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Cómo sanarte cuando nadie más puede hacerlo
Descubre cómo usar la curación intuitiva para eliminar los bloqueos, cambiar tu relación con el estrés y alinearte con quien realmente eres. ¿Por qué algunas personas sanan sus síntomas físicos y heridas emocionales mientras que otras no? ¿Por qué cuando nos enfermamos o nos sentimos mal resulta difícil curarnos? Este libro se basa en el conocimiento y manejo de nuestras emociones y energía para sanarnos de manera integral. Es una guía de tres pasos que conducen al tratamiento de nuestros malestares por medio de la sanación de eventos, patrones, creencias y bloqueos energéticos que nos impiden fluir de forma adecuada. La autora nos enseña que es importante encontrar en dónde se encuentra el daño o bloqueo e identificarlo con claridad. Descubrir que nuestro cuerpo se comunica con nosotros a través de síntomas es vital para el proceso de limpieza y ajuste que necesitamos realizar. La información y prácticas de este libro cambiarán tu percepción de la enfermedad y de ti mismo, demostrando que podemos recuperarnos de aquello que nos aqueja y recobrar nuestro poder personal de forma definitiva.
Amy B Scher, Amy B. Scher, James Dinicolantonio, Joseph Mercola (Author), Gwendolyne Flores (Narrator)
Cómo sanar tu ansiedad cuando nadie más puede hacerlo: Recuperar el balance de tu vida está en tus m
¡Vivir una vida relajada, alegre y saludable es posible! La ansiedad no es sólo miedo y no viene de la nada. De hecho, todo lo que crees saber sobre la ansiedad está a punto de cambiar. Este excepcional libro es un enfoque único, lleno de técnicas prácticas y orientación que ilustra una verdad profunda: la curación de la ansiedad es posible. Amy B. Scher, autora del bestseller Cómo sanarte cuando nadie más puede hacerlo, comparte sus métodos comprobados para abordar y curar la raíz de la ansiedad: cambiar creencias dañinas, calmar tu cuerpo y liberar la vieja energía emocional que te detiene. Este libro será tu guía a través de una serie de herramientas transformadoras y ejercicios fáciles de seguir que pueden cambiar tu vida rápidamente. Utilizando las poderosas técnicas creadas por Amy, así como su propia versión de la ampliamente popular Técnica de Liberación Emocional (TLE), aprenderás cómo dejar de lado el equipaje emocional no resuelto para que puedas convertirte en tu versión más saludable, relajada y alegre.
Amy B Scher, Amy B. Scher, James Dinicolantonio, Joseph Mercola (Author), Gwendolyne Flores (Narrator)
How to Heal Yourself from Anxiety When No One Else Can
A Brand New Approach to Healing Anxiety! Discover the remarkable energy therapy that has helped thousands of people when nothing else worked. Anxiety is not 'just fear' and it doesn't come from out of the blue. In fact, everything you think you know about anxiety is about to change. With a brand new approach to understanding and overcoming anxiety, this exceptional book is unique, go-at-your-own-pace, and full of hands-on techniques and guidance that illustrate one profound truth: healing from anxiety is possible. When taking deep breaths isn't enough. Join Amy B. Scher--author of the bestselling author of How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can--as she shares her proven methods to address emotional healing and heal the root of anxiety: changing harmful beliefs, calming your body, and releasing old emotional energy that holds you back. Written with clear instructions and a supportive and fun tone, Amy will be by your side every step of the way as you use her dynamic energy therapy methods for overcoming anxiety. This book guides you through a series of transformative tools and easy-to-follow exercises that can change your life quickly. No more struggling--you can heal. When taking long walks isn't enough. Utilizing Amy's powerful self-created emotional healing techniques like The Sweep to release subconscious beliefs and Thymus Test & Tap to clear stuck emotions from the body, as well as her own version of the widely popular Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you will learn how to let go of unresolved emotional baggage so that you can become the healthiest, most relaxed, lighthearted version of yourself.
Amy B. Scher (Author), Amy B. Scher (Narrator)
This Is How I Save My Life: From California to India, a True Story Of Finding Everything When You Ar
The true story of a fiery young woman's heartwarming and hilarious journey that takes her from near-death in California to a trip around the world in search of her ultimate salvation. Along the way, she discovers a world of cultural mayhem, radical medical treatment, and, most importantly, a piece of her life she never even knew she was missing. When Amy B. Scher was struck with undiagnosed late-stage, chronic Lyme disease, the best physicians in America labeled her condition incurable and potentially terminal. Deteriorating rapidly, she went on a search to save her own life-from the top experts in Los Angeles and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis to a state-of-the-art hospital in Chicago. After exhausting all of her options in the US, she discovered a possible cure-but it was highly experimental, only available in India, and had as much of a probability of killing her as it did of curing her. Knowing the risks, Amy packed her bags anyway and flew across the world hoping to find the ultimate cure.
Amy B. Scher (Author), Amy B. Scher (Narrator)
How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can: A Total Self-Healing Approach for Mind, Body, and Spirit
Using energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to achieve complete and permanent healing by loving, accepting, and being yourself no matter what. Energy therapist Amy B. Scher presents an easy-to-understand, three-part approach to using energy healing for removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are. After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Amy had an epiphany that healing is more than just physical. Her dramatic story serves as a powerful example of how beneficial it is to address our emotional energies, particularly when nothing else works. Discover areas of imbalance and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. Whether you are experiencing physical symptoms and chronic illness or are just feeling lost, sad, full of anxiety, or emotionally unbalanced, this book will show you how to use intuitive self-healing to change your life.
Amy B. Scher (Author), C.S.E. Cooney (Narrator)
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