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Focus: Productivity Techniques to Achieve More by Doing Less - Mindset, Self-Discipline, Mental Toug
Do you skip around from one thing to the next, without completing or finishing anything? We’re living in an unprecedented era where we have an abundance of information on our fingertips. However, are we truly making full use of technology or have we been used by technology? Research has shown that interruptions happen every 12 minutes in the workplace and every 3 minutes in university settings. How could this be when we could be so much wiser now when information is all around us? You and I both know the answer. Everything right now is so easily accessible that we want things quick, we want things right now. Sadly, focus doesn’t just happen on demand. If you’re struggling to focus for at least 1 hour without distraction, you’re in trouble. If the slightest things around you annoys you and distracts you while working, we have a big issue. As a culture, we’ve progressed in so many areas and at the same time, we’ve moved backwards in so many ways. Like passion, Focus, unused diminishes. Are you ready to take back control of what’s rightfully yours? Your Focus? Scroll up now and click on the “BUY NOW” button to reclaim your focus today. See you inside this little book!
Armani Murphy (Author), Cliff Davenport (Narrator)
Chakras: Heal Yourself With Meditation, Crystals, Yoga, Kundalini & Unlock Your Positive Energy
Do you want to start living a life of abundance, positivity and healing? Do you want to learn more about spiritual enlightenment, but you don’t know how to start? Spirituality can be intimidating. With so many factors, it can feel like you’re just running in circles and never attaining anything better within your life. Spirituality has a lot of factors to take into consideration, so maybe you’re just even sure where you should be starting in the first place? Should you use Crystals for healing, and if so, which ones? Which Yoga poses are best for opening your Chakras, and what does Yoga really mean, in its entirety? How do you understand what you’re seeking and go after it in clear, actionable steps? How do you discover the truth, heal your body and your spirit and achieve a life of freedom and joy? That’s where we come in. We’re here to teach you everything a beginner needs to know about Kundalini, enlightenment, meditation, crystal healing and so much more. DOWNLOAD: Chakras: Heal Yourself With Meditation, Crystals, Yoga, Kundalini & Unlock Your Positive Energy In Chakras, Armani Murphy shows you how to succeed in your spiritual journey and grow as a person. With complete step-by-step content, help a detailed guide, you’ll achieve enlightenment in a clear and easy to follow journey. In this book, you’ll learn in-depth about: · Meditation (what it means and how to unlock your potential!) · Secrets to crystal healing, and how to harness them · How to balance your chakras and create a life you love! · Yoga practices to unlock and awaken Kundalini!
Armani Murphy (Author), Cliff Davenport (Narrator)
Goal Setting: The One Change that Changes Everything - Habits, Self-Discipline, Focus, Mindset, Prod
Who doesn't have goals for themselves? As human beings, we are constantly setting goals, both personal and professional, so that we can grow and improve. Sometimes, the goals are just in our heads, and sometimes we write them down and even make vision boards to inspire us and remind us of our goals everyday. I've had plenty of experience with many different ways of goal setting, and plenty of experience with disappointing outcomes as I fail to reach the targets I set for myself. Unfortunately, the truth is that few people rarely become successful at achieving every objective they set, and even then, success might not come in a timely manner. That's where this book is invaluable. After much trial and error in my research, I've figured out the best program to set solid objectives and how to push myself to achieve them every time. I have learned to be the most productive person I can be, and you can do the same. Work to Reach Your Goals Now By Following the Four Most Important Aspects of Success In this book, you will learn to: - Set realistic, solid goals, whether they are big or small, and keep them in the forefront of your mind - Develop the discipline and good habits necessary for sweet success - Keep your mind focused on the outcome until it is achieved - Manage a high level of productivity as you work to complete multiple objectives and establish loftier goals than you ever thought possible In our busy world, solid goal setting and the knowledge to accomplish the goals you set is the one change that changes everything. Don't waste any more time trying and failing to make progress toward your objective: learn the most effective ways to achieve your goals, so that you can set more.
Armani Murphy (Author), William Harvey, Jr. (Narrator)
Trading de Opciones: Gane Dinero en Línea Desde la Comodidad de su Hogar y Genere Ingresos pPasivos
¿Alguna vez pensó en generar ingresos pasivos de su hogar y se preguntó qué opciones o vías tenía? ¿Ha considerado el comercio de opciones, pero no está seguro de cómo hacerlo? Si desea generar ingresos pasivos utilizando el comercio de opciones, siga leyendo. Piensa en esto por un segundo; ¿imagine que puede invertir en el mercado de valores con lo que tenga y luego obtener un fantástico retorno de alrededor del 40, 70, o incluso más del 100%? La mayoría de las personas que invierten en el mercado de valores tienden a terminar con un rendimiento de alrededor del 7% anual a pesar de que invierten cientos y miles de dólares. Puede hacer mucho más que eso simplemente intercambiando opciones. Hubo un momento en que el comercio de opciones solo lo realizaban comerciantes profesionales, pero ese ya no es el caso. Afortunadamente, hoy en día, existen numerosas formas fluidas de intercambiar opciones. Dicho esto, el comercios de opciones todavía parece estar visto como un culto secreto. Hay tantas opciones que parecen complicadas y misteriosas para los principiantes. Lo que hace que usted esté interesado en el comercio de opciones, pero no sepa cómo hacerlo. Bueno, este libro tiene como objetivo desglosarlo todo para usted, para proporcionarle la técnica de negociación correcta, así como la mentalidad correcta para generar ingresos pasivos. En este libro: - Vas a ser introducido en todo lo que es comercio de opciones. - También obtendrá el conocimiento previo necesario para generar ingresos pasivos desde la comodidad de su hogar. - Podrá diferenciar entre las diversas opciones disponibles. - Sabrás exactamente qué opciones hay y cómo distinguir entre puts y calls. Estas y muchas más son algunas cosas que aprenderá en este libro.
Armani Murphy (Author), Cesar Torreblanca (Narrator)
Trading Intradiario: Cómo hacer Trading Intradiario para Ganarse la Vida y Convertirse en un Trader
¿Alguna vez has sentido curiosidad por los mercados financieros? ¿Los términos derivado, precio y volatilidad alcanzan su interés? Esta guía le mostrará, paso a paso, cómo aprovechar su interés y ganar dinero como trader intradiario. Este libro contiene un enfoque integral sobre cómo comenzar como trader intradiario. Cubriremos conceptos importantes como: - La diferencia entre precio y cantidad - Cómo capitalizar las oportunidades de arbitraje - Reserva de capital y cómo optimizar las oportunidades de compra y venta - ¿Qué son exactamente los derivados y cómo podemos ganar dinero con ellos? - Qué software comercial utilizar para darle un mejor uso a la aptitud de trading - ¿Cuánto dinero puede esperar ganar dada su inversión de capital? - Y lo más importante, ¡cómo divertirse mientras hace trading! Muchos traders se sienten intimidados al comenzar, pero a través de la diligencia, la preparación y la práctica, este libro le mostrará que su miedo es infundado. Usted también puede ser uno de los miles de traders exitosos que se ganan la vida completa y comercialmente en los mercados financieros. Esta guía también cubrirá la importancia de saber qué mercados se adaptan a qué estrategias comerciales. ¡Descubrirá el enfoque adecuado para usted y podrá aprovechar este enfoque para comenzar a ganar dinero! Trading intradiario le mostrará cómo desacreditar los mitos que rodean a esta profesión, y lo guiará paso a paso sobre cóganarse la vida simplemente a través del trading.
Armani Murphy (Author), Cesar Torreblanca (Narrator)
Passive Income Ideas: Discover the Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2020 & Beyond - Amazon FBA, Soc
Are you looking to make a little extra cash - or even a lot? Are you interested in changing your job, your schedule, and even your lifestyle? Then this is the book for you! Tons of others just like you are looking for less-traditional ways to make a living, as well as seeking careers that fit their schedules. Working online is the perfect answer for them - and it could be exactly what you need, too! Never before in history have there been so many profitable channels to help you generate income - and a huge amount of these result in passive income, which means you can be your own boss, set your own hours, and invest time in your own interests. Best of all, with so many avenues to investigate, you can style your passive income pursuits around your interests, personality, and personal schedule. - Have you always dreamed of being a writer? Learn about how you can turn your passion into a career with blogging and self-publishing. - Do you have excellent social media skills? Learn how to monetize your hobby with social media marketing as an influencer. - Are you highly organized? Learn about turning your valuable traits into valuable income drivers with dropshipping and Amazon FBA. - Are you creative with a talent for art, fashion, handmade goods, and other unique items? Learn how you can go from a part-time pursuit to a full-time job that fulfills your dreams as well as your wallet. Whatever your skill set, there's a potential source of income right at your fingertips. All it takes is a little learning!
Armani Murphy (Author), William Harvey, Jr. (Narrator)
Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom for Self-Discipline, Mental Toughness & Living a Good Life - Ancient Wisdo
Are You Currently Facing A Tough Problem In Life or At Work? I have completely no idea who you are and what you do but I am sure of something about you. You have obstacles, challenges and pain in your life. Afterall, we're all humans aren't we? If we all experience all these negative emotions and events, what's the point of life then? What's the meaning of life? Stoicism is a philosophical school formed in around 300 BC. Today, the lessons are passed on by 3 main principal leaders who are namely, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus. Modern day practiced Stoics can vouch for the calmness and joy that a person who practices Stoicism can have. Stoicism is not a cult, it's not a religion. It's a way of life and it's about living a life of ethics and principles. This short book is not your A-Z guide to Stoicism. It's merely the door that opens your world up to the teachings and lessons of Stoicism. If you ever feel like something small could bother you for a long period of time, maybe Stoicism can help you out. If you ever feel like being in a rut (especially recently) and can't seem to find a way out of the mess, maybe Stoicism can help you out. This short book is a practical guide. You'll find 11 practical wisdom that is not only easy to implement but infinitely powerful if you apply them in your daily life. Each practical wisdom is accompanied by an action step for you to have no excuses but to embrace Stoicism into your life.
Armani Murphy (Author), Cliff Davenport (Narrator)
Shopify: A Step by Step Guide to Make Money Online With SEO, YouTube, Social Media Marketing, Bloggi
Many people dream of stopping their exhausting 9-5 jobs and taking control of their lives. However, a good portion of them never do! If you have ever been one of these people, who have dreamed of running their own online store and working from home, then it's time to take the step. "A Step by Step Guide to Make Money Online With SEO, YouTube, Social Media Marketing, Blogging & Facebook - Dropshipping eCommerce Shopify 2020" can lead you on the right path and help you get started today. Shopify is a great store that anyone can become a part of and start earning money today. The site gives you the chance to sell any legal product or service you want and accepts payments using various forms of payment. In this book, you will find everything you need to know about opening a profitable Shopify store. You will also learn: - The Benefits of Selling on Shopify - How to use Facebook to Market your Platform - How to make your Shopify store rank high using SEO strategies and so on. It is possible to find all of the information you need online. However, most of the information you will find is inaccurate and won't steer you away from mistakes. Instead of going through this hectic route, why not buy this book today? If this sounds good, then head back up and hit the purchase button!
Armani Murphy (Author), William Harvey, Jr. (Narrator)
NLP: Techniques to Rewire Your Mind to Have Better Influence, Stop Procrastinating & Achieve Your Go
Do you want to harness the power of your unconscious mind? Do you want to build amazing relationships, persuade the people around you and grow as a person? Going after your goals can be tough! You want to change your life, but those great habits just don't seem to stick. Sometimes, it can seem like you can't communicate with your own mind. Speaking the language of your brain can seem impossible. You've spent hours trying to grow amazing habits, go after your goals and create lasting relationships. You want to be able to talk to people easily, set goals that stick and really tap into your own mind, power and strengths. So how do you learn to speak the language of your mind and connect on a level that is right for you? The Solution: Neuro-Linguistic Programming We'll guide you through the steps of creating meaningful, lasting changes in your life. Learn the best NLP techniques to turn your life around, build rapport, and achieve all of those habits and goals that you never seem to get right. DOWNLOAD: NLP: Techniques to Rewire Your Mind to Have Better Influence, Stop Procrastinating & Achieve Your Goal - Neuro-Linguistic Programming In NLP, Armani Murphy shows you how to succeed in life by applying key mental techniques to your goal setting and daily life. These strategies will help you live a more productive life, on your own terms!
Armani Murphy (Author), Gary G. Crane (Narrator)
Photographic Memory: Techniques to Remember Anything Fast - Unlimited Memory, Focus, Accelerated Lea
You are about heading out and remember you left behind a folder. As you get back into your home, you find out that you can't remember why you came back in. You know it is essential, but the inability to remember why you came back upstairs is very annoying. Then you head back towards your car, and you remember what you wanted to get and how important it was. At this point, you may say to yourself, 'If only my memory was better!' If you have experienced something similar to this, then you are not alone. Many people face problems like this each day, and the good news is that you can correct this problem by learning to remember anything fast. "Photographic Memory: Techniques to Remember Anything Fast - Unlimited Memory, Focus, Accelerated Learning," is a book that can help you achieve this. By the time you are done, you will have learned strategies and techniques to help you have a better memory. In addition to this, you will learn the following: ? How the memory works ? The benefits of a photographic memory and what it is ? Techniques to help you improve your memory These and many more are a few of the things you will enjoy reading this book. Unlike the other books out there, this book will extensively cover how you can improve your photographic memory. It teaches you all you need to know in easy to read language which you can begin to implement today. If you are interested in improving your memory and enjoying all of the benefits that come with a photographic memory, then "Photographic Memory: Techniques to Remember Anything Fast - Unlimited Memory, Focus, Accelerated Learning," is one you need to buy today.
Armani Murphy (Author), Gary G. Crane (Narrator)
Invertir: Una Guía de Sentido Común para que los Principiantes Inviertan en el Mercado de Valores co
¿Quieres empezar a invertir, pero no tienes idea de por dónde empezar? ¿Está abrumado por todo lo que necesita saber para empezar a operar en bolsa? Invertir puede ser intimidante. Con tantos factores, puedes sentir que sólo estás apostando tu dinero. Encontrar una estrategia que funcione y aumente tus inversiones puede parecer imposible. Has hecho la investigación, pero es difícil saber por dónde empezar exactamente. ¿Cuál es el mejor método para invertir? ¿Qué documentos necesita? ¿Qué debería tomar en cuenta al elegir acciones y qué es la ruptura de stock? Entonces, ¿cómo tomar decisiones claras y bien informadas que hacen crecer su dinero? ¿Cómo puedes finalmente sentirte en control de tus ahorros, en lugar de preocuparte por cuánto podrías estar perdiendo? Ahí es donde entramos nosotros. Estamos aquí para enseñarle todo lo que un inversor principiante necesita saber sobre el mercado, acciones y la creación de una cartera que genere riqueza y éxito en su vida. DESCARGAR: Invertir: Una guía de sentido común para que los principiantes inviertan en el mercado de valores con éxito En Invertir, Armani Murphy le muestra cómo tener éxito en el comercio mediante la aplicación de estrategias clave a sus inversiones. Estas estrategias le ayudarán a invertir mejor, entender el mercado y leer las señales antes de entregar su dinero. En este libro, aprenderás en profundidad sobre: - Las cuatro categorías de inversión (¡y cuáles son las más lucrativas!) - Cinco tipos de activos que USTED puede poseer cuando invierte - Cómo invertir en fondos para accionistas (¡y por qué es importante!) - ¡10 pasos para construir una cartera completa de acciones!
Armani Murphy (Author), Cesar Torreblanca (Narrator)
Influence: How to Win Friends, Influence People & Know Exactly What to Say - The Psychology of Persu
Persuasion. Don't you wish sometimes you were better at it? You're not alone. Persuading others is hard for some people, since it can oftentimes be quite a struggle. But, there are ways to influence people, and different means that'll help others. In this, you'll learn valuable techniques, and how to persuade anyone. From job interviews to even getting people interested in your product, having people interested in you is essential. We'll tell you how you can persuade anyone right away, and how to do it successfully. There are certain values and secrets to learn when getting people to do what you want, and you should always make sure that you follow these to get the best result from this.
Armani Murphy (Author), Jason Wright (Narrator)
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