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Angkor Wat: Exploring the Art, Science, and History Behind one of the World's Greatest Religious Sit
Built in the 1100's CE in dedication to the Hindu God Vishnu, Angkor Wat stands as one of the world's greatest achievements in art, architecture, and design. Located in the Siem Reap province of Cambodia and covering an area of 400km2, the Angkor Complex is one of the largest religious sites in the world. Built as the capital of the Khmer Empire by King Suryavarman II, Angkor Wat was once at the heart of an expansive city the size of which would not be seen until the industrial revolution. Now a major tourist destination and a World Heritage Site, Angkor Wat and it's surrounding complex stands as a stunning example of Cambodian art and culture spanning from the 9th to the 15th century. The temple has faced many challenges and changes over the centuries from it's conversion to a Buddhist temple by the end of the 12th century, to the threats posed by the Khmer Rouge in the 20th. European interest in the Temple complex was kindled in the 19th century through the accounts of French explorer Henri Mouhot, which spurred international interest in conservation and archeological investigation of the site. In the modern day these efforts are ongoing, and researchers continue to look for new ways to preserve the site for future generations and to learn more about this incredible structure and the people that built it.
Anna Hobart, Belinda Tam, Christina Macdonald, Dickyi Bhagentsang, Ipsa Gusain, Jessie Wang, Jiyeon Park, Kendall Caperchione, Si Cong (sam) Zhang, Zaira Inayat (Author), Ian Small (Narrator)
535-536 AD: The Worst Year in Existence
In our time, 2020 has been dubbed as 'the worst year in human existence,' but if one turns back time, they will bear witness that 535-536 AD were the year of the most extreme and severe episodes of misfortune ever recorded. The misfortune stemmed from the cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2000 years, which caused widespread effects such as crop failure and famines worldwide. 535-536 AD: The Worst Year in Existence delves into answering exactly what the 535-536 AD weather events are, the possible theories, and the scientific explanation. Alongside, it will present the humanitarian view and how human societies coped through it all. Lastly, it will present the environmental concerns that it brings forth. 535-536 AD: The Worst Year in Existence is a book written by multiple students and all compiled into one single anthology with the help of Dr. Austin Mardon. Dr. Mardon is the Antarctic Institute of Canada's founder and provides excellent internship opportunities for students across the nation.
Amna Abu Askar, Belinda Tam, Dr. Austin Mardon, Irene Fang, Jonathan Wiebe, Karanveer Kaushal, Kauthar Mohammad, Khushi Shah, Kibrom Makaby, Laura Orsini, Lea Touliopoulos, Sabika Sami (Author), Carla Lenfesty (Narrator)
Antipsychotic medications revolutionized the practice of psychiatry and have helped millions of people with a variety of mental health issues. Their discovery was largely experimental but based on the remarkable powers of clinical observation and scientific brilliance. Since then, they have altered perceptions of psychiatric disorders and have become a tool for not only exploring mechanisms of disease, but also for examining the nature of brain function. In this book, you will learn the discovery and story of antipsychotic medications, how societal perception has transitioned, and how future innovation will change these medications.
Anthony Chen, Anto Johnson, April Sui, Arnavi Patel, Asfar Khan, Avery Kennedy, Belinda Tam, Dr. Austin Mardon, Jeremy Steen, John Christy Johnson, Justine Nicole Banszky, Nasia Sheikh, Sameen Ali Peter (Author), Levon Vokins (Narrator)
One of the most tragic and ellusive events in maritime history, the fate of the Franklin Expedition has been shrouded in mystery for over a century. In 1845, Sir John Franklin and his crew boarded two ships, the HMS Erebus and Terror and set forth to discover the Northwest Passage, the long sought after connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific. This would not come to pass, however, and the entire crew would never be heard from again. Now in the modern era, this mystery has given up one of it's greatest secrets. In 2014, the discovery of the HMS Erebus birthed a new era of interest and research into the lost expedition. This discovery had shed light on the fate of Franklin and his crew, however with this new discovery comes a host of challenges. Locating the wreck of the Erebus has brought about a new era of legal dispute, global diplomacy, scientific advancement, and historical understanding. Despite these challenges, the wreck also provides a chance to revisit and learn from the past. Governments and communities can work together and previously sidelined voices can take center stage. Where the Franklin expedition for years has represented the danger of the unknown, the discovery of the Erebus has the opportunity to shed light and understanding on one of the arctic's great mysteries.
Anna Hobart, Belinda Tam, Christina Macdonald, Dickyi Bhagentsang, Ipsa Gusain, Jessie Wang, Jiyeon Park, Kendall Caperchione, Si Cong (sam) Zhang, Zaira Inayat (Author), Brenden Hiebert (Narrator)
Earth is a safe haven bustling with movement, innovative ideas and creative minds, but we are also surely becoming over capacitated, and with our population growing more and more everyday, it is only a matter of time before Earth's resources can no longer sustain us, nor will there be any room for us to live in comfortably. Like in ancient times, humans have always looked for the skies for solutions to their problems, and that is what our scientists and researchers have also been doing, looking at the skies for a new alternative, and it seems like we have found one. Mars, the red planet, and Earth's neighbour, was recently discovered as a planet that could one day have the possibility to sustain human life. Humans on Mars will explore all the different aspects of human colonization on our neighbour, the little red planet.
Amna Abu Askar, Belinda Tam, Dr. Austin Mardon, Irene Fang, Jonathan Wiebe, Karanveer Kaushal, Kauthar Mohammad, Khushi Shah, Kibrom Makaby, Laura Orsini, Lea Touliopoulos, Olivia Brodowski (Author), Catlin Kuzyk (Narrator)
The Dark Web: The Enigmatic Digital World
The advent of digital technology gives rise to a world within our very own screens. Many often think that these worlds are entirely different from their everyday lives. However many often blur the line between reality and the internet. The creation of the dark web facilitated this "blurry line" as crime has become available to screens, and at a click of a button, illegal items and goods get delivered to your doorstep. The dark web has its reputation for being a shady place. However, could it be used for good? And what makes it so bad anyway? All of these concepts will be explored throughout The Dark Web: The Enigmatic Digital World.
Amna Abu Askar, Belinda Tam, Dr. Austin Mardon, Irene Fang, Jonathan Wiebe, Karanveer Kaushal, Kauthar Mohammad, Khushi Shah, Kibrom Makaby, Laura Orsini, Lea Touliopoulos, Sabika Sami (Author), Katie Tolley (Narrator)
When you hear the word insulin, you may think of high blood sugar or diabetes. While insulin is involved in these conditions, the dangers of uncontrolled levels of insulin show to be more life-threatening. Insulin is a hormone that plays an essential role in digestion and metabolism because it allows glucose to enter the body's cells to provide energy. It is also responsible for regulating the storage of excess glucose in the liver, muscles and fat cells. Driven by Canadian inventiveness in 1921 and carried across the globe, insulin is widely recognized as one of medicine's greatest achievements. In this book, you will learn the story of insulin, including its discovery, development and continued innovation.
Anthony Chen, April Sui, Arnavi Patel, Asfar Khan, Austin Mardon, Avery Kennedy, Belinda Tam, Dr. Austin Mardon, Jeremy Steen, John Christy Johnson, Justine Nicole Banszky, Nasia Sheikh, Peter Anto Johnson, Sameen Ali (Author), Carla Lenfesty (Narrator)
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