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Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their Role In The Historical Process: Political History Of Russi
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. If we rely on logic of history of political and legal teachings, then this implies that this history began in Rus’ at the time when pagans were huddled into a river. This fact in itself is of little interest. What is of interest is the following: what is the essence of this fact? In his time, T. Mann expressed a thought that if humanity once again were put in pre-civilized conditions—the first thing it would do is create mythology. Mythology, as it is known, operates on images. In terms of survivability, there is nothing comparable to the degree of survival that an image has. This can be traced back through heraldry of many countries, including Russia. At the same time, as strange as this might seem at first glance, military authorities of all countries in the world today can be nominated for the palm of victory in the use of mythological images. An image has a very large informational capacity and, at the same time, it is multifunctional, very convenient, and aimed directly at psyche of a person, who under the influence of imagery (mythology) carries out his physical actions only within the limits of the received image. Naturally, an image can be intended not only for an individual or a group, but also for social, ethnic influence. In the history of political and legal doctrines of Rus’ it is interesting to trace the work of the system of images from the point of view of justification for existence of monarchy, relations between monarchy and Christianity, monarchy and philosophy, ideology and politics, real and virtual worlds. Politics, according to statements made by political scientists, as well as directly or indirectly related people, claim relation to art. If this is so, maybe it is worthwhile to consider politics alongside creative works of people of literature, poetry, painting? We came back to that what was refused from the beginning. Thank God that myth turned out to have truly amazing survivability...
Andrey Davydov (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
How Men Turn Women Into Nothing: Or 'Why A Chicken Is Not A Bird, And A Woman Is Not A Human'
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Every woman considers herself an individual. In vain, as regardless of race, ethnicity, profession and so on, no woman is an individual. Every woman lives as man programmed her to live, as it is convenient for him, as he wants her to. Women do not even suspect who produces images for what they consider their 'Self,' and why. By studying the history of world culture (literature, pictorial art, architecture, music, science, etc.), it is easy to trace that men usurped everything that had to do with images, as ideas for creation of anything. And, from time immemorial, women were left with a role of stupid consumers, and performers, and it was made sure that women think that they (women) are creators too. But, women did not participate in the birth of any product, which begins with a sketch, and in turn a sketch begins with an idea, and an idea begins with an image. Yes, women weaved, embroidered, painted cloth, and sometimes sewed. But, based on sketches made by whom? Based on sketches and patterns created by men. The essence of this process is to forbid women from creating images, and under any excuse to never allow women to do it, ever. Excuses used are from rudest and degenerative ('What are you trying to do, you fool? Go make me a sandwich instead,' or 'Do you not hear your baby crying?”), to the most romantic and poetic ('You are my muse, just be near, inspire me, you are so beautiful!'). Men’s intent is simple: to have total control over the psyche and the physiology of any woman because an image is the basis of functioning of any person. Providing an image to a woman ensures that she will live and function strictly according to this image. Also, an image is the basis for control of any person, as well as the basis of knowledge about her/him. Men create images. Therefore, they know exactly what image is behind this or that behavior of a woman...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Madison G (Narrator)
How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs: World History Of Turning Women Into Mats
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Every woman considers herself an individual. In vain, as regardless of race, ethnicity, profession and so on, no woman is an individual. Every woman lives as man programmed her to live, as it is convenient for him, as he wants her to. Women do not even suspect who produces images for what they consider their 'Self,' and why. By studying the history of world culture (literature, pictorial art, architecture, music, science, etc.), it is easy to trace that men usurped everything that had to do with images, as ideas for creation of anything. And, from time immemorial, women were left with a role of stupid consumers, and performers, and it was made sure that women think that they (women) are creators too. But, women did not participate in the birth of any product, which begins with a sketch, and in turn a sketch begins with an idea, and an idea begins with an image. Yes, women weaved, embroidered, painted cloth, and sometimes sewed. But, based on sketches made by whom? Based on sketches and patterns created by men. The essence of this process is to forbid women from creating images, and under any excuse to never allow women to do it, ever. Excuses used are from rudest and degenerative ('What are you trying to do, you fool? Go make me a sandwich instead,' or 'Do you not hear your baby crying?”), to the most romantic and poetic ('You are my muse, just be near, inspire me, you are so beautiful!'). Men’s intent is simple: to have total control over the psyche and the physiology of any woman because an image is the basis of functioning of any person. Providing an image to a woman ensures that she will live and function strictly according to this image. Also, an image is the basis for control of any person, as well as the basis of knowledge about her/him. Men create images. Therefore, they know exactly what image is behind this or that behavior of a woman...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Madison G (Narrator)
Archetype Semantics: How It Corresponds To The Concept Of “An Image.” How Archetypal Are Images?
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. An image is archetypal only when it is an individual value, which through natural analogs allows a person to learn about himself, obtain information about his individual qualities recorded in the individual structure of psyche, which ultimately allows a person to legalize his own innate qualities. The authors reason that logically an archetype in its traditional consideration cannot be that prototype (preimage), which, as an initial idea, determines the individual human psyche because by definition it belongs to culture—it is its artifact. Consequently, according to existing semantics, an archetype can be anything except an archetype as an idea. This scientific paper examines whether semantics of an archetype in its traditional sense corresponds to the concept of “an image” if an image is considered in terms of “a copy”, ”a duplicate”; can an archetype of culture be seriously considered as something that directly forms individual human psyche, as a structure that appeared long before symbolism? The authors think that not every image is archetypal because not every image is equal to prototype (preimage), as an initial idea corresponding to the concept of “an archetype.” An image is archetypal only when it is an individual value, which, through natural analogues, allows a person to learn about his own self and learn about his individual qualities, recorded in the individual structure of psyche, which, as a result, provides a person with a possibility to legalize his own innate qualities.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Archie G (Narrator)
Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras?
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. It is logical to suppose that the matrix of human psyche is recorded by exclusively taking into account its transmission 'through nations, centuries and cataclysms.' According to researchers of antiquity, the human race is tens of thousands to tens of millions years old. Therefore, there must be that language, by the means of which all baseline information about human species could be passed on from generation to generation. Images of natural objects and phenomena are not only understandable by any inhabitant of the world, regardless of his or her nationality, religious views, level of education and intelligence and so on, but also cannot be destroyed as a result of wars, revolutions, catastrophes, and collapse of cultures, which have occurred in the history of humanity in huge quantities, destroying huge layers of information. According to researchers, about 10,000 years before the Christian era, there was a period that lasted for several centuries, when any knowledge was suppressed, any information got destroyed, monuments were overthrown, and all material traces of disappeared civilizations were literally erased from the face of the earth. With this in mind, the ancient sages went to inconceivable extremes to make certain that their knowledge is preserved.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Archie G (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The topic of this book is Female Clichés based on a new scientific direction called Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. It legalizes some of the subconscious female secrets. Female Clichés are keys to people and situations. All women should learn how to use all 21 Female Clichés professionally. The book is devoted to new principles of female psychology. It is based on a new scientific direction called Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. The information presents some of the results of scientific research and Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis led by the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls. The laboratory studies the ancient Chinese manuscript called Shan Hai Jing, where structures of 293 human subtypes are described in great detail. This book legalizes one of the subconscious female secrets discovered by the laboratory. As you may already know from our other books and informational materials, a woman has created and arranged this society. There is also another interesting fact that was found: a woman has once created 21 clichés for herself to use. Until now no one in psychology ever considered so many clichés. So the question is: why did women create these clichés? Well, this is another one of female secrets that is no longer a secret! The thing is that women use clichés as management tools. So, from this book you will learn about these female clichés as a powerful weapon for survival, as well as seduction and conquest of men.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Madison G (Narrator)
Guism: Psychical Mutations Of Homo Sapiens
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Gui/guism do not belong to categories of phenomena, special occurrences, rare facts, and cannot be attributed to someone's subjective understanding because it is a universal occurrence available for wide observation. In modern culture, gui are usually called by words 'human', 'people.' Mutations in the form of guism have a psychical pathogenesis, pathological changes. This Metaphorical Dictionary was created on the basis of the proto-language that we found. The proto-language, or as it is also called the world language, is the language of images. It is the Chinese language that is this world language, the proto-human language. The combination of images in the Chinese language coupled with its one hundred percent preservation thanks to cultural traditions of the Chinese people, which no other nation in the world has, for multiple decades allow us to turn to Chinese hieroglyphics as the proto-language, in which true meaning of any word can be found. Why does humanity need the Metaphorical Dictionary and is it needed at all? Answers to these questions lie on the surface, as no one will deny that communication problems between people in this civilization exist. Moreover, they are so serious and neglected that in fact there is much more understanding even between representatives of the animal kingdom, who are much more primitive compared to Homo sapiens. Each person attributes his own meaning to any word; as for universal meanings—there are none. Our Metaphorical Dictionary easily solves any communication problems, or rather—it eliminates them altogether since this Dictionary is not just a collection of words and their meanings: behind every concept under consideration is an image, a picture. Proto-language in the face of Chinese hieroglyphics not only returns true essence and meanings of basic philosophical concepts, which exist in this civilization to all of us, but also, through understanding, turns them into keys...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Maxwell G (Narrator)
Connection Of The Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The Cat
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The indigenous peoples of the Americas have widespread beliefs related to personal guardian spirits. Natives believe that for any success in life there must be protection by a supernatural power. And, in this, they are absolutely correct. The Natives deified guardian spirits since ancient times; and, as it turned out, not in vain because they are directly related to people, to their psyche. All the guardian spirits of the ancient Natives were part of nature. The Natives made animals, plants and so forth their totems, and not in vain, as they really gave people real power and real super abilities, made them powerful, invincible, were able to prevent diseases and heal, as well as “avert troubles.” Beliefs of the ancient Natives were true: kind guardian spirits exist. And, it has been discovered that the relation between natural images and the human psyche is much stronger than it is currently thought. Scientists have found an ancient book, which is much older than the Bible and other sacred books. According to some researchers, it appeared in the 20th century BC. This book has been decrypted in the 80s of the 20th century in Russia by the researcher Andrey Davydov. It is nothing more than a description of 293 models of the human psyche, which are recorded by natural images. And, these images are very similar to those that ancient Natives worshiped. All these images are objects of nature: various plants and animals, luminaries like the sun and the moon, rivers, lakes, swamps, rocks, minerals, metals and so on. Among them there are deities, spirits, and chimeras. Natural images of psyche (soul) cardinally differentiate one person from another, even though every person’s body is designed in the same way. They completely determine a person’s character, habits, life algorithms, preferences, likes, aspirations, desires, and any actions; in other words, by nature every human is original...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Ideology Of Religions: Scientific Proof Of Existence Of 'God': The Catalog Of Human Population
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. In the 21st century, “God” remains an unknown value to humans. Although “God” is the fundamental value in this world, as he is the Creator of all. A modern human cannot accept the idea of the existence of “God” due to lack of evidence that “God” exists. 'Blind faith' is an indicator of low level of development of individuals, and is no longer a common stance of modern people, even those who are not well educated. People are willing to believe only that what they can see with their own eyes, test, and, of course, use in everyday life. That is normal, natural. People only declare that they believe in “God.” No one really believes in him because human intellect is created in such a way that one is unable to take something seriously without evidence. Not to mention that recipes that religion offers as a practical guide—do not hold water from the point of view of a modern person. Also, in the eternal debate of psychologists: what is primary, “soul” or body, “soul loses' only because psychologists do not know anything about it. Despite the fact that “soul” (psyche) is the focus of this 'science.' Shortfalls of medicine, psychology, anthropology, and other sciences that study human beings affected people's attitude towards religion. However, religion, unlike science, has existed for many centuries. Despite everything, it continues to exist today. This clearly indicates that humanity can exist without science, but not without belief in some “Higher Powers,” something supernatural that, unlike modern science, has the ability to solve any problems of humans. One can admit this to himself or not, it does not matter. And, even more so, it does not matter whether this role is filled by biblical 'God' (or those gods, which religions offer to consider gods) or not...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The following statement can be considered the main hypothesis that formed the basis of this book: all types of interpersonal relationships in the human community are built entirely on manipulation as a principle. We focus only on the study of unconscious motivations, as the true cause of human activity. And, when discussing true motivations that arise from the unconscious, we can state that they are fully determined by individual structure of psyche of a person. All true motives of an individual are fully determined by the content of his unconscious: that is—by individual archetypal pattern as the basis of an individual, where all needs and predilections of the individual are contained. Any kinds of contacts and attachments between people (friendship, romance, business, partnership, parent-child relationships) are based on manipulation of each other as an unconscious motivation. Consequently, the human community lives, develops, functions and is regulated on the basis of manipulation. And, if manipulation of one another by individuals is an effective way to quickly and qualitatively satisfy any kind of their needs in society, then it is fair to consider society as a community of manipulators and their subjects.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Archie G (Narrator)
AHNENERBE: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. You do not know anything about the world and about your selves because you were ordered to believe. You do not know how to think, analyze, and all your 'thoughts' are just a walk to the internal 'cinema,' where you will be told and shown how to live and what to be. And, you will have nothing left other than to do that, what your 'inner voice' told you, and reinforced with corresponding sensations. A human and a computer have a similarity: both do not work without software. A computer without software is a pile of useless metal. A human without software is a body, in which automatic physiological processes support life, but he cannot function, he is “a vegetable.” Today many people are familiar with computer software, but no one is familiar with “software” of a human. Although human software is actually the “soul” that throughout many centuries people are looking for so hard and cannot find. Software and psyche (soul) are synonyms. The role of human software is enormous: it is the basis of functioning of human psychophysiology. This civilization has come up with a lot of modifications of artificial software without coming close to even approaching the question of every person having natural software, given by nature at the time of birth. People had to live somehow. Humans differ from animals: software of animals works automatically since the moment birth, it is not necessary to comprehend and study it, it just works. This is different with humans. So, artificial software was invented instead of natural. Although it differs from natural like papier-mâché or plastic apples differ from natural apples. This civilization in fact forced humanity to eat plastic apples by creating artificial software. The outcome is easy to predict: such diet leads to imminent death. This is exactly what is happening. People of this civilization live for seventy to ninety years on average...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Maxwell G (Narrator)
Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Selected Scientific Articles And Presentations At Conferences
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. This book is devoted to the topic of Systemic Research In The Field Of Human Psychophysiology. In this topic, the following question was interesting to researchers: 'Why with principled psychophysiological sameness of humans, qualities differ?' Answers to this and many other questions were found as a result of 40 years of fundamental research carried out by an expert in Chinese culture Andrey Davydov and his colleagues. Among ancient Chinese monuments Russian researcher Andrey Davydov discovered the Catalog of Human Population. The title of this ancient source is Shan Hai Jing (translated from Chinese as the Catalog of Mountains and Seas). Official science still does not know for certain the dating of Shan Hai Jing and the author of this text. However, in this source A. Davydov found very detailed descriptions of psychophysiological structure of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens. Thus, the answer to the question 'What is human psyche and what is its structure?' was found. 'The Catalog of Human Population is a description of a human as a type by subtype structures. Subtype structure (“psyche”, “soul”) is a combination of individual archetypes, recorded at the genetic level (principle). Expressions and interaction of subtype structures in manipulation modes and phenological algorithms are described with adjustments for gender, age and cultural differences. Information is recorded on six factors.' This definition was developed by Andrey Davydov—the author of discovery and decryption of the Catalog of Human Population. Despite that this scientific discovery was made back in the 80s of the 20th century, was verified in scientific institutions in Russia, has a wide range of practical applications, and for the past 20 years is being used in daily lives of those who known about it—unfortunately, it shared the fate of many scientific discoveries, which do not fit into traditional scientific concepts...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk (Author), Digital Voice Matt G (Narrator)
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