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Tras el éxito de ventas de Notificación roja, Bill Browder regresa con otro apasionante relato en el que detalla cómo se convirtió en el enemigo público número uno de Vladímir Putin al revelar la campaña del presidente ruso para robar y lavar cientos de miles de millones de dólares y matar a cualquiera que se interpusiera en su camino. Cuando el joven abogado ruso de Bill Browder, Serguéi Magnitski, fue asesinado a golpes en una cárcel de Moscú, Browder convirtió en la misión de su vida perseguir a sus asesinos y asegurarse de que se enfrentaran a la justicia. El primer paso de esa misión fue descubrir quién estaba detrás del plan de devolución de impuestos de 230 millones de dólares por el que Magnitski fue asesinado. Mientras Browder y su equipo rastreaban el dinero a medida que salía de Rusia a través de los países bálticos y Chipre, y hacia Europa occidental y América, se sorprendieron al descubrir que el propio Vladímir Putin era un beneficiario del crimen. Cuando las fuerzas del orden comenzaron a congelar el dinero, Putin tomó represalias. Él y sus compinches instalaron trampas, contrataron personal para perseguir a Browder por distintas ciudades, asesinaron a varios de sus aliados rusos y reclutaron a algunos de los mejores abogados y políticos de Estados Unidos para acabar con él. Putin no se detendría ante nada para proteger su dinero. Como revela este libro, fue la campaña de Browder para sacar a la luz la corrupción de Putin lo que provocó la intervención de Rusia en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2016. Orden de embargo es a la vez una aventura financiera, una aventura internacional y una apasionada búsqueda de justicia. Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. - Bill Browder es el fundador y director general de Hermitage Capital Management y fue el mayor inversor extranjero en Rusia hasta 2005. Desde 2009, cuando su abogado, Serguéi Magnitski, fue asesinado en prisión tras descubrir un fraude de 230 millones de dólares cometido por funcionarios del Gobierno ruso, Browder ha liderado una campaña para sacar a la luz la corrupción endémica de Rusia y los abusos de los derechos humanos. Antes de fundar Hermitage, Browder fue vicepresidente de Salomon Brothers. Tiene una licenciatura en Economía de la Universidad de Chicago y un máster en Administración de empresas de la Escuela de Negocios de Stanford.
Bill Browder (Author), Jorge González (Narrator)
Freezing Order: A True Story of Russian Money Laundering, State-Sponsored Murder, and Surviving Vlad
Following his explosive #1 New York Times bestseller, Red Notice, Bill Browder returns with another gripping thriller chronicling how he exposed Vladmir Putin's campaign to steal and launder hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia-and how Putin is willing to kill anyone who stands in his way. When Browder's young Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, was beaten to death in a Moscow jail in 2009, Browder cast aside his business career and made it his life's mission to pursue justice for Sergei. One of the first steps of that mission was to uncover who had killed Sergei and profited from the $230 million corruption scheme that he had exposed. As Browder and his team tracked the money that flowed out of Russia-through the Baltics and Cyprus and on to Western Europe and the Americas-they discovered that Vladimir Putin himself was one of the beneficiaries of the crime. After Western law-enforcement agencies began freezing the money, Putin retaliated. He and his cronies set honey traps for Browder, hired agents to chase him around the globe, murdered more of Browder's Russian allies, and enlisted some of the West's top lawyers and politicians in an attempt to bring Browder down. Putin will stop at nothing to protect his wealth and power. As Freezing Order reveals, Browder's campaign was a main impetus for Putin's intervention in the 2016 US presidential election. At once a financial caper, an international adventure, and a passionate plea for justice, Freezing Order is a stirring morality tale about how one man can take on one of the most dangerous and ruthless villains in the world.
Bill Browder (Author), Adam Grupper (Narrator)
Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
“[Red Notice] does for investing in Russia and the former Soviet Union what Liar’s Poker did for our understanding of Salomon Brothers, Wall Street, and the mortgage-backed securities business in the 1980s. Browder’s business saga meshes well with the story of corruption and murder in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, making Red Notice an early candidate for any list of the year’s best books” (Fortune). “Part John Grisham-like thriller, part business and political memoir.” —The New York Times This is a story about an accidental activist. Bill Browder started out his adult life as the Wall Street maverick whose instincts led him to Russia just after the breakup of the Soviet Union, where he made his fortune. Along the way he exposed corruption, and when he did, he barely escaped with his life. His Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky wasn’t so lucky: he ended up in jail, where he was tortured to death. That changed Browder forever. He saw the murderous heart of the Putin regime and has spent the last half decade on a campaign to expose it. Because of that, he became Putin’s number one enemy, especially after Browder succeeded in having a law passed in the United States—The Magnitsky Act—that punishes a list of Russians implicated in the lawyer’s murder. Putin famously retaliated with a law that bans Americans from adopting Russian orphans. A financial caper, a crime thriller, and a political crusade, Red Notice is the story of one man taking on overpowering odds to change the world, and also the story of how, without intending to, he found meaning in his life.
Bill Browder (Author), John Hopkinson (Narrator)
November 2009. Sergei Magnitsky, is led to an isolation cell in a Moscow prison, and beaten to death by eight police officers. His crime? To testify against the Russian Interior Ministry officials involved in a conspiracy to steal $230 million of taxes. Magnitsky's brutal killing has remained uninvestigated to this day. Red Notice is a searing exposé on the Russian authorities responsible for the murder, slicing deep into the heart of the Kremlin to uncover its sordid truths.
Bill Browder (Author), Adam Grupper (Narrator)
Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man's Fight for Justice
November 2009. An emaciated young lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, is led to a freezing isolation cell in a Moscow prison, handcuffed to a bed rail, and beaten to death by eight police officers. His crime? To testify against the Russian Interior Ministry officials who were involved in a conspiracy to steal $230 million of taxes paid to the state by one of the world’s most successful hedge funds. Magnitsky’s brutal killing has remained uninvestigated and unpunished to this day. His farcical posthumous show-trial brought Putin's regime to a new low in the eyes of the international community. Red Notice is a searing exposE of the wholesale whitewash by Russian authorities of Magnitsky’s imprisonment and murder, slicing deep into the shadowy heart of the Kremlin to uncover its sordid truths. Bill Browder – the hedge fund manager who employed Magnitsky – takes us on his explosive journey from the heady world of finance in New York and London in the 1990s, through his battles with ruthless oligarchs in the turbulent landscape of post-Soviet Union Moscow, to his expulsion from Russia on Putin’s orders. Browder’s graphic portrait of the Russian government as a criminal enterprise wielding all the power of a sovereign state illuminates his personal transformation from financier to human rights activist, campaigning for justice for his late lawyer and friend. With fraud, bribery, corruption and torture exposed at every turn, Red Notice is a shocking but true political roller-coaster that plays out in the highest echelons of Western power.
Bill Browder (Author), Adam Grupper (Narrator)
Red Notice - Wie ich Putins Staatsfeind Nr. 1 wurde
Goldgräberstimmung in Moskau nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion: Die Oligarchen sichern sich die Pfründe und machen ein Vermögen. Der Amerikaner Bill Browder nutzt die Gunst der Stunde und investiert in aufstrebende Unternehmen. Doch dann kommt er Putin in die Quere: Er wird erpresst, verfolgt, das Leben seiner Familie wird bedroht. In einem Rechtsstaat kann man sich dagegen wehren. Aber nicht in einem Russland, wo Willkür und Tyrannei herrschen. Browders Anwalt Sergej Magnitski wird unter fadenscheinigen Vorwänden inhaftiert, gefoltert und schließlich im Gefängnis erschlagen. Aber Bill Browder gibt nicht auf. Als Menschenrechtsaktivist macht er international Druck auf Putin und seine Hintermänner. Mit Erfolg: In den USA wird auf Browders Initiative hin der Magnitsky Act verabschiedet, ein Gesetz, das die für den Mord Verantwortlichen mit weitreichenden Sanktionen belegt.
Bill Browder (Author), Jürgen Holdorf (Narrator)
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