Ann Weiser Cornell geht davon aus, dass wir eigentlich ganz genau wissen, was wir uns wünschen, was wir wollen, was uns belastet. Wir haben nur verlernt, dieser inneren Stimme, die sich in unseren Körpergefühlen und Empfindungen ausdrückt, zuzuhören und ihre Wahrheiten zu berücksichtigen.
Die Technik des Focusing, die die Autorin in einfachen und anschaulichen Schritten darstellt, lehrt uns, diesen Signalen aufmerksam zu lauschen. So können wir die 'Weisheit' unseres gesamten Selbst - nicht nur die Gedanken und Ideen unseres Verstandes - für die persönliche Weiterentwicklung erschließen.
Focusing is a gentle yet powerful self-awareness technique that lets you tap into your body's wisdom and make positive changes in your life. The Power of Focusing guides you in learning this vital technique of self-exploration and self-discovery.
Focusing is the process of listening to your body in a gentle, accepting way and hearing the messages that your inner self is sending you. It's a process of honoring the wisdom that you have inside you, and helps you become aware of a subtle level of knowing and experience greater clarity. When you learn to listen to a feeling, it is much more likely to relax, release, and let you go on with what you're doing in a clear and centered way.
The results of focusing are insight, physical release, and positive life change. You understand yourself better, feel better, and act in ways that are more likely to create the life you want. This step-by-step guide will help you develop a powerful skill and open to the depth and richness of your whole self.