Both Arthur Conan Doyle and Gilbert Keith Chesterton are known as masters of the detective. But not everyone know the first one as the only breadwinner of a large family, a participant in a whale hunt, a physician, a participant in the Boer War and World War I, the author of a simple love story, and the second as a poet, artist, religious thinker, playwright, literary critic and even a lecturer on radio. Despite the interesting full life and many merits of both writers, they are especially appreciated by fans of detective. It is to them that modern writers are obliged to create a flexible plot, logically perfect reasoning, to bewitch and intrigue the reader.
Doyle's detective is an intellectual, a logician. Chesterton's sleuth is an intuitive. Common to both detective stories is the realistic depiction of everyday life and psychology, social relations and conflicts, the romantic acuteness of events and characters, the fascination of intellectual games. Detectives are based on the belief in the power of reason and assert the triumph of law and order.
Professional American actor Adam Muskin will accompany you in the labyrinths of the intellectual game.
In the collectition:
A.C. Doyle. The Red-headed League
A.C. Doyle. The Boscombe Valley Mystery
G.K. Chesterton. The queer feet
G.K. Chesterton. The flying stars
Аудиокнига предназначена для развития навыков аудирования и чтения и адресована учащимся 7–8 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, студентам колледжей и неязыковых вузов, а также лицам, изучающим английский язык самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя (базовый словарь около 1400 слов). Рассказы Артура Конан Дойля о знаменитом сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе – 'Голубой карбункул' и 'Загадка Торского моста' – адаптированы и прочитаны носителем языка. Аудиокнига содержит также информацию о творчестве писателя (материалы для топика), словарь к каждой части, вопросы и задания, позволяющие контролировать понимание содержания и развивать навыки устной речи. Наряду с фонограммой на диске имеются тексты рассказов, которые могут быть использованы для облегчения восприятия аудиозаписи.
Arthur Conan Doyle - English writer, was knighted in 1902 for his work in a field hospital during the Boer War. Sherlock Holmes is back! The more Doyle wrote about Holmes, the more he resembled his creator. But the author did not use drugs and was not fond of playing musical instruments. The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist The Adventure of Black Peter The Adventure of the Abbey Grange
The Sherlock Holmes Archive (1921-1927) is Doyle's last collection of stories about the famous detective. Over the seven years of their coexistence, Holmes bored Doyle. In 1893, in the story The Last Case of Holmes, the author tried to end his hero by putting him to death. The detective's fans, whose interest only grew, were outraged. By the will of fate, in 1901, Doyle heard the legends about a giant ghost dog, and since there was no need to invent a new hero, he resurrected Holmes so that he would not part with him until the end of his days. So the life of a detective stretched out into two collections of stories: the collection The Return of Sherlock Holmes followed, followed by the Sherlock Holmes Archive.