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[Romanian] - În lumea subterană a Ierusalimului: Istoria îngropată a celui mai disputat oraș din lum
„O vastă cronică a aventurilor arheologice și consecințelor lor culturale și politice, relatată cu preocuparea istoricului pentru detaliu și flerul jurnalistului pentru poveste.' – Washington Post O relatare uluitoare a istoriei ascunse sub Orașul Sfânt – o saga a comorilor biblice, exploratorilor întreprinzători și răsturnărilor politice Vreme de un secol și jumătate, Ierusalimul a atras o întreagă distribuție internațională de căutători de comori și misionari, arheologi și entuziaști, toți avizi să aducă la lumină trecutul biblic de sub străzile și templele orașului. Acțiunile lor au avut efecte profunde, nu numai contribuind la înțelegerea istoriei orașului, dar și marcând prezentul său aprig disputat. Inițiativele de a aduce la lumină străvechea moștenire evreiască au condus la izbucnirea unor conflicte sângeroase și au zădărnicit tratate de pace internaționale. Au devenit, în fapt, o manieră de revendicare a întâietății asupra celui mai disputat oraș din lume. Și astăzi pământul de sub Ierusalim rămâne un câmp de bătălie în lupta pentru controlul orașului care se înalță deasupra. „Istoria lui Lawler urmărește atât miracolele aflate în subteran, cât și evenimentele desfășurate deasupra acestora... Dezvăluind motivațiile adesea partizane ale celor care conduc săpăturile, Lawler subliniază forța arheologiei de a modela narațiuni și evoluția acesteia de la o disciplină «nu foarte îndepărtată de înrudita jefuire de morminte» la un instrument modern de făurire de mituri în cheie naționalistă.' – The New Yorker
Andrew Lawler (Author), Teo Avrămescu (Narrator)
Under Jerusalem: The Buried History of the World's Most Contested City
A sweeping history of the hidden world below the Holy City-a saga of biblical treasures, intrepid explorers, and political upheaval 'These untold stories of archeological digs near and under Jerusalem's sacred sites convey all the colorful and violent and contentious history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ... A compulsive read." -Kai Bird, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and author of The Outlier In 1863, a French senator arrived in Jerusalem hoping to unearth relics dating to biblical times. Digging deep underground, he discovered an ancient grave that, he claimed, belonged to an Old Testament queen. News of his find ricocheted around the world, evoking awe and envy alike, and inspiring others to explore Jerusalem's storied past. In the century and a half since the Frenchman broke ground, Jerusalem has drawn a global cast of fortune seekers and missionaries, archaeologists and zealots, all of them eager to extract the biblical past from beneath the city's streets and shrines. Their efforts have had profound effects, not only on our understanding of Jerusalem's history, but on its hotly disputed present. The quest to retrieve ancient Jewish heritage has sparked bloody riots and thwarted international peace agreements. It has served as a cudgel, a way to stake a claim to the most contested city on the planet. Today, the earth below Jerusalem remains a battleground in the struggle to control the city above. Under Jerusalem takes readers into the tombs, tunnels, and trenches of the Holy City. It brings to life the indelible characters who have investigated this subterranean landscape. With clarity and verve, acclaimed journalist Andrew Lawler reveals how their pursuit has not only defined the conflict over modern Jerusalem, but could provide a map for two peoples and three faiths to peacefully coexist.
Andrew Lawler (Author), James Lurie (Narrator)
The Secret Token: Myth, Obsession, and the Search for the Lost Colony of Roanoke
A sweeping account of America's oldest unsolved mystery, the people racing to unearth its answer, and the sobering truths--about race, gender, and immigration--exposed by the Lost Colony of Roanoke In 1587, 115 men, women, and children arrived at Roanoke Island on the coast of North Carolina. Chartered by Queen Elizabeth I, their colony was to establish England's first foothold in the New World. But when the colony's leader, John White, returned to Roanoke from a resupply mission, his settlers were nowhere to be found. They left behind only a single clue--a 'secret token' carved into a tree. Neither White nor any other European laid eyes on the colonists again. What happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke? For four hundred years, that question has consumed historians and amateur sleuths, leading only to dead ends and hoaxes. But after a chance encounter with a British archaeologist, journalist Andrew Lawler discovered that solid answers to the mystery were within reach. He set out to unravel the enigma of the lost settlers, accompanying competing researchers, each hoping to be the first to solve its riddle. In the course of his journey, Lawler encounters a host of characters obsessed with the colonists and their fate, and he determines why the Lost Colony continues to haunt our national consciousness. Thrilling and absorbing, The Secret Token offers a new understanding not just of the first English settlement in the New World but of how its disappearance continues to define--and divide--America.
Andrew Lawler (Author), David H. Lawrence XVII (Narrator)
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