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One day in your life you will come to a point where the going will get so tough and your prayers may not be answered as you would want them to be answered. It will seem as if the entire world is collapsing on you. “Wounded But Not Destroyed reveals that nobody is exempted from the challenges of life, not even Jesus when he was on earth. Even He experienced a crushing moment in his life, and it was at that point that he prayed, 'Father, if it will be possible, let this cup pass away from me.' Wounded But Not Destroyed will help you to understand that when you come to that point, what happens is the will of the Father and not yours. Jesus understood and that was the reason he said: 'Let your will be done.' Until you understand that it's the Father's will that will be done, you will keep blaming the situation, looking for someone to blame, or will continue to be living in self-pity. Have you been crushed? Are you in it right now? Be assured that come rain, come shine, God will not let you be destroyed.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Billy Joe (Narrator)
Dealing With the Marital and Relationship Challenges
How are you doing in your marriage or relationship? Assuming you are given an opportunity to choose another life partner, would you still choose your spouse? Do you think you made the wrong choice in marriage because of the marital challenges you are facing? But you can still successfully handle any marital challenges you are passing through. Guess what! God did not want you to endure marriage but to enjoy it. May I tell you that God can still amend your broken home if only you can give him a chance?
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Ellie Smith (Narrator)
We are living in a world full of so many troubles. And a lot of people are suffering from one pain to another, one problem to another; things are getting hard every day. The level of hardship today in society is big enough to cause depression. But there is one truth I would like every reader of this book to know, the reason why life is given to you is that God knows you are capable enough to handle it and anything it will bring to you. God will not give you what is bigger than you. He wouldn’t have allowed you to see today if he knows you will not be able to handle what today would bring. Life is not a bed of roses where you can wish for a particular thing and have it the following morning; no matter what life brings to you, God knows that you are strong enough to handle it. But most times, due to ignorance and some other issues, a lot of people think that the only way to end hardship is to commit suicide. When there is life, there is hope.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Jim Mertz (Narrator)
Proper Guide For Good Parenting
Child parenting is not the work of mothers alone. It's a joint effort by both parents. All these attacks all over the world today are a result of the failed responsibility of the parents, and now everybody is paying for it including the innocent ones. Children who supposed to be a blessing to humanity are now a problem to society; that is the consequence of not parenting them properly. If you fail to catch them young for Christ, somebody somewhere will catch them young for Satan and he will be using them to do outrageous things in the society. In this crooked generation, “Proper Guide For Good Parenting” will teach you how to successfully parent your children, including your inferiority complex child.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Ronald Hucks (Narrator)
What would you be remembered for when you are dead and gone? Or what would you like to be written on your gravestone: “A peace maker” or “A troublemaker.” “A good man” or what? Guess what, “Rest In Peace” is not wished for, rather it’s planned and worked for.“Rest In Peace” is a ceremonial wishes and it does not guarantee that you must surely rest in peace when you die, but if you want to rest in peace, it’s now you will begin to work for it. Even if all the bishops gather to tell you, “Rest in peace” at your funeral, but you did not live a good life, you will rest in pieces, and not in peace. *The Endless Journey* reminds us that we are in transit. The world is not our home. But let me ask, how old are you? How many more years do you think you still have to live? Deduct the life you have lived from the one you still have to live, then how many more years or days do you think you still have to live? It’s a very simple mathematics, but this one has no answer because no one has his life in his hands as to know the number of years he has to live. After reading *The Endless Journey*, you will have a rethink, and it will help you to start amending your ways where you are not getting it right. So when do you think you will die? In case you are a designer, I’m not asking you to start designing the grave where you will be buried, but to start designing and amending your life. Where would you spend your eternity when you die?
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Dickie Thomas (Narrator)
*The Right Thinking Mind* teaches us that every great achievement begins from imagination. You are the product of your thought; and so what are you thinking in your mind? When you have the right mind, you will be having the right thought, but when you have the wrong mind, all your thoughts will be wrong. Success has no mathematical formula or scientific approach. It is not the product of wishes neither does it responds to it. Ever since you have been wishing for something, has it materialized? We are living in a noisy world, but the only thing that will make people to hear your voice is to do great things nobody has ever done in the history of life. Talking loudly will not make the world to listen to you, but doing greater things. Having the right thinking mind is the beginning of success and the sure way to greatness. Innovation starts from an idea and when you convert it to invention, it leads to greatness. Mind the type of people you share your vision with because everybody is not right for every idea. In this book, *The Right Thinking Mind,* you will understand that when you present the right idea to the right people, it brings good result. But until you have the right thinking mind, you will not be thinking right.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Roger Gray (Narrator)
BE STILL is an inspirational book that brings to our mind that God still cares for his children in this world full of crises of faith and the economic melt down. As a result of the challenges of life, a lot of people are getting worried thinking whether they would survive it. God wants us to be still no matter the situation of the economy or the climatic changes. He knows that worry does not solve problems, but it creates more problems to people. He says that he is with us even till the old age, and Jesus says that he is also with us till the end which means he is still with us when the economy or climatic changes is unfavorable. The book reminds us that Jesus is our peace, and peace is not the absence of war, challenges of life and the likes but trusting God in the storm, unmoved by the things we see or hear, holding on to his Words no matter how long he takes to show up for us.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Dickie Thomas (Narrator)
The school of life is a preparatory ground where God prepares us to face life. It’s a school the lazy ones would not like to go. Anyone who wants his name to be carved in gold must surely pass through the school of life. Life is full of challenges and it takes the determined mind to survive it. In life, the mountain will introduce you to hill; the hill will introduce you to the rough road which leads to the valley of life; and it’s in that would God begin to minister to you, teaching your hand how to make wealth, and how to invent things. Sometimes God would purposely take us to the valley where it would be you and him alone to show you mystery, so that when you come out from the valley, you will combine all the experiences of the mountain, hill, rough road, and that of the valley together so that when you stand to talk in this noisy world people will listen to you because you have something to deliver. The world does not listen to people who complain about their situation, but it gladly listens to those that have solution to the world’s problem. As you are facing the challenges of life which is also the school of life, try to find out the reason why God allows you into it. The School Of Life teaches us that life is not a bed of roses.
Azuka Chinonso Igwegbe (Author), Al Remington (Narrator)
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