How do the rich keep getting richer, while dodging the long arm of the law? The ultra-rich seem to live in a different world from the rest of us. That world is called offshore. Hidden from view, the world's ultra-rich can use offshore finance to escape tax obligations, labor and environmental safety regulations, campaign finance rules, and other laws that get in their way.
In Offshore: Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism, sociologist Brooke Harrington reveals how this system works, as well as how it degrades democracy, the economy, and the public goods on which we all depend. Through interviews with dozens of wealth managers in nineteen countries, Harrington uncovered how this global network of offshore financial centers arose from the remnants of colonialism and has created a new, hidden imperial class.
This engrossing deep dive reveals what offshore finance costs all of us, and how it has colonized the world—not on behalf of any one country, but to benefit a largely invisible empire of a few thousand billionaires, who help themselves to the best society has to offer while sticking us with the bill. As politicians struggle to address the deepening economic and political inequality destabilizing the world, Harrington's exposé of the offshore system is a vital resource for understanding the most pressing crises of our time.
Ein verblüffendes Hörbuch über die unheimliche Macht der Vermögensverwalter
Ihre wichtigste Eigenschaft ist die Diskretion, und ihre Aufgabe ist es, den Reichtum der Reichsten unsichtbar zu machen - während sie ihn mehren. Ganze Teams von Offshore-Experten arbeiten Tag und Nacht daran, für ihre Kunden Steuerschlupflöcher zu finden, Gesetze zu umgehen, kreative Lösungen zu finden. Der Begriff Steuerparadies, der in vielen europäischen Sprachen für Offshore verwendet wird, wirkt angesichts der libertären Anarchie, die hier herrscht, geradezu verharmlosend.
Die renommierte Soziologin Brooke Harrington bringt Licht in die faszinierende Schattenwelt der Vermögensverwalter. Sie beschreibt, wie das System funktioniert, das sie geschaffen haben, und welche Folgen es für alle anderen hat: Wir sollten uns um diese klandestinen Experten viel mehr Sorgen machen als um die Ultra-Reichen selbst.
How do the ultra-rich keep getting richer, despite taxes on income, capital gains, property, and inheritance?
Capital without Borders tackles this tantalizing question through a groundbreaking multi-year investigation of the men and women who specialize in protecting the fortunes of the world's richest people. Brooke Harrington followed the money to the eighteen most popular tax havens in the world, interviewing wealth managers to understand how they help their high-net-worth clients dodge taxes, creditors, and disgruntled heirs-all while staying just within the letter of the law. She even trained to become a wealth manager herself in her quest to penetrate the fascinating, shadowy world of the guardians of the one percent.