Browse audiobooks by Billy Graham, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Take hold of God's strength to carry you through the hard seasons and storms of life. When you feel weak or discouraged, you don't have to face your problems alone! There is infinite power and support awaiting you in Jesus. God's Strength for Hard Times draws on the words of Billy Graham and the Bible to offer comfort and hope. This book is perfect for anyone who is: - Going through a difficult season - Dealing with grief, loneliness, or loss - Looking for a stronger faith, a more-focused purpose, or contentment - Needing encouragement as they face the unknown No matter what challenges or uncertainties you're experiencing, God's strength is available to you. With these encouraging reminders from beloved evangelist and author Billy Graham, and with a foreword from his son, Franklin Graham, God's Strength for Hard Times will comfort your spirit and lead you to a hopeful future.
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
Truth for Each Day: A 365-Day Devotional
When the world around you feels chaotic and hard to navigate, you can be reminded of the unchanging truth of the Bible in this 365-day devotional from beloved evangelist Billy Graham. Truth for Each Day gives you a full year of hopeful reminders and grounded messages to encourage you to live and walk in God's truth. Each passage invites you to meditate on the unchanging Word of God and includes a thoughtful message from Mr. Graham to give you daily encouragement. Longtime fans of Graham's ministry and books will appreciate this collection of writings, as will newcomers who are encountering his words for the first time. If you find yourself in a place where truth is hard to find, Truth for Each Day will remind you of the foundational need for the Gospel and its powerful hope for your life.
Billy Graham (Author), Tommy Cresswell (Narrator)
Czy pomimo życia wypełnionego obowiązkami i nagrodami czegoś nadal Ci brakuje? Szukasz nienazwanej mocy, która jest ważniejsza niż cokolwiek, co dzieje się w Twoim życiu? Nie jesteś sam. Cała ludzkość szuka lekarstwa na chaos, demoralizację i pustkę duchową, która uciska świat. Cała ludzkość prosi o wskazówki, o pociechę. . . bo wszyscy pragniemy pokoju. Billy Graham dzieli się z nami łagodną obietnicą Boga dotyczącą duchowego spokoju - autentycznego osobistego pokoju, który może zapanować w życiu osobistym pełnym stresu, obciążeń i bólu serca. „Znam osoby, które wystawiliby czek na milion dolarów, gdyby w zamian otrzymali wewnętrzny pokój”, pisze Graham. „Miliony go szukają. A my, chrześcijanie, znaleźliśmy go! Jest nasz teraz i na zawsze. Znaleźliśmy sekret życia! Kiedy umiera współmałżonek, dzieci chorują lub tracisz pracę, możesz mieć wewnętrzny pokój, którego nie będziesz w stanie zrozumieć. Możesz ronić łzy nad grobem bliskich, ale możesz mieć przy tym trwały, nieustający spokój w sercu.” „Pokój Boży może zapanować w twoim sercu - właśnie teraz. Bez względu na okoliczności, bez względu na wezwania i życiowe trudności, bez względu na cenę, bez względu na ofiarę - Jego siła będzie twoją siłą w twojej godzinie próby. „Wszystko jest twoje i jest za darmo. Nie musisz na to pracować… Nie odkładaj tego na później.” Jedno z wczesnych i najważniejszych dzieł Billy’ego Grahama – kapelana prezydentów USA, zwanego też „Pastorem ameryki”. Książka została wydana w 1953 roku. Zrewidowane i rozszerzone wydanie ukazało się w 1984 roku. W języku polskim po raz pierwszy książka wydana została w 1966 roku przez wydawnictwo Słowo Prawdy. Książka stała się bestsellerem w USA i tylko do końca 1955 sprzedana została w nakładzie 500 tysięcy egzemplarzy i przetłumaczona na 15 języków.
Billy Graham (Author), Maciej Kowalik (Narrator)
[Polish] - Aniołowie. Tajni Agenci Boga
Billy Graham - jeden z największych mentorów USA podnosi zasłonę dzielącą to, co widzialne i niewidzialne, by dać nam poznać Aniołów – tajnych agentów Boga. Ta klasyczna książka zbiera doświadczenia Billy Grahama i innych, którym objawili się aniołowie w chwilach szczególnej potrzeby. 'Gdybyśmy mieli otwarte duchowe oczy, zobaczylibyśmy nie tylko świat pełen złych duchów i mocy - ale także potężne anioły z wyciągniętymi przed siebie mieczami, którzy zostali posłani dla naszej obrony.' - Billy Graham. Tak, anioły istnieją i nie są produktem twojej wyobraźni. Nie wierzysz? Bardzo możliwe, że po odsłuchaniu tej książki zmienisz zdanie.
Billy Graham (Author), Roch Siemianowski (Narrator)
Life principles and Scripture selections from the America's most well known Evangelist. Life comes at us fast and is filled with challenges and questions for each day. Relationships. Finances. Temptations. Setbacks. Where do we turn for answers and wisdom? God's Word and the gentle-yet firm-insights of one of the most beloved ministers the world has ever known, are a great place to start each day. Billy Graham, is known and loved for his simple speaking style. Wisdom For Each Day is a beautiful expression of his heart and voice.
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
God's Good News: More Than 60 Bible Stories and Devotions
God's Good News is even more child-friendly with a new cover, smaller trim size, and even a lower price point. More than 60 favorite Bible stories are told in actual Bible text from the New King James Version, each paired with a takeaway devotion from Rev. Graham. The takeaways will help children focus on God's Word, apply it to their lives, and begin sharing the good news from an early age. 'Christianity is good news. . . . When we open up the Bible, it is good news from cover to cover. It's the good news that God loves us.' -Billy Graham No one has brought the good news to more people than Reverend Billy Graham, and the people who admire him span all generations. This lovely edition of God's Good News will be a timeless classic for parents and grandparents to give a new generation of children the good news, to show them the way to the cross, and to help them begin a lifetime of following Christ. Invite the children you love to experience God through powerful stories from the Bible. They will imagine the walls of water in the parted Red Sea, figure out why Joseph chose to forgive his brothers, read about a paralyzed man Jesus healed, and discover God's exciting plan for their lives. Most of all, this Bible storybook helps children understand God's incredible love for them. Each story is equipped with a takeaway devotion from Rev. Graham. The takeaways will help children focus on God's Word, apply it to their lives, and begin walking with God and sharing the good news from an early age. With Bible stories told in actual Bible text, this storybook teaches that God loves us, saves us from our sin, and invites us into a new life with Him. Each entry includes the wisdom of Billy Graham, who spent his life helping people all over the world understand and respond in faith to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that God loves us, and that is good news!
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
Hope for Each Day Morning and Evening Devotions
Beginning and ending your day with a daily devotional can be a game changer. Leading inspirational author and pastor Billy Graham shares words of wisdom and inspiration for hope-filled living with 730 devotions in Hope for Each Day: Morning and Evening Devotions. This special morning and evening devotional will help you: - Stay close to the Lord throughout the day - Prepare your heart and mind for what lies ahead - Process the day's events every evening in the presence and fullness of His grace
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
What Happened at the Cross: The Price of Victory
The cross of Christ towers over 2,000 years of history. What happened on that hill called Calvary? In this compilation of his life's work, Billy Graham explains what Jesus accomplished on the day of his death, the meaning of his sacrifice, where he is now, the price of victory, and how to live with hope. It's almost impossible to find one of Billy Graham's sermons that didn't focus on the incredible events that happened over 2,000 years ago on Mount Calvary, and that's because he centered his life and ministry around its message. In this special collection of the beloved evangelist's inspiring messages on the cross, discover simple yet profound truths that will change your life. This one-of-a-kind message includes: - An exclusive foreword from Franklin Graham and afterword by Will Graham - More than 40 bonus pages of Scripture references pointing readers to what God's Word says about the cross and salvation - The Steps of Peace salvation plan from the Billy Graham Evangelical Association - Seven chapters of rich content explaining what happened at the cross; the price of victory; the meaning of the cross; the king's eternity, and how to live life with hope Perfect for Christians seeking spiritual encouragement and a better understanding of the Gospel's message, What Happened at the Cross will help you better understand the meaning of the cross and equip you to proclaim the gospel in your Church, your community, and beyond.
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
Who's In Charge of a World That Suffers?: Trusting God in Difficult Circumstances
"In this book my father helps the reader traverse this journey called life by pointing to the One who guides us by His mighty Spirit, helping us walk with Him in certain victory." --Franklin Graham Why is suffering the common lot of all people everywhere--believers and non-believers alike--and why does it seem that the world is out of control when it comes to the problem of pain and suffering? These are not easy questions, and in reality, you will never know the answers completely until you see our Lord face to face in heaven. Nevertheless, the Bible does give you some answers. Who's in Charge of a World that Suffers? includes an informative and inspirational new introduction by Franklin Graham that speaks to today's listener in the midst of painful circumstances. In this book, originally titled Till Armageddon, world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham uncovers the clues the scriptures offer you to this universal question--the question of suffering. Listeners will discover what the Bible says about: - Why Christians are not exempt from suffering - Living above your circumstances - The place of prayer in suffering - God's promises for those who suffer - And much more Christians are called to learn what it means to trust God in every circumstance, and to live for Him no matter what comes our way. It is essential to think more clearly about suffering, and to rearrange your priorities so that when your personal armageddons come, you will not be taken by surprise or be unprepared. Christians, pastors, Bible study leaders, and anyone questioning where God fits into suffering will find encouragement in this message of hope for a broken world.
Billy Graham (Author), Milton Bagby (Narrator)
Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith
In keeping with the spirit of Max Lucado's Grace for the Moment, Charles Swindoll's Wisdom for the Way, and John MacArthur's Truth for Today comes the latest edition into the Daily Inspirations series. In Hope for Each Day, Billy Graham offers spiritual comfort to guide us through our daily lives. Rev. Graham is a national treasure and has counseled numerous political leaders and provided comfort in times of public crisis.
Billy Graham (Author), Tommy Cresswell (Narrator)
Rejoice in the miracle and meaning of Christmas. Billy Graham celebrates the Savior's birth in this thoughtful Christmas devotional. Explore the blessings of hope, joy, love, and peace that believers can experience as they keep their eyes on Jesus. Included are excerpts from the bestselling This Christmas Night, hymns, Scriptural accounts of Christ's birth, and beautiful poetry by Ruth Bell Graham. It's perfect for keeping your focus on what's truly important during the busyness of the Christmas season.
Billy Graham (Author), Maurice England (Narrator)
The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life
With prayerful reverence and focused wisdom, Dr. Graham puts an understandable face on this mysterious third Person of the Trinity: The Holy Spirit is 'not an impersonal force, like gravity or magnetism. He is a Person, with all the attributes of personality. But not only is He a Person, He is divine as well. Exciting, revolutionary power is available exclusively to you as a Christian . . . It is the supernatural power: - To transform human nature - To be the salt of the earth, and the light of the world - To bring about a dramatic but peaceful revolution in those around you - To face any crisis You cannot buy this extraordinary power, nor can you find it by searching the earth for it. As a Christian it resides in you already, an awesome gift from God that you have only to claim and use once you know and accept its Source. Christians are powerful people, Billy Graham reminds us in this inspiring and insightful book, because 'we have the mighty power of God available to us through . . . the Holy Spirit,' He comes to us with no conditions attached. Jesus simply said, 'If I go, I will send Him to you.' Listen to this amazing book and see anew how this Person can transform your life and give you the power 'to be truly good' and 'to live victoriously.'
Billy Graham (Author), Tommy Cresswell (Narrator)
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