woman to build a fulfilling, drama-free, and passionate relationship with, the consequences of his choices will be BRUTAL. Guys who don't know how to get the girl they REALLY want are doomed to a life of unfulfilling, lifeless relationships with shallow, low-character, boring, incompatible, and even perhaps emotionally damaged women that will make their lives a LIVING HELL. In this audiobook, you’re going to learn: - Why choosing a 'Total Package' girlfriend will save you A LOT of headache and heartache in the long run. - How to make women want you while avoid wasting time on women who aren't compatible with you. You'll learn what to do to ensure that your interaction with a good woman starts off on the right foot. - Learn how to choose a high-character girlfriend (or wife) by observing how she handles a certain something that can make or break ANY relationship. - How to get the girl and make her chase you by embodying the FIVE qualities that a high-quality woman NEEDS in a man. If you can fully make these key traits a part of your character, you'll naturally become much more attractive to your dream girl. - Discover the qualities that reveal whether or not a woman will become a bitter, LIFE-SUCKING shrew later on in life or a reliable source of strength and happiness. - And much, much more... Inside you’ll discover more than just how to attract women, but how to find your dream girl and make her eager to be your girlfriend.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Greg Zarcone (Narrator)
Never Get Ghosted Again: 15 Reasons Why Men Lose Interest and How to Avoid Guys Who Can't Commit
No woman can change the reality that any man, no matter how interested or invested he may first appear, can potentially pull away and lose interest in her at some point. Although this is the reality, a woman can, in fact, change the way she deals with such situations. While you might not be able to control a man’s behavior, you can control your own. Being in control of your emotions, especially when a man’s behavior threatens your future with him, will make it easier for you to influence his heart and make him see you as an irreplaceable, high-value woman. But in order to effectively influence a man’s heart, a woman must possess a deep understanding of how men think. Fortunately, with this audiobook, you will discover the secret reasons why men suddenly lose interest, what causes men to fall in (and out of) love with a woman, and how to prevent that special guy from disappearing on you. Inside this audiobook, you’re going to learn: - The BIGGEST reason why men pull away whenever you start giving them MORE of your love and attention. - The seven things that make a man feel as if he’s “just not ready” for a SERIOUS relationship. - What to do (and what NOT to do) when the man you desire suddenly starts losing interest in you. - The six man-repelling behaviors that SCARE men away on a first date. - Exactly what goes on in the mind of a man who suddenly “BREAKS THINGS OFF” with a woman. - The nine ways good-hearted women unknowingly CHASE men away by “Coming on Too Strong”. - What to say and do to STOP an on-coming break-up in its tracks to potentially SAVE the relationship. - The twelve TIME-WASTING signs that reveals when a man sees you as his “PLAN B”. - And much, much more... Inside you’ll discover the secret reasons why men lose interest and how to prevent great guys from disappearing on you.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Dan Culhane (Narrator)
Nunca Vuelvas a Perseguir a un Hombre: 38 Secretos para Poder Conseguir al Hombre de tus Sueños, Man
Si un hombre no te toma en serio, puede sentir que es una obligación pasar tiempo contigo. Desafortunadamente, lo que parece un buen momento durará hasta que finalmente te des cuenta de que estás siendo tomada como algo pasajero o hasta que finalmente el Sr. Tiempo Libre presente a la mujer que el REALMENTE quiere. Este audiolibro fue diseñado para mostrar a las mujeres cómo evalúan los hombres el comportamiento femenino para determinar el nivel de autoestima de una mujer y, por lo tanto, su valor como compañera sentimental. En su interior descubrirás los secretos de seducción eternos y las reglas para ayudarte a evitar los errores en las citas que pudieran hacer lucir a una mujer desesperada, necesitada, nada especial o incluso 'no calificada' para un compromiso serio con un gran hombre. En este audiolibro, aprenderás: • La forma más poderosa de seducción masculina que puede MANTENER a una mujer indefensamente 'adicta' a perseguir a un hombre. • Cómo mantener a un hombre interesado hacienda una cosa que a la MAYORIA de las mujeres les aterra hacer cuando encuentran un gran partido. • Un hábito irritante que hace que un hombre altamente calificado deje de pretender a una mujer casi AL INSTANTE. • La simple frase “Exaltación del Ego” que se graba en la memoria de un hombre, te mantiene CLAVADA en su mente, y lo hace sentirse DESPERADO por verte otra vez. • Y mucho, mucho más… Empieza ahora y descubre cómo conseguir al hombre ideal manteniéndolo interesado en ti de verdad.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Jose Garcia (Narrator)
Texts So Good He Can't Ignore: Sassy Texting Secrets for Attracting High-Quality Men (and Keeping th
Did you know that men secretly use texting as a way to "pre-screen" a woman's romantic value? A woman's texting habits can reveal a lot about her self-worth, confidence, intelligence, and even her level of class and emotional maturity.Because guys covertly appraise a woman's relationship potential this way, many women often have no idea that the way they communicate via texting is actually sending the wrong message and thus, they unknowingly end up chasing men away.But with this insightful dating audiobook, you'll learn the texting habits used by high-value women and gain access to a vast collection of irresistible, man-melting text messages that make men EAGER to text you back and desperate to see you again. And because this in-depth guide focuses on how men think, it will give you a distinct advantage over your peers when it comes to texting men.Inside this audiobook, you're going to learn:Exactly what to text a guy when he's stringing you along and only doing the BARE MINIMUM to keep you interested.How to use mischievous "Feisty Girl" texts to get a man to finally ask you out (or ask you out AGAIN) while making it seem like it was all HIS idea.What to do (and what NOT to do) if a guy suddenly stops texting you or starts responding to your texts less and less.How to get him to CALL YOU instead of texting all the time.What to text a man to "let him down easy" but KEEP him interested whenever he sends an inappropriate or overly sexual text.Exactly what to text those flaky guys who keep "coming BACK from the DEAD" and suddenly start taking an interest in you again.A simple method for starting conversations that IMMEDIATELY grabs his attention and makes him EAGER to text you back.And much, much more...Get started right away and discover how to text a man to finally get him OFF of his smartphone and ON more dates with you.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Dan Culhane (Narrator)
How To Get A Man Without Getting Played: 29 Dating Secrets to Catch Mr. Right, Set Your Standards, a
When it comes to finding a suitable mate for a passion filled, committed relationship, one of the things men want most in a woman is self-possession, or said another way, womanly poise. When a woman lacks poise she generally gives too much of herself, and usually at the most ineffective times when dating a man. She is too lenient with men in the beginning stages of a new romance, and she's prone to compromising her standards just to keep a man in her life. A woman with poise never chases or throws herself at a man, especially if he's pulling away from her. She also doesn't make things easy for a man by clearing her schedule 'just in case' he calls or comes around. This book was designed for women who want to go from being powerless to being irresistible to men. In it, you'll discover the secrets to having more confidence and power with men and dating as you learn the beliefs, attitudes, dating rules, 'love habits', and seduction secrets of the high-value woman. Here's what you're going to learn inside: - The most seductive first date 'good deed' that can capture a man's desire and make him desperate to see you again - The number-one key to conquering a man's heart during the early dating stages (this is something most women only figure out after years of painful trial and error) - How to get a boyfriend by avoiding a huge relationship-killing mistake most women make within the first few weeks of dating - How to get a man to treat you like a top priority (instead of his plan B) once you start dating him - How to maintain the 'queen's composure' when men pull away and how to use it to make the good ones come running back to you - The 'dating rules' high-value women use to quickly eliminate players and find Mr. Right - And much, much more... Get started right away and discover how to date like a high-value woman to get the guy without getting played.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Dan Culhane (Narrator)
Dating Deal Breakers That Drive Men Away: 12 Relationship Killers that Ruin Your Long-Term Potential
Goodhearted, highly masculine, relationship-minded men will do everything in their power to avoid falling in love with a woman that could make their life a living hell. And because of this one simple fact, guys like this are very discriminating when assessing a woman's long-term relationship potential. When evaluating a woman's long-term relationship potential, high-quality men place greater attention on the quality (or lack thereof) of her personal character, as well as those things that have a direct or indirect influence upon her character (such as the people, places, and things in her life). This audiobook was designed to provide women with an inside look at the most common dating red flags that high-quality men consider 'deal-breakers', the kind of deal-breakers that compel them to stop pursuing a woman, ignore her texts (and phone calls), and eventually blow up a budding relationship. In this audiobook, you're going to learn: 'The one area of your life that high-quality men are DEEPLY concerned about, and how they secretly use it to judge your character (or lack thereof). 'How to easily maintain a DEEP emotional connection to a man by avoiding one simple relationship mistake. (Hint: This is the one mistake many women unknowingly struggle with.) 'An irritating habit that causes high-quality men to stop pursuing a woman almost INSTANTLY. 'How to be a high-value woman in the MOST important area of a man's life and make him see you as potential "Wife Material." 'A "man-repelling" female attitude that DRIVES good men away, and pushes them into the arms of "lesser" women. 'How to avoid KILLING a man's natural desire to please you by giving him the one thing ALL men desperately crave but would NEVER ask for from a woman. 'And much, much more... Get started now and discover how to avoid the biggest relationship killers that ruin your chances with higher quality men.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Dan Culhane (Narrator)
Never Chase Men Again: 38 Dating Secrets to Get the Guy, Keep Him Interested, and Prevent Dead-End R
If a man doesn't take you seriously, he may feel compelled to have a good time with you. Unfortunately this good time will last until you finally realize you're being taken for a ride or until Mr. Time Waster ultimately moves on to a woman he REALLY wants. In cases like this, what a woman really requires are two things: a healthy amount of self-respect and a set of ""player-proof"" dating rules that will allow her to make wise dating decisions as she navigates the treacherous territory of finding Mr. Right. This audiobook was designed to show women how men appraise female behavior in order to determine a woman's level of self-respect and therefore her value as a romantic partner. Inside it you'll discover the timeless seduction secrets and dating rules to help you avoid the dating mistakes that could make a woman appear desperate, needy, commonplace, or even unqualified for a serious commitment to a great guy. In this audiobook, you're going to learn: - The most powerful form of male seduction that can KEEP a woman helplessly ""addicted"" to chasing a man. - How to keep a man interested by doing the one thing MOST women are terrified of doing when they find a great guy. - An irritating habit that causes high-quality men to stop pursuing a woman almost INSTANTLY. - How to rebuff undesirable male behavior and get the guy you want to either take you seriously or take a HIKE! - A simple ego-popping phrase that burns into a man's memory, keeps you STUCK on his mind, and makes him DESPERATE to see you again. - How to seduce a man and MELT his heart by overwhelming him with the ONE THING only the RIGHT woman can give him. - And much, much more... Get started now, and discover how to get the guy and keep him interested in you without playing games.
Bruce Bryans (Author), Dan Culhane (Narrator)
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