A gripping thriller set in a not too distant future tells of Adam’s secret and his dreaded power – he can tell the date of people’s death. As the waters rise and conditions in the countryside worsen, Adam and his Nan are forced to return to London. Here Adam makes the grim discovery that everyone has the same death date. What is going to happen? And what can Adam do about it?
Like his mother, Jem, when he looks in people's eyes, Adam can see the dates of their deaths. It's hard enough living with this terrible gift, but life is about to get tougher. Adam sees that everyone around him has the same date - January 2027. Something huge is going to happen. Something bad. But what is it? And what can he do about it?
Trained as a geographer, Rachel Ward has spent many years working in local government. She started writing five years ago, winning a local writers prize at the Frome Festival in 2006 with a short story that turned into the first chapter of Numbers. Rachel is married with two children and lives in Bath.
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