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[Spanish] - Algoritmos: Diseñar algoritmos para resolver problemas comunes
¿Está interesado en ampliar sus conocimientos sobre algoritmos? ¿Quiere aprender cómo funcionan para los problemas del mundo real? Entonces ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Esta guía le guiará por el diseño de algoritmos antes de profundizar en algunas de las principales técnicas de diseño. Esto es lo que aprenderá: - Los pasos para diseñar un algoritmo - Las mejores técnicas de diseño de algoritmos - El algoritmo Divide y vencerás - El algoritmo codicioso - Programación dinámica - El algoritmo Branch and Bound - El algoritmo aleatorio - Recursión y backtracking Y todo lo que les acompaña. Se incluyen muchos diseños de algoritmos e implementaciones de código para mostrarle cómo funciona todo. Así que, si está listo para aprender todo lo que necesita saber sobre los algoritmos de diseño, desplácese hacia arriba y pulse el botón Comprar ahora.
Andy Vickler (Author), Enrique Aparicio (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Algoritmos: Estructuras de datos avanzadas para algoritmos
¿Está estudiando ciencia de datos y quiere llevar su aprendizaje más allá? Las estructuras de datos son una parte integral de la ciencia de los datos, el aprendizaje automático y los algoritmos, todos ellos destinados a resolver retos de programación que podrían parecer insuperables al principio. Estructuras de datos avanzadas para algoritmos se basa en sus conocimientos actuales, llevando su aprendizaje mucho más allá y enseñándole a resolver incluso los retos más complicados. Este libro se ha dividido en cuatro partes: La primera parte cubre las listas avanzadas, incluyendo: - Una visión general de las listas enlazadas - Listas doblemente enlazadas - Listas enlazadas XOR - Listas autoorganizadas - Listas enlazadas sin enrollar La segunda parte cubre los árboles, incluyendo: - Árboles de segmentos - Árboles de trébol - Árboles de Fenwick - Árboles AVL - Árboles rojos-negros - Árboles chivos expiatorios - Treap - N-ario En la tercera parte se analizan los conjuntos disjuntos o los conjuntos-unión, como se les conoce a veces La cuarta parte cubre los montones y las colas prioritarias, incluyendo: - Una breve discusión sobre los montones binarios - Montones de binomios - Montones de Fibonacci - Montones de izquierdas - Montones de K-arios - Heapsorts iterativos Encontrará un montón de ejemplos de código que le ayudarán a dar sentido a las cosas y explicaciones de sentido común. Si quiere avanzar en sus conocimientos sobre estructuras de datos para algoritmos, desplácese hacia arriba, haga clic en Comprar ahora y empiece a aprender.
Andy Vickler (Author), Enrique Aparicio (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Algoritmos: 3 libros en 1 : Guía práctica para aprender algoritmos para principiantes +
¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez cómo un programador desarrolla juegos y escribe código sin tener que pensar demasiado? ¿Quiere saber qué hace que un programador esté seguro del código que escribe? ¿Quiere aprender cómo los programadores utilizan algoritmos para determinar cómo estructurar sus programas antes de desarrollarlos? Si es así, este es el libro para usted. Un algoritmo es un conjunto de reglas o instrucciones que se proporcionan a un sistema. El sistema realiza un proceso específico para responder a una pregunta utilizando estas instrucciones. Como aficionado o experto, es importante que entienda qué es un algoritmo y cómo debe definirlo. Una vez que aprenda a desarrollar un algoritmo, podrá aprender fácilmente a desarrollar código para ejecutar ese algoritmo. Este libro también le mostrará cómo implementar los algoritmos de ordenación y búsqueda utilizando los lenguajes de programación C y Java, ya que son los lenguajes más utilizados por los programadores. ¿Está interesado en ampliar sus conocimientos sobre algoritmos? ¿Quiere aprender cómo funcionan para los problemas del mundo real? Entonces ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Esta guía le guiará por el diseño de algoritmos antes de profundizar en algunas de las principales técnicas de diseño. ¿Está estudiando ciencia de datos y quiere llevar su aprendizaje más allá? Las estructuras de datos son una parte integral de la ciencia de los datos, el aprendizaje automático y los algoritmos, todos ellos destinados a resolver retos de programación que podrían parecer insuperables al principio. Estructuras de datos avanzadas para algoritmos se basa en sus conocimientos actuales, llevando su aprendizaje mucho más allá y enseñándole a resolver incluso los retos más complicados.
Andy Vickler (Author), Enrique Aparicio (Narrator)
C++: 3 books in 1 : C++ Basics for Beginners + C++ Common Used Libraries + C++ Performance Coding
Book 1 Discover the world of programming and get to know the potential of C++ along with me. Do you want to be a programmer, but don’t know where to start? Do you find C++ hard to learn? Do you find it difficult, even when you’re using the most basic book of C++? If so, the simple solution is right below. Imagine writing code as a professional programmer. Imagine when beginners ask you how you started your journey. Imagine when you’ll be able to help beginner programmers with your experience. Imagine getting recognized as a top-notch C++ programmer! You’ll discover all the little things that seem tough, but aren’t. You’ll also learn a few simple codes that aren’t rocket science. Book 2 This book provides a detailed and easy-to-use reference for C++ libraries. It provides a short description for each library, with an option for the listener to search for what they're looking for. What makes this book unique is that not only does it provide a guide to those new or returning to C++, it allows for the listener to easily navigate through libraries. This book is also useful to students looking for new ways to get familiar with C++ as they try to create their own systems. Book 3 Discover the tactics to unleash your code to its full potential. Learn how you can avoid spending hours on compilation. This book will not only educate you on the topic of performance, but it’ll teach you some advance topics, like Lambda expressions and enumerations, from beginning to how they improve the performance of C++ code. You’ll receive in-depth chapters discussing why X factor slows down your code and how you can fix it. Along with this, there is a whole chapter dedicated to common speed-ups for when you don’t have time for the “whys” so you can jump up to the speed-up.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
C++: C++ Common Used Libraries
This book provides a detailed and easy-to-use reference of C++ libraries. It provides a short description of each library with an option for the listener to search for what they're looking for. What makes this book unique is that not only does it provide a guide to those new or returning to C++, it allows the listener to easily navigate through libraries. There are no prerequisites needed for this book as it is designed to be a stand-alone reference and reading material. This book contains much information about working and learning with C++. This is an excellent introduction to code programming concepts and the use of libraries in C++ so that you can learn how to effectively use libraries, write your C++ programs and make the most out of them. This book suits anyone who wants a copy of the library information they can use while programming in C++. It is especially useful for students who need clear, concise information on how to use these libraries and some best practices for using these library functions in their programs. C++: C++ Common used Libraries is a concise yet accurate guide to writing code that developers can use in any area who are looking to add some C++ libraries into coding projects. With help from this book, listeners will learn about the basics of how libraries work as well as how you can use them creatively or casually in your coding projects. This book is a must-have guide for any C++ developer/student/teacher looking to integrate C++ libraries into their coding projects. This book can be used as a reference for teachers with courses in C++. Since it contains a list of libraries that professionals commonly use, it is quite helpful when you need to give your students related examples. This book is also useful to students looking for new ways to get familiar with C++ as they try to create their own systems.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
Discover the tactics to unleash your code to its full potential. Learn how you can avoid spending hours on compilation. Do you want your code to be fast and run like a butter down the slope? Do you also find it hard to compile your C++ code? Are you unaware of the hacks and tactics to make your code perform better? If so, the simple solution is right below. Imagine writing a code that performs like smooth slope. Imagine the pride of teaching these hacks to newbies and gaining their utmost respect. Imagine writing a code that’s light on memory yet runs like a cheetah. Imagine getting recognized as a top notch C++ programmer! This book will not only educate you on the topic of performance but it’ll teach you some advance topics like Lambda expressions and Enumerations from beginning to how they improve the performance of C++ code. You’ll receive in depth chapters discussing why X factor slows down your code and how you can fix it. Along with this there is a whole chapter dedicated to common speedups for when you don’t have time for the “whys” you can jump up to the speedup. You’ll discover DO’s and DON’Ts of high performance code. You’ll also discover how your hardware plays an immense role in your code performance and have a better understanding of C++ code performance. You’ll uncover the mischievous slackers in the code you were unaware of. This book is for those who’re looking to fix the performance of their code and learn new tactics of those who might never drop their secrets.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Algoritmos: Guía práctica para aprender algoritmos para principiantes
¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez cómo un programador desarrolla juegos y escribe código sin tener que pensar demasiado? ¿Quiere saber qué hace que un programador esté seguro del código que escribe? ¿Quiere aprender cómo los programadores utilizan algoritmos para determinar cómo estructurar sus programas antes de desarrollarlos? Si es así, este es el libro para usted. Un algoritmo es un conjunto de reglas o instrucciones que se proporcionan a un sistema. El sistema realiza un proceso específico para responder a una pregunta utilizando estas instrucciones. Como aficionado o experto, es importante que entienda qué es un algoritmo y cómo debe definirlo. Una vez que aprenda a desarrollar un algoritmo, podrá aprender fácilmente a desarrollar código para ejecutar ese algoritmo. A lo largo de este libro, aprenderá lo siguiente: - Algoritmos y sus características - Cómo debe definir el algoritmo - Tipos de algoritmos - Analizar un algoritmo en función de las complejidades temporales y espaciales - Escribir código teniendo en cuenta un algoritmo - ¡Y más! Este libro también le mostrará cómo implementar los algoritmos de ordenación y búsqueda utilizando los lenguajes de programación C y Java, ya que son los lenguajes más utilizados por los programadores. Tenga en cuenta que un algoritmo es sólo un conjunto de instrucciones, y esto significa que puede utilizar un algoritmo para escribir código utilizando diferentes lenguajes de programación. Sólo tendrá que entender las propiedades del lenguaje de programación y utilizar la sintaxis adecuada. Entonces, ¿Qué espera? Si quiere reforzar su comprensión de los algoritmos y escribir código de alto rendimiento, hágase con un ejemplar de este libro ahora.
Andy Vickler (Author), Enrique Aparicio (Narrator)
R Programming: R Data Visualization
This book is like a friend who advises and guides you on how to use the ggplot2 package for making data visualizations. With this book, you will learn how to get started with data visualization in R. You will learn basic concepts of graphics, and you will also learn how to perform statistical analyses. This book is for everyone who faces a difficult task when trying to make data visualizations using R. It is also for people who are interested in learning more about statistics and graphical techniques. The book also teaches listeners how to get started with ggplot2, and it also introduces the basics of R so that listeners are aware of the basic commands and functions in R, as well as importing libraries. R has transformed the way statistical modeling approaches are applied, and has become a tool which is commonly used by analysts, programmers and visual artists alike. Its ease of use and flexibility make it an invaluable tool for working with large amounts of data. This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to how R can be used for data visualization. You'll learn how to use the statistical modeling and graphics packages in R, as well as gain an understanding of the principles behind both traditional and modern data visualization techniques. Think of R as a programming language that provides access to the power of machine learning and statistical computing. It's software used by statisticians and data scientists, with its capabilities in statistics, data visualization, machine learning, and more.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
R Programming: R Data Analysis and Statistics
Interested in statistical computing? R Programming: Data Analysis and Statistics is a beginner-friendly book. It is written in an accessible way, and deals with the basics as well as more complex problems. No prior statistical knowledge is required. The following topics are covered : - R programming Data Manipulation - R Data Visualization - Large Datasets Data Analysis and Statistics - R Supervised Learning - And much more This book may also help more advanced programmers expand their skills.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
R Programming: 3 books in 1 : R Basics for Beginners + R Data Analysis and Statistics + R Data Visua
Book one: R is an open-source statistical environment and programming language that has grown in popularity for data management and analysis in various industries. “R” Programming teaches you all the R you'll ever need in a rapid and painless manner. R is becoming more well-known by the day, as large institutions embrace it as a standard. Its popularity stems partly from the fact that it is a free tool replacing expensive statistical software products that may take an undue amount of time to master. Furthermore, R allows a user to do complicated statistical analyses with only a few keystrokes, making advanced studies accessible and clear to a broad audience. The book is highly informative with lots of code. Following the book, you will be able to start Rstudio and use the program smoothly. Book two: Interested in statistical computing ? R Programming: Data Analysis and Statistics is a beginner-friendly book. It is written in an accessible way, and deal with the basics as well as more complex problems. This book may also help more advanced programmers expand their skills. Book three: This book is like a friend who advises and guides you on how to use the ggplot2 package for making data visualizations. With this book, you will learn how to get started with data visualization in R. You will learn basic concepts of graphics, and you will also learn how to perform statistical analyses. Think of R as a programming language that provides access to the power of machine learning and statistical computing. It's software used by statisticians and data scientists, with its capabilities in statistics, data visualization, machine learning, and more.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
PHP: PHP Security and Session Management
Discover how you can secure your website and applications now. Understand how security and sessions get managed. Do you want to know how your website can be secured? Are you getting attacks on your websites? Are you getting tired of applying tricks they show in YouTube but it’s still not working? If so, the simple solution is right below: PHP Security and Session Management will answer all your queries and help you understand the core issues and how you can solve them. It will educate your about the threats your site can face once it’s live. This book will address the issues and the solutions as well. Imagine not worrying about getting your site hijacked, having abundant knowledge about the threat you’ve just faced. Imagine being able to help a fellow or junior programmer. Imagine your site fully secure and not having to worry about getting robbed while you sleep. With this book, you can gain vital information on these issues and get their solutions as well. You’ll receive the basic yet critical information regarding PHP security, from threats to attacks. After listening to this book you’ll understand the core steps you need to take in order to prevent these attacks. Along with these amazing discoveries, you’ll be able to secure your PHP website. By the end of this book, if you keep it in practice along with listening to it, you’ll end up being a master of security and session management. It is for anyone who’s looking to secure their website or wants to understand the sessions in depth. Whether you are a hustler, an intermediate coder, or an advanced one, the teachings you’ll discover in this book will help you with the security and sessions of your website/applications. Grab your copy today to finally take over those filthy attacks which may be one of the reasons of your sleepless nights.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
Are you a programmer interested in getting a deeper understanding of the concepts, features, and tools in the PHP programming language? Would you like to develop faster and easy-to-use programs using PHP? Or are you stuck in a certain PHP area and would like a solution to your problem? PHP is a fantastic programming language with simple fundamentals. If you learn PHP now, you'll be able to build anything from a basic contact form to a full-fledged web application. You'll also discover how to set up a mailing list and a content management system. Having stated that, this audiobook will show you how to achieve it. We'll also show you how to create PHP applications that tackle real-world issues. Because PHP is a web based language, having a basic understanding of HTML and CSS will be beneficial. Still, if you're new to HTML and CSS, this is a good place to start. Don't worry; HTML and CSS are as simple as one, two, and three. PHP is considered among the most important languages to use in programming. Why? Because it adds a lot of functionality to websites created in HTML. It is a general-purpose language even if the major reason it was designed is to generate web pages.
Andy Vickler (Author), Helpful Matthew (Narrator)
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