La novela que amplía la historia de la «Trilogía de los Tres Cuerpos», el fenómeno
editorial con 5.000.000 de lectores.
Al final del cuarto año de la Era de la Crisis, YunTianming, enfermo de cáncer, decide acabar con su vida. Esta decisión es el principio de un viaje hasta el final del universo. Congelan su cerebro y lo suben abordo de una nave espacial lanzada para interceptar a los trisolarianos.
Se trata de un plan desesperado, casi condenado al fracaso, y las posibilidades de que un día Tianming pueda mandar información valiosa a la Tierra son mínimas. Sin embargo, contra todo pronóstico, lo consigue, y sus transmisiones revelan valiosos secretos para la única defensa posible desde la Tierra.
Al hacerlo, la historia de Tianming destapa la verdad sobre el bosque oscuro y el destino final del universo.
At the end of the fourth year of the Crisis Era, Yun Tianming, riddled with cancer, chose to end his life. But death for Yun Tianming IS merely the first step in a journey that will place him on the frontline of a war that has raged since the beginning of time. As Yun Tianming lay dying, his brain was extracted from his body, flash frozen, put aboard a spacecraft and launched on a trajectory to intercept the Trisolarian First Fleet. It was a desperate plan. But there was an infinitesimal chance that one day Tianming may, somehow, send valuable information back to Earth. And so he does. But not before he succumbed to subjective centuries of alien torture and betrayed humanity. Rewarded with a cloned body by the Trisolarans, Tianming has spent millennia in exile as a traitor to the human race. But now he has a chance at redemption. A being calling itself The Spirit recruits him to help wage war against a foe that threatens the existence of the entire universe. But Tianming refuses to be a pawn again. He has his own plans...