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Ancient Greek Tragedies. Classic collection: Euripides. Medea; Sophocles. Antigone; Aeschylus. The O
This collection presents the works of the three fathers of ancient Greek tragedies: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The reader of this collection will be able to comprehend how the plots and conflicts populating classical tragedy developed. The principle theme of Aeschylus' tragedies is the idea of fate being omnipotent and the futility in struggling against it. The tragedies of Sophocles reflect the era of the Greeks' victorious war against the Persians, which opened up commercial prosperity through trade. Euripides propels his dramas by incorporating conflicts from within the human psyche. Contents: Euripides: Medea Sophocles: Antigone Aeschylus: The Oresteia Agamemnon Eumenides The Choephori
Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles (Author), Mark Bowen (Narrator)
'Agamemnon' is the first of the three linked tragedies which make up 'The Oresteia' trilogy by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus. Trilogy as a whole, originally performed at the annual Dionysia festival in Athens in 458 BCE, where it won first prize, is considered to be Aeschylus' last authenticated, and also his greatest, work. 'Agamemnon' describes the homecoming of Agamemnon, king of Argos, from the Trojan War, and his return to his wife, Clytemnestra, who had been planning his murder (in concert with her lover, Aegisthus) as revenge for Agamemnon's earlier sacrifice of their daughter, Iphigenia.
Aeschylus (Author), Aeschylus, Mark Bowen (Narrator)
Produced in 458 BC, Aeschylus' Choephori is the second play in the Oresteian trilogy. The bloodshed begun in the first play with the murder of Agamemnon by his wife Clytemnestra is here continued when Agamemnon's son Orestes avenges his father's death by killing Clytemnestra. It is not until the third and final play, Eumenides, that peace is restored to the family of the Atreidae. The introduction discusses the pre-Aeschylean 'Orestes' tradition in literature and art, as well as the place of Choephori within the Oresteia, its imagery and dramatic structure, the questions of staging the play, and the manuscript tradition.
Aeschylus (Author), Mark Bowen (Narrator)
The final play of the Oresteia, called The Eumenides (Εὐμενίδες, Eumenídes), illustrates how the sequence of events in the trilogy ends up in the development of social order or a proper judicial system in Athenian society. In this play, Orestes is hunted down and tormented by the Furies, a trio of goddesses known to be the instruments of justice, who are also referred to as the 'Gracious Ones' (Eumenides). They relentlessly pursue Orestes for the killing of his mother. However, through the intervention of Apollo, Orestes is able to escape them for a brief moment while they are asleep and head to Athens under the protection of Hermes. Seeing the Furies asleep, Clytemnestra's ghost comes to wake them up to obtain justice on her son Orestes for killing her.
Aeschylus (Author), Mark Bowen (Narrator)
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus is an Ancient Greek tragedy traditionally attributed to Aeschylus and thought to have been composed sometime between 479 BC and the terminus ante quem of 424 BC. The tragedy is based on the myth of Prometheus, a Titan who defies Zeus, and protects and gives fire to mankind, for which he is subjected to the wrath of Zeus and punished. C. J. Herington claims that Aeschylus certainly did not mean for Prometheus Bound to be a 'self-contained dramatic unity', and suggests that 'most modern students of the subject would probably agree' that Prometheus Bound was followed by a work with the title Prometheus Lyomenos (Prometheus Unbound). Herington adds that 'some very slight evidence' indicates that Prometheus Unbound 'may have been followed by a third play', Prometheus Pyrphoros (Prometheus the Fire-Bearer); the latter two survive only in fragments. Some scholars have proposed that these fragments all originated from Prometheus Unbound, and that there were only two Promethean plays rather than three. Since the final two dramas of the trilogy have been lost, the author's intention for the work as a whole is not known. The ascription to Aeschylus had never been challenged since antiquity down to relatively recent times.[a] By the 1970s, both R. P. Winnington-Ingram and Denys Page had become sceptical of its authenticity, but the majority of scholars still affirmed the traditional attribution of authorship.[b] Independently in 1977 both Oliver Taplin and Mark Griffith made forceful cases, on linguistic, technical and stagecraft grounds, for questioning its authenticity, a view supported by M. L. West. To date, no consensus on the matter has been established, though recent computerized stylometric analysis has thrown the burden of proof on those who uphold the traditional claim.
Aeschylus (Author), Expatriate Sames (Narrator)
´100 Quotes by Aeschylus´ unveils the musings of the originator of tragedy. With topics such as religion, life, love, and death taken to task, Aeschylus offers the 21st-century reader an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Ancient Greeks. However, what is surprising is just how resonant many of those ideas are today. An outstanding book for those seeking bite-sized nuggets of timeless wisdom. - Thought to have been born in Eleusis, Aeschylus (524BC – 456BC) is the subject of both myth and legend. According to the story, at the age of 26, he was working in a vineyard. During that time, he was visited by the Greek god Dionysus, who pointed him towards the theatrical art of tragedy. In addition to working as a playwright, he served in the Greek army, particularly in the wars against Persia, which heavily influenced his earliest works. When inducted into a secret cult surrounding the goddess, Demeter, Aeschylus revealed many of the sect’s mysteries in his scripts. As a result, he was accused of religious mockery, although acquitted at his trial. While he has set the template for tragedians to follow, many of his works have been adapted for film and TV. Perhaps the most notable is ‘Oresteia,’ starring Diana Rigg and Anton Lesser.
Aeschylus (Author), Brad Carty (Narrator)
Prometheus Bound (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, Promētheús Desmṓtēs) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but now is considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. 430 BC.Despite these doubts about its authorship, the play's designation as Aeschylean has remained conventional. The tragedy is based on the myth of Prometheus, a Titan who defies the gods and gives fire to mankind, acts for which he is subjected to perpetual punishment. Prometheus Bound was the first work in a trilogy that also included the plays Prometheus Lyomenos (Prometheus Unbound) and Prometheus Pyrphoros (Prometheus the Fire-Bearer), neither of which has survived. Since the final two dramas of the trilogy have been lost, it is difficult to determine the author's original intention for the work as a whole. This problem is intensified since the date of the trilogy is unknown. A reference (lines 363-372) to the eruption of Mount Aetna in 479 suggests that Prometheus Bound may date from later than this event. Aside from that, however, scholars cannot agree whether the play was written early or late in Aeschylus’ career or even whether it is a genuine work of Aeschylus.
Aeschylus (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers and The Furies
The classic trilogy about murder, revenge and justice, as heard on BBC Radio 3 – plus a bonus documentary exploring Aeschylus's seminal Greek tragedy A chilling tale of homecoming, violent death and bloody vengeance, The Oresteia dates back to the 5th Century BC, but its themes still resonate today. At once a family saga, morality tale and courtroom drama, it recounts how two generations of the cursed House of Atreus become locked into a deadly cycle of atrocities. To break the chain, their private vendetta must become public, as questions of guilt and justification are decided in the first ever homicide trial… Agamemnon The Trojan War is over, and conquering hero Agamemnon arrives home to Argos. But victory came at an appalling price – the sacrifice of his eldest daughter, Iphigenia. Now, his wife Clytemnestra is determined to take a grisly revenge … The Libation Bearers Returning from exile, Agamemnon's son Orestes vows to avenge his father’s death by murdering his killer, his own mother Clytemnestra. But where can he find the strength to carry out such a horrific deed? The Furies Having committed matricide, Orestes flees to Delphi. But the remorseless Furies, ancient deities of vengeance, are on his trail and baying for blood. Can the young gods Apollo and Athena save him from a terrible fate? Adapted by three of Britain’s most imaginative writers, Simon Scardifield, Ed Hime and Rebecca Lenkiewicz, these contemporary versions of Aeschylus’s trilogy are atmospheric, fast-moving and superbly accessible. The star casts include Lesley Sharp as Clytemnestra, Hugo Speer as Agamemnon and Will Howard as Orestes. Each of the plays is introduced by Edith Hall, Professor of Classics at Kings College London. Also featured is an episode of In Our Time, in which Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss how The Oresteia has fired the modern imagination, inspiring artists ranging from Richard Wagner to T. S. Eliot. Written by Aeschylus Agamemnon The Chorus – Arthur Hughes, Philip Jackson and Carolyn Pickles Clytemnestra – Lesley Sharp Agamemnon – Hugo Speer Cassandra – Anamaria Marinca Calchas – Karl Johnson Aegisthus – Sean Murray Iphigenia – Georgie Fuller Herald – John Norton Guards – Steve Toussaint and Harry Jardine Adapted by Simon Scardifield Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko BBC Concert Orchestra Percussionists: Alasdair Malloy, Stephen Webberley and Stephen Whibley Singer: Adriana Festeu Sound design by Colin Guthrie First broadcast BBC Radio 3, 12 January 2014 The Libation Bearers Orestes – Will Howard Electra – Joanne Froggatt Clytemnestra – Lesley Sharp The Chorus – Sheila Reid, Amanda Lawrence and Carys Eleri Aegisthus – Sean Murray Cilissa – Carolyn Pickles Pylades – Joel MacCormack Servants – David Seddon and John Norton Iphigenia – Georgie Fuller Adapted by Ed Hime Directed by Marc Beeby BBC Concert Orchestra Percussionists: Alasdair Malloy, Stephen Webberley and Stephen Whibley Singer: Adriana Festeu Sound design by Cal Knightley and Colin Guthrie First broadcast BBC Radio 3, 19 January 2014 The Furies Narrator – Niamh Cusack Alecto – Polly Hemingway Megaera – Maureen Beattie Tisiphone – Carolyn Pickles Orestes – Will Howard Athena – Chipo Chung Apollo – Joel MacCormack Clytemnestra – Lesley Sharp The Pythia – Priyanga Burford Girl – Carys Eleri Judge – Sean Murray Adapted by Rebecca Lenkiewicz Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko BBC Concert Orchestra Percussionists: Alasdair Malloy, Stephen Webberley and Stephen Whibley Sound design by Colin Guthrie First broadcast BBC Radio 3, 26 January 2014 In Our Time Presented by Melyvn Bragg With Edith Hall, then Professor of Greek Cultural History at Durham University; Simon Goldhill, Professor of Greek at the University of Cambridge; Tom Healy, Professor of Renaissance Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London Produced by Charlie Taylor First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 29 December 2005
Aeschylus (Author), Hugo Speer, Joanne Froggatt, Lesley Sharp, Niamh Cusack, Will Howard (Narrator)
100 citas de Esquilo: Colección 100 citas de
Esquilo es la más antigua de las tres grandes tragedias griegas. Trece veces ganador del trágico concurso, es autor de unas 110 obras de teatro, de las cuales sólo siete nos han sido transmitidas. El teatro de Esquilo se caracteriza esencialmente por su fuerza dramática, la tensión y la angustia que habita en sus obras, cuya coherencia se entiende sobre todo por la progresión que las unió dentro de trilogías 'enlazadas', de las que sólo queda el Orestie hoy en día. Estas 100 citas pretenden dar acceso a su obra monumental a través de una selección de sus pensamientos más impactantes, en un formato accesible para todos. Una cita es más que un extracto de una declaración, puede ser un golpe de la mente, un resumen de un pensamiento complejo, una máxima, una apertura a una reflexión más profunda.
Aeschylus (Author), Benjamin Asnar (Narrator)
100 citações de Ésquilo: Recolha as 100 citações de
Ésquilo é a mais antiga das três grandes tragédias gregas. Treze vezes vencedor do trágico concurso, é o autor de cerca de 110 peças, das quais apenas sete nos foram transmitidas. O teatro de Ésquilo é essencialmente conhecido pela sua força dramática, pela tensão e angústia que habita as suas peças, cuja coerência é compreendida sobretudo pela progressão que as ligava no seio das trilogias 'ligadas', das quais apenas o Orestie permanece hoje. Estas 100 citações visam dar acesso à sua obra monumental através de uma selecção dos seus pensamentos mais marcantes, num formato acessível a todos. Uma citação é mais do que um excerto de uma declaração, pode ser um traço da mente, um resumo de um pensamento complexo, uma máxima, uma abertura para uma reflexão mais profunda.
Aeschylus (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
[Italian] - 100 citazioni di Aeschylus: Le 100 citazioni di...
Eschilo è la più antica delle tre grandi tragedie greche. Tredici volte vincitore del tragico concorso, è autore di circa 110 opere teatrali, di cui solo sette ci sono state trasmesse. Il teatro di Eschilo si distingue essenzialmente per la sua forza drammatica, la tensione e l'angoscia che abita le sue opere, la cui coerenza è compresa soprattutto dalla progressione che le legava all'interno di trilogie 'legate', di cui oggi rimane solo l'Orestie. Queste 100 citazioni mirano a dare accesso alla sua opera monumentale attraverso una selezione dei suoi pensieri più suggestivi, in un formato accessibile a tutti. Una citazione è più di un estratto di un'affermazione, può essere un colpo di mente, una sintesi di un pensiero complesso, una massima, un'apertura a una riflessione più profonda.
Aeschylus (Author), Francesca Sarah Toich (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 100 citaten van Aeschylus: Collectie 100 Citaten van
Aeschylus is de oudste van de drie grote Griekse tragedies. Dertien keer winnaar van de tragische wedstrijd, hij is de auteur van ongeveer 110 toneelstukken, waarvan er slechts zeven aan ons zijn doorgegeven. Het theater van Aeschylus staat in wezen bekend om zijn dramatische kracht, de spanning en de angst die zijn toneelstukken kenmerken, waarvan de samenhang vooral wordt begrepen door de progressie die ze met elkaar verbond binnen de 'verbonden' trilogieën, waarvan vandaag de dag alleen de Orestie nog over is. Deze 100 citaten zijn bedoeld om toegang te geven tot zijn monumentale werk door middel van een selectie van zijn meest opvallende gedachten, in een voor iedereen toegankelijk formaat. Een citaat is meer dan een uittreksel van een uitspraak, het kan een slag van de geest zijn, een samenvatting van een complexe gedachte, een stelregel, een opening naar een diepere reflectie.
Aeschylus (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
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