“The vast majority of the workforce in any organization possesses far more talent, intelligence, capability, and creativity than their present jobs require or even allow.”
Unleash the potential in others by simply changing the way you communicate.
The 3 Leadership Conversations will enable you to transform fear to trust, confusion to clarity, and micromanagement to empowerment.
The Voice Conversation engages people in discovering their unique talents, passions, and values, and aligns their potential with the needs of the team.
The Performance Conversation creates high-performance clarity and unity in accomplishing vital goals.
The Clear-the-Path Conversation keeps responsibility where it belongs—with the people doing the work—and positions you as helper a and coach.
The included Conversation Guides provide practical tools to help you immediately apply the principles and gain the benefits for yourself, your team, and your organization.
You will discover that in unleashing the talents and potential of others, you will also unleash your own.
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Seit 20 Jahren mehr Zeit fürs Lebensglück
'Der Weg zum Wesentlichen' ist das Standardwerk für das persönliche Zeit- und Lebensmanagement. Für Stephen R. Covey war es stets das Wichtigste, zu leben, zu lieben, zu lernen und ein Lebenswerk zu erschaffen. Millionen Leser weltweit teilen seine Meinung. Wer sich auf den Weg zum Wesentlichen begibt, wird durch die Übungen im Buch zu einem erfüllten, sinnvollen und glücklichen Leben kommen. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Audiosequenzen leiten die Leser auf ihrem persönlichen Weg zu mehr Lebensglück.
Mit Arbeitsblättern und Audio-Sequenzen zum Downloaden
"Profound knowledge is literally what this book is. In fact, what I would say is 'profound wisdom,' because it interweaves timeless, universal, self-evident principles into all of the knowledge that is given...I hope you share my passion for this remarkable book."
--From the Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People