LoveReading Celebrates Our Writers and Illustrators

There are several ways we support our precious authors and illustrators here at LoveReading, LoveReading4Kids and LoveReading4Schools.

1. Are you featured in our Author / Illustrator Directories?


LoveReading Author Directory

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LoveReading4Kids Author Directory

View Directory


LoveReading4Kids Illustrator Directory

View Directory

2. Add or Edit your Author / Illustrator Page

Would you like to create an author or illustrator profile if one does not feature on the site? Alternatively you can suggest any changes and add any missing information, including a headshot, by clicking the button below

Add/Edit Author or Illustrator Page

3. Would you like to sell books on your website and make a difference to schools across the UK?


LoveReading Affiliate Programme

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LoveReading4Kids Affiliate Programme

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4. Would you like to write a Guest Post?

Got a burning topic close to your heart? Have your say and create some evergreen content on LoveReading, LoveReading4Kids or the LoveReading4Schools Portal.

Book it in and pitch your Guest Post to us now.

5. Are we on your list for proofs / early copies?

Make sure we get early copies of your books at LoveReading HQ, 157 Shooters Hill, London SE18 3HP. We can’t read, review and shout about them if we are not seeing them.

6. 14,000 schools across the UK are members of our Portal, are you interested in school visits should the opportunities arise? 

If yes, fill out this form below to be added to our list.

7. Would you like to amplify your new book?

Place an advertisement with us… book it here now

Run a competition with us… book it here now

Book in some social media coverage… book it here now

If you’d like to do more than this, ask your publisher to get in touch, we have a variety of opportunities.

If you are an independent author or self-published author, check out our Indie Author Platform.