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Unlock the secret to making the most of your most precious resource—time. In this timeless classic, Arnold Bennett offers a practical and thought-provoking guide to living a fuller, more meaningful life within the constraints of a 24-hour day. With wit and wisdom, Bennett challenges readers to rethink their daily routines, prioritize self-improvement, and reclaim the hours often wasted on trivial pursuits. Whether you’re seeking to cultivate new habits, pursue intellectual growth, or simply find more joy in your everyday life, this audiobook is your roadmap to transforming time into a tool for personal fulfillment. Perfect for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day is an inspiring call to action—a reminder that every moment is an opportunity to live deliberately and well. Let Bennett’s insights guide you to a richer, more purposeful existence.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Trevor Ravenshaw (Narrator)
The Author's Craft: A rumination on the kind of person that becomes an author
Why do we write? What does it mean to be a writer? This book contains no useful tips on grammar, style, or plot. Instead, it focuses on the observation and perspective that is needed to be a good writer - on the fact that writing is an expression of the art of living. A lovely journey through a very Edwardian world. Covers Writing novels and plays, dealing with the public, and most importantly, the seeing of life.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Arnold Bennett was born in 1867 in Hanley one of the six towns that formed the Potteries that later joined together to become Stoke on Trent; the area in which most of his works are located. For a short time he worked for his solicitor father before realising that to advance his life he would need to become his own man. Moving to London at twenty-one he obtained work as a solicitor’s clerk and gradually moved into a career of journalism. At the turn of the century he turned full time to writing and shortly thereafter in 1903 he moved to Paris and in 1908 published to great acclaim The Old Wives Tale. With this his reputation was set. Clayhanger and The Old Wives Tale are perhaps his greatest and most lauded novels.
Arnold Bennett (Author), David Shaw-Parker (Narrator)
Arnold Bennett - A Short Story Collection
Arnold Bennett was born in 1867 in Hanley one of the six towns that formed the Potteries that later joined together to become Stoke on Trent; the area in which most of his works are located. For a short time he worked for his solicitor father before realising that to advance his life he would need to become his own man. Moving to London at twenty-one he obtained work as a solicitor’s clerk and gradually moved into a career of journalism. At the turn of the century he turned full time to writing and shortly thereafter in 1903 he moved to Paris and in 1908 published to great acclaim The Old Wives Tale. With this his reputation was set. Clayhanger and The Old Wives Tale are perhaps his greatest and most lauded novels. 1 - Arnold Bennett - An Introduction2 - Mimi by Arnold Bennett3 - The Supreme Illusion by Arnold Bennett4 - A Letter Home by Arnold Bennett5 - The Letter and the Lie by Arnold Bennett6 - The Ghost of Lord Clarenceux by Arnold Bennett7 - Phantom by Arnold Bennett
Arnold Bennett (Author), Richard Mitchley (Narrator)
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Navigate the dynamic world of journalism with 'Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide' by Arnold Bennett. This insightful manual offers aspiring female journalists practical advice and strategies for breaking into and excelling in the field. Bennett covers essential topics such as writing techniques, career development, and overcoming industry challenges. With its empowering and pragmatic approach, this guide serves as a valuable resource for women seeking to make their mark in the world of journalism.
Arnold Bennett (Author), James Harrington (Narrator)
Why do we write? What does it mean to be a writer? This book contains no useful tips on grammar, style, or plot. Instead, it focuses on the observation and perspective that is needed to be a good writer - on the fact that writing is an expression of the art of living. A lovely journey through a very Edwardian world.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Cómo Vivir con Veinticuatro Horas al Día
'Cómo Vivir con Veinticuatro Horas al Día' es un libro escrito por Arnold Bennett, un novelista y ensayista británico. Este libro corto pero influyente ofrece una perspectiva práctica sobre la gestión del tiempo y cómo aprovechar al máximo cada día. La premisa central del libro gira en torno al concepto de que cada día está compuesto por veinticuatro horas, y la forma en que utilizamos esas horas determina nuestra productividad y bienestar. Bennett argumenta que muchas personas desperdician una gran cantidad de tiempo debido a la falta de planificación, procrastinación y enfoque incorrecto de sus actividades. A lo largo del libro, Bennett presenta una serie de consejos y reflexiones sobre cómo administrar eficazmente el tiempo y llevar una vida más productiva y significativa. Aunque escrito hace más de un siglo, muchos de sus consejos siguen siendo relevantes en la actualidad. Algunos temas clave que aborda incluyen: La importancia de la planificación: Bennett insta a los lectores a planificar sus días con anticipación y establecer objetivos claros para aprovechar al máximo su tiempo. Eliminar la procrastinación: Aborda cómo la postergación puede ser un obstáculo para el logro de metas y cómo enfrentarla de manera efectiva. Enfocarse en tareas importantes: Bennett enfatiza la necesidad de priorizar tareas y centrarse en las que realmente importan en lugar de dejarse llevar por tareas triviales. Sacar el máximo provecho de los momentos libres: El autor sugiere aprovechar los espacios de tiempo libres en el día, en lugar de malgastarlos. Desarrollar hábitos positivos: Bennett aboga por la formación de hábitos que apoyen los objetivos personales y profesionales. Apreciar la vida cotidiana: Aconseja encontrar satisfacción y significado en las tareas diarias, en lugar de anhelar constantemente un futuro distante.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Remigia De La Rosa (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Como vivir con venticuatro horas al día
'Como vivir con veinticuatro horas al día' es un libro escrito por Arnold Bennett, un escritor y novelista británico del siglo XX. Publicado por primera vez en 1910, este libro práctico y perspicaz ofrece consejos y reflexiones sobre cómo aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo y vivir una vida más productiva y significativa. Arnold Bennett argumenta que la gestión eficaz del tiempo es esencial para el éxito personal y la realización. Propone un enfoque práctico y realista para aprovechar cada hora del día de manera efectiva, eliminando el desperdicio de tiempo y enfocándose en las tareas y actividades que realmente importan.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Jorge Ramírez (Narrator)
Cómo Vivir con Veinticuatro Horas al Día
Cómo vivir con veinticuatro horas al día es un libro escrito por Arnold Bennett en 1908. Fue un novelista británico. Fue un escritor prolífico: entre el comienzo de su carrera en 1898 y su muerte completó 34 novelas, siete volúmenes de historias breves, 13 obras de teatro (algunas en colaboración con otros autores) y un diario que totaliza más de un millón de palabras. 'A usted, mi querido señor, le presento mis excusas y mis disculpas. Usted es precisamente el hombre que deseaba conocer desde hace unos cuarenta años. ¿Tendrá usted la bondad de enviarme su nombre y dirección, y de indicarme su cargo para decirme cómo lo hace? En lugar de que yo hable con usted, usted debería hablar conmigo. Por favor, preséntese. Que usted existe, estoy convencido, y que aún no lo he encontrado es mi pérdida. Mientras tanto, hasta que usted aparezca, seguiré charlando con mis compañeros de infortunio: ese innumerable grupo de almas que son perseguidas, más o menos dolorosamente, por la sensación de que los años pasan, y pasan, y pasan, y que todavía no han podido poner sus vidas en orden'. Narrado en Español Latino Neutro.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Arnulfo De La Fuente (Narrator)
Are you really 'living', or just existing? Do you want to improve yourself or just continue to muddle through? Do you use the time given you each day, or just throw most of it away? These questions Bennett asks each of us and for those who want to really live and learn, offers very valuable advice. Time is the most precious of commodities, states Bennett in this book. Many books have been written on how to live on a certain amount of money each day. And he added that the old adage 'time is money' understates the matter, as time can often produce money, but money cannot produce more time. Time is extremely limited, and Bennett urged others to make the best of the time remaining in their lives. Which of us lives on twenty-four hours a day? And when I say 'lives,' I do not mean exists, nor 'muddles through.' Which of us is free from that uneasy feeling that the 'great spending departments' of his daily life are not managed as they ought to be? [...] Which of us is not saying to himself -- which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: 'I shall alter that when I have a little more time'? We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Phil Chenevert (Narrator)
Mental Efficiency & Other Hints to Men & Women
English novelist Arnold Bennett uses his wit to convey how we work hard at the up keep of our physical bodies, while we often do little to workout our minds. He gives examples of ways to give the mind a workout. He also features essays that explore the presentation of self, breaking free from the past, relationships and marriage, and how to achieve success.
Arnold Bennett (Author), Geoffrey Giuliano, The Ark (Narrator)
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