Browse audiobooks by Alda Dagny, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
The Old Mountain Spell Book: Exploring Appalachian Folklore and Magic: Hoodoo, Rootwork, and Moon Sp
How much do you really know about the Appalachian culture, folklore, and history? Perhaps you have heard murmurs surrounding Appalachian folklore, and this has piqued your interest, and you've decided you want to learn more. Or maybe you are a passionate reader of magic, witchcraft, and folklore, and you're searching for a new phenomenon to learn about. Appalachian folk magic is a rich tapestry of mystery and magic, yet despite this, there are very few sources of information to choose from. That is, until now. Introducing The Old Mountain Spell Book, a must-read guide for anyone interested in exploring Appalachian folklore and magic, including hoodoo, rootwork, and moon spells. Whether you've got a passion for Appalachian folklore specifically or a general interest in witchcraft, this book is ideal for you. While there are other books on this subject, none of them go into the same level of detail as this guide, which introduces you to the world of the Appalachian, including its myths, common misconceptions, and rich history. Inside The Old Mountain Spell Book, discover the following: · The history of Granny Magic and its role in Appalachian culture. · The importance of rootwork. · How the Appalachians perform protection and warding spells. · The superstitions, legends, and myths of the Appalachians. · Charms and moon spells that you can study and learn. It's time to learn everything you need to know about Appalachian culture and folklore. Grab a copy of The Old Mountain Spell Book today!
Alda Dagny (Author), Irinka Reade (Narrator)
The Old Norse Spell Book: The Saga of Viking Warriors: Sailing the Seas of Destiny: Viking Longships
How much do you know about the enthralling and unique Viking culture? Perhaps you have watched one of the many remarkable fiction or non-fiction films that depict Vikings (Last Kingdom, anyone?), and it has piqued your interest, making you want to learn more. Or maybe you're just a big history buff who is keen to learn more about how the Vikings lived, innovated, and helped shape society as we know it today. If this sounds like you, you're in the right place! Introducing The Old Norse Spell Book: The Saga of Viking Warriors, a perfect read for anyone looking to learn all about Viking longships, explorations, and the legacy of the shield maidens. Norse culture was exceptionally unique in many ways, allowing the Vikings to capitalize on their advanced exploration tools, superior fighting techniques, and aggressive nature and, eventually, sweep through parts of Europe, most notably England, Scotland, and Wales. Learn all about their expeditions, famous fighting techniques, unique gender roles, and much much more in this all-encompassing book on Viking culture. Inside The Old Norse Spell Book: The Saga of Viking Warriors, you will: ● Dive deep into the world of Viking longships and life on sea. ● Gain insights into Viking explorations, raids, and settlements. ● Understand the role of female Vikings as shield maidens. ● Discover everything you need to know about Norse mythology and Viking lore, folk tales, and heroic legends. If you're a true fan of Norse history and the era of the Vikings, you don't want to miss out on this book! Grab a copy of The Old Norse Spell Book: The Saga of Viking Warriors today!
Alda Dagny (Author), Heather Livesey (Narrator)
[German] - Das altnordische Zauberbuch: Ihr Leitfaden für das Ältere Futhark, nordische Folklore,
Sollten Sie sich jemals für die Geschichte der Marvel-Filme oder der Herr der Ringe-Reihe interessiert haben, dann ist die altnordische Mythologie genau das Richtige für Sie. Tauchen Sie in die Welt der Götter und Riesen ein und lesen Sie Geschichten voller tapferer Charaktere und Gaukler, Blutvergießen, Magie und einer Prise Humor. Die nordische Mythologie ist gefüllt von Magie und Überlieferungen und wird von den alten Runen bestimmt, die in ganz Europa und Skandinavien zu finden sind. Machen Sie sich mit dem Älteren Futhark vertraut, einem Runenalphabet, das auf das erste Jahrhundert vor Christus zurückgeht, noch bevor es das Christentum gab. Schon bald werden Sie die Bedeutung der einzelnen Runen und ihre Bedeutung für die Magie und ihre Beziehung zur Welt verstehen. Werden Sie Experte im Lesen und Deuten von Runen - am Ende können Sie sogar Ihre eigenen Runen erfinden. Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Sie werden auch etwas über den modernen Glauben und die Praktiken des nordischen Heidentums und die daraus entstandenen Wege erfahren. Von den Neun Edlen Tugenden - dem Moralkodex des Asatru - bis hin zur Geschichte, die diese Wege beeinflusst - all das wird Sie daruaf vorbereiten, Ihre eigene Form des Heidentums zu praktizieren oder der Richtung zu folgen, die Ihnen am meisten zusagt. Vor allem aber darf man die Magie nicht vergessen. Das gesamte Universum der Altnordischen und die Geschichten, die es umgeben, sind voller Magie und Weissagung. Lernen Sie, Runen zu deuten, und lassen Sie sich auf die Führung des spirituellen Reiches ein. Stellen Sie den Runen Fragen und interpretieren Sie ihre Antworten, die Ihnen eine mögliche Erklärung liefern werden. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre Idee von Geschichte bereichern oder eine neue Form der Magie erlernen möchten, die altnordische Mythologie ist der richtige Weg.
Alda Dagny (Author), Jennifer Siedler (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El antiguo libro de hechizos nórdicos: Su guía para el Futhark Antiguo, el folclore nórd
Si alguna vez te has interesado por el lore de las películas de Marvel o la serie de El Señor de los Anillos, entonces deberías probar la lectura sobre la mitología nórdica antigua. Sumérgete en el mundo de los dioses y los gigantes, y lee historias llenas de personajes valientes y engañosos, derramamiento de sangre, magia y un poco de humor. Guiada por las antiguas runas que se encuentran en toda Europa y Escandinavia, la mitología nórdica es rica en magia y sabiduría. Conoce el Elder Futhark, un alfabeto rúnico que se remonta al siglo I de nuestra era, incluso antes de que existiera el cristianismo. Pronto entenderás el significado de cada runa y su implicación en la magia y su relación con el mundo. Conviértete en un experto en la lectura e interpretación de las runas, incluso puedes crear las tuyas. ¡Pero no te detengas ahí! También aprenderás sobre las creencias y prácticas modernas del Paganismo Nórdico y los caminos que lo siguen. Desde las Nueve Nobles Virtudes -el código moral de Asatru-, hasta la historia que influye en estos caminos, estarás preparado para practicar tu propia forma de Paganismo o seguir la rama que más te resuene. Y lo más importante, no te puedes olvidar de la magia. Todo el universo de los antiguos nórdicos y los cuentos que lo rodean están llenos de magia y videncia. Aprende a lanzar las runas y busca la guía del reino espiritual. Haz preguntas a las runas e interpreta sus respuestas, observa cómo te guían hacia una solución. Tanto si quieres enriquecer tu concepto de la historia como si quieres aprender una nueva forma de magia, la mitología nórdica antigua es la forma de hacerlo.
Alda Dagny (Author), Maria Eugenia Mazza (Narrator)
Secrets of Mesoamerica: What Did the Aztec, Maya, and Olmec Really Know?
How much do you know about the ancient civilizations that molded our world today? Modern society has come a long way. The digital era is well and truly upon us, and technology continues to advance and dominate our everyday lives. While there are many benefits to this, it has also led to many people wanting to learn more about those who came before us, with one big question they want to answer. How did ancient civilizations survive with so many fewer resources than we have available today? You’ve come to the right place to find the answer! Introducing Secrets of Mesoamerica, a must-read for anyone who wants to know everything there is to learn about the rich history of this significant era of our history. With all of the commodities and knowledge available today, it is almost impossible to fathom how civilizations survived before us. But not only did the Mesoamericans survive, they also thrived. This book will show you how and teach you everything you could want to know about this fascinating time. Inside Secrets of Mesoamerica, discover - the Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations. - the inventions and progress made during these civilizations. - how Mesoamerican society and politics operated. - the medical advancements made in this era. - the most famous mysteries from this era. Immerse yourself in this incredible cultural period, which helped shape our modern society. Grab a copy of Secrets of Mesoamerica today!
Alda Dagny (Author), Heather Livesey (Narrator)
The Old Norse Spell Book: Your Guide to the Elder Futhark, Norse Folklore, Runes, Paganism, Divinati
Want to travel back in time to the spellbinding Old Norse world—and find out how you can apply its ancient wisdom and magic to modern situations and problems? Then read on: This is the book for you! Runes—the cryptic letters of an Old Norse alphabet—are more than just a collection of dusty symbols from a bygone era. They’re powerful forces that have long been associated with magic and divination. Since ancient times, people have used them for guidance, and they’re still being used today. In fact, more and more people are discovering the mysterious power of runes and are incorporating them into their daily spiritual practices. Now YOU can too! In the pages of this book, you’ll learn about runes, the folklore surrounding them, and how you can unleash their power in your own life. With a little bit of know-how, you’ll soon be using runes to guide you through life’s difficulties and questions and point you toward the answers you’re seeking. Inside The Old Norse Spell Book, you’ll discover: - The history and significance of Old Norse runes - The oldest runic alphabet, the Elder Futhark - The folklore and ancient stories surrounding runes - How runes are used for divination and magic - How runic magic is practiced in the modern world And much, much more! Remember, runes don’t provide you with definitive answers or tell you exactly what’s going to happen. Instead, they provide valuable insight into your unique situation and the potential outcomes that may occur. If you don’t like the possible outcome a rune is hinting at, you can change direction and alter it: You’re in control. So, buy this book today and start sprinkling a little runic magic in your life! You’ll be glad you did.
Alda Dagny (Author), Susan Marlowe (Narrator)
The Old Norse Spell Book: A Deeper Dive Into Runes, Spells, and Magic
If you’re intrigued by centuries-old mythology and want to tap into your own powerful magic, then The Old Norse Spell Book is for you. You can ignite the magic inside of you and discover the mystique of Old Norse magic to connect deeper with yourself, the Earth, and the divine powers of other realms using the sacred teachings inside The Old Norse Spell Book. Inside The Old Norse Spell Book, you will discover: ● How to use runes, spells, divine rituals, and practices to tune into yourself and light the magic within you to discover the powers of energy and how to use it ● Old Norse mythology and how it spiritually connects to the practice of magic, or Seidr ● The ancient history of the folklore and its creation of a centuries-old tradition that is practiced by thousands today ● How to use Old Norse mystical teachings to develop your psychic abilities and practice your own magic …plus the tips and tricks to discover how to use your divine magic to connect with your mind, body, and the world around you. Norse magic evolves from its ancient applications into modern day rituals that uphold the beauty of the tradition. The power of Norse magic exists within the people who practice it. You can find this power when you understand the divine energy that is already inside you. Unearth your spiritual essence and know your power with the guidance in The Old Norse Spell Book!
Alda Dagny (Author), Heather Livesey (Narrator)
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