As once stated thousands of years ago; “wisdom is the principal thing”, and everything that has occurred since this thought-provoking statement was made could be traced back to wisdom. Whether wisdom was appreciated in the event or undervalued, wisdom has her place. I (Augustus V.) have bound myself to the duty and responsibility to distribute wisdom throughout the world, touching those that are fortunate and those that are unfortunate alike, for the sole purpose of revealing the answers to issues that can only be answered by wisdom... the Wisdom of GOD. The Scrolls of Wisdom series is not meant to have a conclusion, but instead (much like the Wisdom of God) will have no end, with the hopes of being carried on throughout generations to come. With more revelation (from God) through divinely called sources, all working as open vessels for the benefit and sake of the Kingdom.
So ready yourself, ready your heart… for the Scrolls of Wisdom