The Destroyer of Worlds isn't always the Bad Guy
I was the guy you came to when your spouse got bitten by a werewolf, or your boyfriend was kidnapped by a demon. I was the guy who knew what to do when an evil sorcerer casts a curse on you.
At least, I WAS that guy.
Until I destroyed the world.
Now . . . I'm the guy who's gonna save it.
Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cause an apocalypse, and the Hounds drag you to Purgatory.
After the events of Final Magic, Alec finds himself in a place where life is cheap and death is a constant companion.
Time to win new friends and avoid new enemies.
If you can keep your cool when everyone else is losing theirs . . . maybe you don't realize how bad the situation really is.
Rekhmire the Destroyer wants to annihilate the world (that's usually what destroyers do) and he isn't going to stop until he's achieved his stretch goal of turning everyone into a soldier for his undead army. Not on my watch. It's time to send this walking piece of leather back to the tomb he crawled out of. But how am I supposed to do that when he's immune to all magic and weapons? A Harbinger's gotta do what a Harbinger's gotta do.
The night is dark . . . and full of preternatural killers
If Jason, Michael, and Freddy were merged into one being and given supernatural powers, the result would be something like Mister Scary. He's been carrying out his murders from the Shadow Land for way too long now. It's time to put him down.
Be careful what you wish for . . . it might be inhabited by a demon
When a case takes me to the wilderness of Northern Maine, I'm not even sure there's a paranormal angle. Two girls walked into the woods one night and only one of them came back. She's so traumatized by what she saw that she hasn't spoken a word since.
The police come up empty-handed so the girl's father hires me to find out what happened. Getting out of Dearmont for a while seems like a good idea-especially when there's an ancient wizard trying to force me into using a cursed sword-so I pack the mosquito repellent and head north.
But when my client ends up dead, surrounded by occult symbols, I realize this is no vacation. Evil forces are at work here and someone is going to have to deal with them.
Guess that someone will have to be me.
How do you mend a broken heart? . . . Put it back into the sorceress it came out of.
There's only one way to lift Mallory's death curse and Alec will do anything to save his friend.
If you love someone, set them free . . . If they come back, they could be a zombie
Someone is trying to kill Charles Hawthorne, one of the richest men in Maine. And they're using magic to do it.
He suspects the members of his own family and hires me to check them out. I soon discover that Charles Hawthorne has a dark secret lurking in his past; a secret that may have come back to haunt him.
With an ancient wizard bugging me to chase down the Midnight Cabal and two Shadow Watch agents who want to question me about my father, things are going to get crazy.
Oh, and Mallory's back, along with some supernatural baggage.
Time to sharpen the swords and get to work!