Join spiritual teacher Andrew Harvey as he leads you on three transformational journeys that will prepare you for glorious rebirth, unite you with all things, and show you the radical simplicity of a certain blessed mantra.
Track 1: Andrew Harvey's Introduction to the Journeys
Track 2: Birthing the Divine Human Through the Golden Light
Track 3: Expanding the Circle of Your Heart
Track 4: Saying the Name of God
These guided meditations will prepare you for the shattering of all illusions – especially any illusions you have regarding your own limitations. You are an infinitely powerful force of love.
Andrew Harvey is a whirlwind of inspiration. This deep dialogue plunges into a myriad of topics and musings. He speaks of his “soul brother” the 88-year-old pianist and teacher, Seymour Bernstein, who is a true wisdom elder. He shares his wisdom and experience of why it takes rigorous discipline to be an artist, why solitude matters, how to cultivate our personal passions, how “networks of grace” can save humanity, and more. He speaks eloquently on how to cultivate sacred friendships, “The world is going through a cataclysmic falling apart. In a time like this if you want to live happily and in joy and with purpose, you really need to find people who will sustain you and encourage you . . . You fall in friendship with the same intensity as when you fall in love. When you meet somebody who thrills you by their being, who elevates your soul, you have to have the guts to say ‘we mustn’t waste this meeting, let’s meet again.’ Keep up the connection. Don’t let it fall into desuetude, really go for it.” Listen and be inspired by Andrew Harvey’s infectious enthusiasm for life. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)
There is probably no one more qualified to illuminate the life and work of Jalaluddin Rumi, the great thirteenth-century Sufi mystic and poet, than Andrew Harvey, who possesses the very eloquence and passion he admires in Rumi's work. Harvey likens Rumi to Buddha, Ramakrishna, Shakespeare and Jesus Christ.
Father Bede, says Harvey, was 'the simplest and most eloquent spokesman of the Holy Spirit that our time has seen ... one of the most important people of this century, an authentic prophet, someone who lived out the life of Christ.' Listen in to a thoughtful, inspiring explanation of why this is so.