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INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER #1 WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Deadly operative Scot Harvath faces down the country's most powerful enemy in #1 New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Brad Thor's new white-knuckle thriller. An unprecedented, potentially nation-ending threat has materialized on the world stage. Fearful of the global consequences of engaging this enemy, administration after administration has passed the buck. The clock, however, has run out and doing nothing is no longer an option. It is time to unleash Scot Harvath. As America's top spy, Harvath has the unparalleled skills and experience necessary to handle any situation, but this assignment feels different. Thrust into a completely unfamiliar culture, with few he can trust, the danger begins mounting the moment he arrives. Amidst multiple competing forces and a host of deadly agendas, it becomes nearly impossible to tell predator from prey. With democracy itself hanging in the balance, Harvath will risk everything to untangle the explosive plot and bring every bad actor to justice.
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
State of the Union: Verschwörung gegen die Nation
An einem kalten Januarmorgen erwachen die Vereinigten Staaten und entdecken, dass ein längst tot geglaubter Feind aus seinem Grab gekrochen ist, um das Land zu zerstören. Nach mehreren Morden an US-Agenten verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass der Killer ein berüchtigter Ex-KGB-Doppelagent ist. Geheimdienstagent Scot Harvath wird eingeschaltet. Zusammen mit der schönen russischen Agentin Alexandra Ivanova startet Harvath eine adrenalingeladene Jagd. Sie geraten mitten in eine teuflische Verschwörung, die die Vereinigten Staaten in die Knie zwingen soll. Ein neuer elektrisierender Thriller mit dem US-Helden Scot Harvath, der die Leser so lange rätseln lässt, bis das letzte Teil des Puzzles passt. Nelson DeMille: »Scot Harvath ist der perfekte amerikanische Held.« Dan Brown: »Brad Thor ist so brisant wie die Schlagzeilen von morgen!«
Brad Thor (Author), Josef Vossenkuhl (Narrator)
Foreign Agent - Der Verräter: Thriller
Ein verdeckter Treffpunkt des US-Geheimdiensts in Syrien wurde Ziel eines Anschlags. Noch bevor das dort stationierte Einsatzteam seinen Auftrag ausführen konnte, verwandelten Terroristen den Unterschlupf in ein Blutbad. Anti-Terror-Agent Scot Harvath trägt die Verantwortung für das Desaster. Fieberhaft sucht er nach den Drahtziehern. Es gibt einen Saboteur in den eigenen Reihen und Harvath muss ihn finden! Zwischen den Machenschaften von CIA, Verteidigungsministerium und kaltblütigen Terroristen stößt Scot Harvath auf eine Bedrohung, gefährlicher als sich das jemand innerhalb der Regierung vorstellen kann ... Washington Times: »Brad Thor packt in seine Thriller mehr Action und Spannung als so ziemlich jeder andere Autor dieses Genres!« »Thor ist der unbestrittene König der Faction - einer Mischung aus Fakten und Fiction.« Suspense Magazine: »Brad Thor beweist, dass er der ultimative Thriller-Autor ist.«
Brad Thor (Author), Josef Vossenkuhl (Narrator)
Includes a special bonus conversation between Brad Thor and his longtime narrator Armand Schultz! INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "[A]nother instant classic." —The Real Book Spy "The undisputed master of blending geopolitics with spycraft…a thriller aficionado's dream." —The Providence Journal The new Cold War is about to go hot. #1 New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Brad Thor is back with his most intense thriller yet. Scot Harvath is having his best summer ever. With a cottage on the fjord, a boat, and his beautiful girlfriend Sølvi, he's got everything he could possibly want. But out of vacation days and long overdue back home, America's top spy has a decision to make—return, or submit his resignation. When his deadly past comes calling, though, he'll be left with no choice at all. Leaving his favorite Oslo café, Harvath watches as a ghost climbs out of a taxi—a man he killed years ago, halfway around the world. How is he still alive? And what is he doing in Norway? In a race against time that will take him high above the Arctic Circle, Harvath is tested in ways he has never imagined and pushed to a limit few human beings could ever endure. If he succeeds, he'll walk away with everything. If he fails, the United States and its allies will be at the mercy of one of the world's most dangerous actors.
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
"Fast-paced...pulse-pounding...supremely entertaining… His best ever." —The Washington Times Scot Harvath returns in the newest thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor. The world's largest bounty has just been placed upon America's top spy. His only hope for survival is to outwit, outrun, and outlast his enemies long enough to get to the truth. But for Scot Harvath to accomplish his most dangerous mission ever—one that has already claimed the lives of the people closest to him, including his new wife—he's going to need help—a lot of it. Not knowing whom he can trust, Harvath finds an unlikely ally in Norwegian intelligence operative Sølvi Kolstad. Just as smart, just as deadly, and just as determined, she not only has the skills, but also the broken, troubled past to match Harvath's own.
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
"Raw emotion, nonstop action, and relentless pacing makes Backlash another one-night read from Brad Thor, who delivers the book to beat in 2019." —The Real Book Spy #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and #1 Publishers Weekly bestselling author Brad Thor is back with his most gripping thriller yet! In ancient texts, there are stories about men who struck from the shadows, seemingly beyond the reach of death itself. These men were considered part angel, part demon. Their loyalty was to their families, their friends, and their kings. You crossed these men at your peril. And once crossed, there was no crossing back. They were fearless; men of honor who have been known throughout history by different names: Spartan, Viking, Samurai. Today, men like these still strike from the shadows. They are highly prized intelligence agents, military operatives, and assassins. One man is all three. Two days ago, that man was crossed—badly. Now, far from home and surrounded by his enemy, Scot Harvath must battle his way out. With no support, no cavalry coming, and no one even aware of where he is, it will take everything he has ever learned to survive. But survival isn't enough. Harvath wants revenge. In the most explosive novel Brad Thor has ever written, page after captivating page of action, intrigue, loyalty, and betrayal will keep you hooked until the very last sentence.
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
The newest thriller in the #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and #1 Publishers Weekly bestselling series! Across Europe, a secret organization has begun attacking diplomats. Back in the United States, a foreign ally demands the identity of a highly placed covert asset. In the balance hang the ingredients for all-out war. With his mentor out of the game, counterterrorism operative Scot Harvath must take on the role he has spent his career avoiding. But, as with everything else he does, he intends to rewrite the rules—all of them. In Spymaster, Scot Harvath is more cunning, more dangerous, and deadlier than ever before. If you have never read a Brad Thor novel, this is the place to start!
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
The newest thriller in the #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and #1 Publishers Weekly bestselling series! Across Europe, a secret organization has begun attacking diplomats. Back in the United States, a foreign ally demands the identity of a highly placed covert asset. In the balance hang the ingredients for all-out war. With his mentor out of the game, counterterrorism operative Scot Harvath must take on the role he has spent his career avoiding. But, as with everything else he does, he intends to rewrite the rules—all of them. In Spymaster, Scot Harvath is more cunning, more dangerous, and deadlier than ever before. If you have never read a Brad Thor novel, this is the place to start!
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
Der Pfad des Mörders: Thriller
Secret Service Agent Scot Harvath auf der blutigen Spur des kaltblütigsten Terroristen der Welt. Das größte Problem für Harvath: Er hat keine Ahnung, wie der Mann aussieht. Der Pfad des Mörders führt Harvath von den brennenden Wüsten Nordafrikas bis in die verwinkelten Gassen Roms. Nelson DeMille: 'Scot Harvath ist der perfekte amerikanische Held.' Dan Brown: 'Brad Thor ist so brisant wie die Schlagzeilen von morgen!'
Brad Thor (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor. As a storm rages across the Mediterranean Sea, a terrifying distress call is made to the Italian Coast Guard. Days later, a body washes ashore. Identified as a high value terrorism suspect (who had disappeared three years prior), his name sends panic through the Central Intelligence Agency. Where was he headed? What was he planning? And could he be connected to the "spectacular attack" they have been fearing all summer? In a race against time, the CIA taps an unorthodox source to get answers: Navy SEAL turned covert counterterrorism operative, Scot Harvath. Hired on a black contract, Harvath will provide the deniability the United States needs, while he breaks every rule along the way. Packed with pulse-pounding action, fascinating characters, and electrifying intrigue, Brad Thor does it again and proves why he is known around-the-world as the "Master of Thrillers."
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
Auf den Skipisten von Utah ereignet sich ein unglaublicher Vorfall: In einem spektakulären Coup entführen Terroristen den Präsidenten der USA und töten dabei 30 Männer des Geheimdienstes. Nur der junge Scot Harvath überlebt. Während Secret Service, FBI, CIA und der verdächtig unentschlossene Vizepräsident erklären, dass eine Vereinigung aus dem Nahen Osten hinter dem Angriff steckt, glaubt Harvath keine Sekunde daran. Also beginnt er auf eigene Faust zu ermitteln. Die spärlichen Hinweise führen ihn in die Schweiz. Dort trifft er auf Claudia Müller von der eidgenössischen Staatsanwaltschaft. Auch sie ist den Tätern auf der Spur und berichtet von einer mysteriösen Söldnertruppe, die sich Die Löwen von Luzern nennt - ein tödliches Team professioneller Killer. Auf den schneebedeckten Hängen des Pilatus-Bergmassivs beginnt der Kampf gegen die Löwen. Aber lebt der Präsident überhaupt noch? Oder riskieren die beiden ihr Leben vielleicht umsonst? Die Löwen von Luzern war der Beginn für den Welterfolg von Brad Thor. Inzwischen schrieb er 15 Romane mit dem Geheimagenten Scot Harvath. Die Thriller erreichen regelmäßig Platz 1 der US-Bestsellerlisten. Dan Brown: 'Brad Thor ist so brisant wie die Schlagzeilen von morgen!'
Brad Thor (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
"The best thriller of the exciting and entertaining read." -The Washington Times "A top-notch thriller." -Bill O'Reilly From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor-a brilliant thriller as "current as tomorrow's headlines." Terrorism in Europe has spun out of control. The United States has decided on a dramatic response. Now, the CIA needs a very special kind of operative.Scot Harvath has exactly the skills the CIA is looking for. He's a former US Navy SEAL with extensive experience in espionage. Working for a private intelligence company, he will provide the CIA, and more important, the President, with absolute deniability. But deep within the Russian Caucasus, Moscow also has its own special kind of operative. As a child, Sacha Baseyev endured an unimaginable horror. Today, he lives and breathes for only one reason-to kill. And he will kill as many Americans as it takes to accomplish his mission. When a clandestine American operations team is ambushed near Syria, all signs point toward a dangerous informant in Brussels. But as Harvath searches for the man, he uncovers another actor-a rogue player hell-bent on forcing America's hand and drawing it into a confrontation deadlier than anyone could have imagined. As the attacks mount, and terror is brought to the very doorstep of the White House, Harvath finds himself in the race of his life. From Vienna, Brussels, and Berlin, to Malta, Jordan, and Syria-he will push himself beyond the edge in order to confront one of the greatest evils the world has ever known. Filled with action, intrigue, and edge-of-your-seat suspense, Foreign Agent is a nonstop thrill ride that reaffirms Thor's position as the "master of thrillers."
Brad Thor (Author), Armand Schultz (Narrator)
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